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Showing 1 results for Plating Rate

P. Verdi, S. M. Monirvaghefi, F. Ashrafizadeh,
Volume 40, Issue 3 (11-2021)

Regarding to the low rate of conventional Ni-P electroless plating method that needs more time to make a coating on the substrate surface, a new technique called “substrate local heating” was introduced based on the temperature parameter modification and its advantages were expressed and compared to the conventional electroless plating technique (temperature=90°C, pH=4.7). In order to provide necessary equipment making this approach practicable, electrical resistance was used as the heating source, and air injection and cooling water circulation were employed to control the solution temperature near the substrate and in the bulk solution, respectively. Considering the heater power (1000 W), the substrate and bulk temperatures were about 190°C and 80°C, respectively. This novel method could enhance the plating rate up to 32 µm/h which was about 60% greater than that of the conventional method, 20 µm/h. Moreover, benefits such as local plating, reduction of production costs, and formation of functionally graded coatings (FGC) can be achieved.

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