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Showing 14 results for Shamanian

M. Shamanian, M. Salehi and F. Ashrafizadeh,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (1-1998)

The use of Fe-Al intermetallic compound coatings has been investigated in order to improve the tribological behaviour of carbon tool steel. The coatings were formed by a pack cementation process and subsequently diffusion annealing at 900˚C in an argon controlled atmosphere. The optimum diffusion time was selected on the basis of optimum thickness and tribological behaviour. The microstructure and the phases developed on the surface were identified by metallography, microhardness, X-ray diffraction (XRD), microanalysis (EDX) and glow discharge optical spectroscopy (GDOS) techniques. Experimental results indicate that a three layer coating is formed on the surface of the aluminized specimens, the outermost layer being identified as Fe2Al5 and the underlying layers as FeAl and Fe3Al. A two layer coating was formed on the surface of the aluminized and subsequently diffusion annealed specimen at the optimum time. The FeAl and Fe3Al have been formed on and below the surface, respectively. The results from wear testing indicate that these coatings improve the wear and frictional behaviour of carbon steel significantly. The predominant wear mechanisms of diffusion annealed specimens were identified as delamination and oxidative wear.
M. Shamanian, A. Saatchi, M. Salehi and T. H North,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (1-2003)

The metallurgical and mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V/(WC-Co) friction welds have ben investigated. The microstructure close to the bondline comprised a mixture of acicular and equiaxed α plus β phases. The diffusion of elements in the welded specimens has been detected. The fracture strengths of Ti6Al4V/(WC-Co) friction welds markedly improved when the cobalt content in the (WC-Co) carbide substrate increased. During the three-point bend testing of Ti6Al4V/WC-6wt.%Co welds, the crack initiated at the bondline region at the periphery of the weld and then propagated into the brittle (WC-6wt.%Co) substrate, while with the Ti6Al4V/WC-11 wt.%Co and Ti6Al4V/WC-24wt.%Co welds, the crack initiated and propagated at the bondline region. Keywords: Friction welding, Ti6Al4V alloy, Cemented tungsten carbide, Microstructure, Fracture strength
M. Shamanian and A. Saidi,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (7-2005)

The 25Cr-35Ni heat resistant steel has been widely used when resistance to oxidation and creep rapture at elevated temperatures is required. In this paper, the microstructural effect on the weldability of this alloy is investigated. The results of this study indicate that this steel has a perfect weldability in the as cast condition but does not possess good weldability in the aged condition. The as cast microstructure of 25Cr-35Ni steel consists of austenite matrix and a network of primary carbides, while the aged condition consists of austenite matrix and y primary and secondary carbides. The morphological change of primary carbides and the secondary carbides precipitate formation, reducing the elongation and ductility of aged steel, should have enhanced the steel susceptibility to cracking, particularly in the area of the eutectic carbides, and hence, the reduced weldability of the steel. The cracking observed was of the intergranular type and spread along the eutectic carbides. It was found that the carbides in the as cast steel consisted of NbC and M23C6, whereas that of the aged steel also exhibited Ni16Nb6Si7 and M23C6 carbides
R. Taherian, A. Najafi Zadeh, M. Shamanian, R. Shateri,
Volume 25, Issue 1 (7-2006)

In this study, two CCCT diagrams are drawn to be compared with a CCT diagram. The CCCT diagrams represent continuous cooling transformations in stress assisted state. The increased Md and Bd temperatures of CCCT diagrams were also compared with those of the CCT diagrams and the cause was investigated from both thermodynamic and metallurgical viewpoints. Thermodynamic examinations revealed that stress causes the mechanical driving force to increase but the total free energy of transformation to decrease hence, Md and Bd will rise. Metallurgical investigations showed that if deformation temperatures are selected in a manner to increase the structural strength of the original austenite grains prior to deformation, the shear force required for martensite and bainite transformations will arduously obtain hence, Md and Bd will fall. However, if recrystallization or full recovery occurs during or after deformation, interior grain structure softens and the shear force required for martensite and bainite transformations will readily obtain hence, Md and Bd will rise. It was also found that the nose in CCCT curves are shifted to the left as compared to that of CCT curves. This indicates that deformation of steel enhances bainite formation more readily than that of the martensite phase.
K. Sheybani, M.h. Abbasi, M. Shamanian ,
Volume 33, Issue 2 (Journal of Advanced Materials-fall 2015)

in this research, the kinetics of carbothermic reduction of molybdenite in the presence of sodium carbonate was studied. For this purpose, mixed powder of molybdenite, graphite, and sodium carbonate with 1:4:2 mole ratio was investigated using simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) at the heating rates of 10, 15 and 20 0C /min. The results of thermal analysis were evaluated through Friedman, Kissinger, Ozawa and Coats-Redfern methods. The activation energy of reduction reaction was determined 220 kj/mole, and it was found that the reaction was chemically controlled. To study the reaction mechanism, the mixed powder was heated to 400, 800 and 1100 0C in argon atmosphere at the heating rate of 10 0C/min. X- Ray diffraction of the reaction products and thermodynamic analysis at these temperatures indicated that carbothermic reduction of molybdenite in the presence of sodium carbonate would advance through the formation of intermediate phases, Na2MoO4 and MoO2
A.h. Khosrovaninezhad, M. Shamanian, A. Rezaeian , M. Atapour,
Volume 34, Issue 2 (Journal of Advanced Materials- Summer 2015)

This paper reports on the mechanical properties of the dissimilar joints between AISI 316 austenitic stainless steel and St 37 low carbon steel achieved using friction stir welding technique. The welding was carried out by means of rotational speed of 800 rpm and linear speeds of 50,100,150 mm/min. EDS and XRD techniques were employed in order to determine possible phase transformations. Tensile test, shear punch test and microhardness measurements were conducted to evaluate the mechanical properties of the joints. The results of phase investigations showed that no carbide and brittle phase were detected at the joint boundary. Also, tensile test results demonstrated that failure occurred in the St 37 base metal. According to the shear punch test, the highest ultimate shear strength and yield shear strength was achieved for the sample welded at rotational speed of 800 rpm and linear speed of 150 mm/min, while this sample showed the least elongation. In addition, the highest microhardness was measured in the stir zone of austenitic stainless steel sample welded in the above mentioned welding condition, which can be attributed to the decrease in grain size caused by recrystallization process.
F. Bodaghi, M. Atapour, M. Shamanian,
Volume 34, Issue 3 (Journal of Advanced Materials-fall 2015)

Aluminium 5xxx alloys excellent properties make them suitable for many industrial applications. The corrosion behavior of this alloy family in industrial environments such as sea water is the main focus of many researches. Due to need for joining large segments of this alloys, the effect of single as well as multipass (double and triple pass) gas metal arc welding (GMAW) on microstructure and corrosion behavior of Al5083-H321 alloy was studied. For this purpose, ER5183 filler metal was used. Microstructures were evaluated using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Corrosion measurements were performed using open circuit potential test, immersion test in 3.5%NaCl solution and polarization tests. Results indicated that the corrosion resistance of the two passes weldment was improved in comparison with the base metal and its icorr and Ecorr were equal to 0.087´10-6 (µA/cm2) and -0.4395 (V), respectively.

V. Rajaei, K. Raeissi, M. Shamanian, H. Rashtchi,
Volume 35, Issue 1 (Journal of Advanced Materials-Spring 2016)

In this study, Ni-Mo nanocrystalline alloys were prepared on steel substrates by electrodeposition method from citrate-ammonia bath by applying current densities 30, 60 and 100 mA/cm2. Results indicated that the obtained coatings were uniform and compact. Moreover, molybdenum content in the alloy and current efficiency decreased with increasing electrodeposition current density. X-ray diffraction analyses indicated that all coatings were composed of face-centered cubic solid solution of molybdenum in nickel with grain size of 9-5 nanometer. Moreover, the most intensive plane in X-ray diffragtogram was (111). On the othe hand, roughness measurements indicated that surface roughness escalated with increasing current density. Corrosion behavior study showed decrease in corrosion current density of substrate with applying Ni-Mo alloy coatings. In addition, corrosion current density reduced with increasing molybdenum content of the coating and the minimum amount was related to the coating with 13 atomic percent molybdenum.

Seyed M. Ahl Sarmadi, M. Shamanian, H. Edris, M. Atapoor, A. Behjat, M. Mohtadi Bonab, J. Szpunar,
Volume 36, Issue 1 (Journal of Advanced Materials-Spring 2017)

Super duplex stainless steel is a kind of duplex stainless steel that has pitting resistant equivalent number over than 40. Unified Numbering System (UNS) S32750 is a common super duplex stainless stee, that is mostly applied in oil and gas refinery industries, because of its proper corrosion-resistant properties . Therefore, joining of these steels by welding is very important, but the greatest problem in this regard is the corrosion and decrease in mechanical properties after welding.. In this research, UNS S32750has been joined by friction stir welding method. The tool being used in this research was a WC with 16mm shoulder diameter, 5 mm pin diameter, and 1.9 mm height. X-ray diffraction showed that harmful phases, such as sigma or chi have not been formed. Microstructure study indicated that grain size in the stir zone has decreased. Vickers Hardness Test Method has been applied on welded samples. Moderate microhardness of base metal was 285 Vickers but, the microhardness increased in the stir zone to 360 Vickers, because of decreasing the grain size. The cyclic polarization determined that potential and corrosion current of joint metal by friction stir welding method was similar to base metal. Also, it was revealed that ferrite percentage in the stir zone doesn't decrease very much because the friction stir welding heat input is very low and the colding rate is very high.

M. Soltani, B. Niroumand, M. Shamanian,
Volume 36, Issue 2 (Journal of Advanced Materials-Summer 2017)

In this paper, the optimization of the surface composite of Mg AZ31B-carbon nanotub(CNT) via friction stir processing was investigated. Then, the most effective process parameters such as transverse speed, rotational speed, CNT weight percent and welding passes were studied by Response Surface Methodology (RSM) design of experiment. The specimens were also characterized by micro-hardness, tensile, shear punch and pin on disk dry sliding wear tests. The optimization results of hardness and weight reduction responses showed that the best conditions would be achievable with a transverse speed of 24 mm/min, rotational speed of 660 rpm, 4wt.% CNT and 3 welding passes. Moreover, fracture analysis of the surfaces proved a uniform distribution of CNTs in the matrix resulted in higher tensile and shear strength.

M. Kouhi, M. Shamanian, M. Fathi, Molamma Prabhakaran, Seeram Ramakrishna,
Volume 36, Issue 3 (Journal of Advanced Materials-Fall 2017)

In this work, poly (hydroxybutyrate co hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) composite nanofibrous scaffold containing hydroxyapatite/bredigite (HABR) nanoparticles was fabricated through electrospining method. The morphology of prepared  nanofibers and the state of the nanoparticles dispersion in nanofiber matrix were investigated using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, respectively. Evaluation of the mechanical properties of the nanofibrous scaffolds revealed that there is a limit to the nanoparticle concentration at which nanoparticles can improve the mechanical properties of the nanofibrous scaffolds. According to the results, PHBV/HABR nanofibers showed higher wettability compared to PHBV nanofibers. In vitro cell culture assay was done using human fetal osteoblast cells on nanofibrous scaffold. MTS assay revealed that cell proliferation on the composite nanofibrous scaffold was significantly higher than those on the pure scaffold after 10 and 15 days. Scanning electron microscopy- Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and CMFDA colorimeter assay analysis showed that the cells on the PHBV/HABR scaffolds acquired higher mineral deposition than the cells on the pure PHBV and control sample scaffold. Based on the results we concluded that PHBV/HABR nanofibers scaffold with higher wettability, improved mechanical properties and cell behavior hold great potential in bone regeneration applications.

H. Rashtchi, M. Shamanian, K. Raeissi,
Volume 36, Issue 4 (Journal of Advanced Materials-Winter 2018)

Stainless steel bipolar plates are preferred choice for use in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs). However, regarding the working temperature of 80 °C and corrosive and acidic environment of PEMFC, it is necessary to apply conductive protective coatings resistant to corrosion on metallic bipolar plate surfaces to enhance its chemical stability and performance. In the present study, by applying Ni-Mo and Ni-Mo-P alloy coatings via electroplating technique, corrosion resistance was improved, oxid layers formation on substrates which led to increased electrical conductivity of the surface was reduced and consequently bipolar plates fuction was enhanced. Evaluation tests included microstructural and phase characterizations for evaluating coating components; cyclic voltammetry test for electrochemical behavior investigations; wettability test for measuring hydrophobicity characterizations of the coatings surfaces; interfacial contact resistance measurements of the coatings for evaluating the composition of applied coatings; and polarization tests of fuel cells for evaluating bipolar plates function in working conditions. Finally, the results showed that the above-mentioned coatings considerably decreased the corrosion and electrical resistance of the stainless steel.

M. R. Pakmanesh, M. Shamanian, S. Asghari,
Volume 36, Issue 4 (Journal of Advanced Materials-Winter 2018)

In the present study, the optimization of pulsed Nd:YAG laser welding parameters was done on a lap-joint of a 316L stainless steel foil in order to predict the weld geometry through response surface methodology. For this purpose, the effects of laser power, pulse duration, and frequency were investigated. By presenting a second-order polynomial, the above-mentioned statistical method was managed to be well employed to evaluate the effect of welding parameters on weld width. The results showed that the weld width at the upper, middle and lower surfaces of weld cross section increases by increasing pulse durationand laser power; however, the effects of these parameters on the mentioned levels are different. The effect of pulse duration in the models of weld upper, middle and lower widths was calculated as 76, 73 and 68%, respectively. Moreover, the effect of power on theses widths was determined as 18, 24 and 28%, respectively. Finally, by superimposing these models, optimum conditions were obtained to attain a full penetration weld and the weld with no defects.

M. Ghalambaz, M. Shamanian, A. M. Eslami, M. Abdollahi, E. Abdoulvand,
Volume 41, Issue 1 (Journal of Advanced Materials-Spring 2022)

This research investigated the bonding properties of AISI 321 austenitic stainless steel from microstructural, mechanical, and corrosion points of view. To obtain the optimal parameters of pulsed current gas tungsten arc welding (PCGTAW), the Taguchi method was used. A cyclic potentiodynamic polarization test evaluated the corrosion resistance of the welded samples. The optimal conditions were achieved when the background current, the pulse current, the frequency, and the percentage of the pulse on time were 50 amps, 140 amps, 5 Hz, and 50, respectively. On the other hand, the analysis of variance showed that the percentage of pulse on time equal to 36 and the background current equal to 46 amperes were the most influential factors on the surface current density of the austenitic stainless steel 321 connection using the PCGTAW process. The mechanical properties were assessed using punch shear testing. In the optimal condition, the maximum shear force and strength were 3200 N and 612 MPa, respectively. The results showed that the most critical factor affecting the bonding properties of 321 steel was the heat input.

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