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Showing 1 results for Machine Drive

J. Soltani and F. Katiraei,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (7-2003)

In this paper, using a personal computer (PC), the practical implementation of scalar and vector control methods on a three–phase rotor surface- type permanent magnet synchronous machine drive is discussed. Based on the machine dynamic equations and the above control strategies, two block diagrams are presented first for closed-loop speed controlling of the machine drive/system. Then, the design and implementation of hardware circuits for power, insulating, and signal matching stages are explained along with a description of the written software program for the servo drive system control. These circuits are used to produce the drive inverter switching pulses. To supply the machine drive, the sinusoidal, uniform sampling and step-trapezoidal PWM voltage source inverters are examined. For closed loop speed control of the drive system, the stator currents and rotor speed signals (in scalar control method only the rotor speed) are sampled on-line. After filtering, buffering and matching operations, these signals are transferred to a personal computer port via a high frequency sampling and high resolution A/D converter. It is worth mensioning that both methods of controlling mathematical calculations is done by computer. Finally, the practical and computer simulation results obtained are demonstrated. Keywords: Machine Drive, Synchronous Machine, Permanent Magnet, Rotor Surface Type, Scalar and Vector Control, Voltage – Source Inverter, Control by PC.

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