Volume 34, Issue 3 (Journal of Advanced Materials-fall 2015)                   2015, 34(3): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Seifollahzadeh P, Kalantar M, Mashreghi A, Ghasemi S. Fabrication of Mullite-Alumina-SiC Composites by In-Situ Reaction during Carbothermal Reduction of Inorganic Materials. Journal of Advanced Materials in Engineering (Esteghlal) 2015; 34 (3) :1-11
URL: http://jame.iut.ac.ir/article-1-713-en.html
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Materials Engineering, , Pseifollahzadeh.mat@stu.yazd.ac.ir
Abstract:   (12338 Views)

Mullite and alumina are common in high-temperature applications because of their low thermal expansion coefficient and good thermal shock resistance. Evolution of SiC in the matrix and using it as reinforcing phase can improve thermo-mechanical properties of these materials. Also, in-situ formation of the reinforcing phases by using inorganic materials is an economical process. In this work, crystallization of SiC as reinforcing phase in the matrix of mullite-alumina by carbothermal reaction processes of inorganic materials (andalusite and kaolinite) was studied. According to the ratio of C/SiO2 and process conditions, some properties of the composite such as phase transformation, microstructure and physical and mechanical properties were investigated. The results showed that optimal ratio of C/SiO2 and firing temperature of densification to form SiC crystals were 3.5 and 1600°C for andalusite and 5.5 and 1500°C for kaolinite.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2015/12/16 | Accepted: 2015/12/16 | Published: 2015/12/16

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