Volume 13, Issue 47 (4-2009)                   jwss 2009, 13(47): 167-179 | Back to browse issues page

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Bohloli A, Naserian A, Valizadeh R, Eftekhari F. The Effect of Pistachio by-Product on Nutrient Apparent Digestibility, Rumination Activity and Performance of Holstein Dairy Cows in Early Lactation. jwss 2009; 13 (47) :167-179
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-1045-en.html
, naserian@um.ac.ir
Abstract:   (18184 Views)
Eight multiparous Holstein dairy cows with 634±44 BW, 57±6 DIM, and 46.7±3.1 kg daily milk yield were assigned to a duplicated 4×4 Latin square design for 21-day periods (adaptation, 14d sample collection, 7d). The treatment diets were: 1) no pistachio by-product (control), 2) 5% of pistachio by-product, 3) 10% pistachio by-product and 4) 15% pistachio by-product. Corn silage in control diet was replaced with pistachio by-product. The blood metabolites (2h after feeding), DMI, daily milk yield and milk compositions were not affected by the treatment diets. The economically corrected milk (ECM) and fat corrected milk (FCM) were decreased linearly by increasing pistachio by-product in the diet (P<0.1). By increasing the by-product level in the diet, digestibility of DM, OM, NDF and ADF were decreased linearly (P<0.05). Daily rumination and chewing activity alone or per DMI, NDFI or ADFI were linearly decreased when the by-product level increased in the diet (P<0.1). The results showed that the pistachio by-product does not seem to be suitable for complete replacing of the roughages in the diet and it can be used as a part of forage in the diet up to 10% of DMI.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2010/05/1 | Published: 2009/04/15

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