Volume 37, Issue 2 (Journal of Advanced Materials-Summer 2018)                   2018, 37(2): 49-58 | Back to browse issues page

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Alizadeh M, Cheshmpish A. The Effect of Al2O3 Particles Concentration on the Properties of Ni-Mo-Al2O3 Composite Coatings Fabricated by Electrodeposition. Journal of Advanced Materials in Engineering (Esteghlal) 2018; 37 (2) :49-58
URL: http://jame.iut.ac.ir/article-1-908-en.html
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Shiraz University of Technology, Modarres Blvd, Shiraz, Iran. , alizadeh@sutech.ac.ir
Abstract:   (8423 Views)
In this research, Ni-Mo-Al2O3 composite coatings were electro-deposited on the mild carbon steel in a citrate bath containing micro- sized Al2O3 particles. Afterward, the effect of the particle concentration in the electrolyte bath (ranging from 0 g/L to 30 g/L) on the microstructure, microhardness, and corrosion performance was evaluated. To investigate the microstructural changes and the surface morphology of the coatings, as well as the particle distribution in the deposits, optical and scanning electron microscopy coupled with the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was utilized. The corrosion behavior of the prepared coatings was investigated in a 3.5 wt. % NaCl solution. The results showed that the presence of the Al2O3 particles in the Ni-Mo coatings changed the  microstructure and also, increased the  microhardness and corrosion resistance of them. It was also found that the desirable structure of the protruding crystallite morphology with no detectable pores could  be achieved at the medium concentrations of reinforcement (e.g. 20 g/L). Further the optimum concentration of the particles in the electrolyte bath to attain the composite coating with the desirable microstructure and consequently, the desirable corrosion resistance was found to be 20 g/L.
Full-Text [PDF 502 kb]   (1084 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Surface engineering and coatings
Received: 2017/05/12 | Accepted: 2018/04/22 | Published: 2018/09/15

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