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Showing 2 results for Collapse

A. R. Safari, M. Ghayour, and A. Kabiri,
Volume 25, Issue 1 (7-2006)

It is empirically established that, due to a number of factors involved, a classical (linear) analysis of buckling pressure is impossible. Nonlinear theories of buckling are, therefore, required that involve effective factors such as imperfections and welding effects. In this study, models are developed which are as close to allowable standard deviations as possible. In the next stage, their buckling behavior is investigated both experimentally and numerically using finite element packages ADINA, ANSYS, COSMOS, and MARC based on specific capabilities of each. Results show that reasonable estimates of real buckling pressure will become possible when material and geometrical nonlinearities and initial imperfections are introduced into the analytical system. Finally, in the light of the results obtained, a submarine pressure hull is analyzed.
K. Abedi, M.r. Sheidaii,
Volume 26, Issue 1 (7-2007)

Considering the vulnerability of double-layer grid space structures to progressive collapse phenomenon, it is necessary to pay special attention to this phenomenon in the design process. Alternate path method is one of the most appropriate and accepted methods for progressive collapse resistant design of structures. Alternate Path Method permits local failure to occur but provides alternate paths around the damaged area so that the structure is able to absorb the applied loads without overall collapse. Following the sudden initial local failure event, severe dynamic effects may arise which should be taken into account in determining the realistic collapse behavior of the structure. In this paper, a new methodology based on alternate path method is presented to apply dynamic effects of initial local failure. The method is called nonlinear dynamic alternate path method. Due to its capability to take account of dynamic nature of the failure, this method can be used to evaluate realistic collapse behavior of the structure and to investigate the vulnerability of the structure to progressive collapse phenomenon.

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