Volume 36, Issue 4 (Journal of Advanced Materials-Winter 2018)                   2018, 36(4): 59-67 | Back to browse issues page

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1. Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran , s.yousefi@semnan.ac.ir
Abstract:   (9538 Views)
In this paper, high purity magnesium hydroxide nanoplates were successfully synthesized by using brine rich in magnesium ions as precursor and NaOH as precipitating agent without using dispersant agent in the room temoerature. The study and characterization of various properties of obtained nanopowder was carried out by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (EDX), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR) and Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis). The FESEM and XRD analysis results showed that magnesium hydroxide powder had nanoplates with the average crystallite size 17.1nm and no impurity; that was in agreement with the result of EDX and FTIR perfectly. Furthermore, optical characteristics of magnesium hydroxide nanoplates by UV-Vis spectroscopy showed an optical band gap of 5.5 eV. This wide band gap can be a useful innovation in optoelectronic sub-micron devices.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Nanomaterials
Received: 2016/09/7 | Accepted: 2017/08/20 | Published: 2018/03/7