, habashia@yahoo.com
Abstract: (25139 Views)
Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is propagated traditionally through offshoots or suckers, which usually appear at or below the ground level surrounding the stem base. However, there are many problems associated with this system. Offshoots are produced in limited number and vegetative propagation through them is slow, laborious, time consuming and expensive. The present study was conducted to determine the best micropropagation protocol for date palm in Kebab, Estameran, Piarom, and Berehi cultivars. The shoot apical meristem from two to three-year-old offshoots was used as source of explants. They were cultured in callus initiation medium, containing different concentrations of 2,4-D (40, 60, 80 and 100 mgl-1), NAA (10 and 20 mgl-1) and 2ip (3 and 5 mgl-1). All cultivars produced high percentage of callus with good quality in a matter of callus friability and color in 100 mgL-1 2,4-D, 20 mgL-1 NAA, and 3 mgL-1 2ip. Kabkab cultivar was superior for callus production (87.25%) in comparison with other cultivars. The calli were then transferred to a proliferation medium and then transferred to somatic embryogenesis medium containing different concentrations of Kinetin (2, 4 and 6 mgL-1), BAP (2, 4 and 6 mgL-1), and NAA (0.1, 0.5 and 1 mgL-1). Somatic embryogenesis was observed in MS medium supplemented with 2 mgL-1 kinetin, 2 mgL-1 BAP, and 0.1 mgL-1 NAA. Kabkab and Estameran cultivars showed higher somatic embryogenesis in comparison with other two cultivars. The somatic embryos were then transferred to MS medium without hormones under light, where they produced shoots and roots. Abbriviations: 2,4-D- 2,4-dichlorophenoxiaceticacid 2ip-N6(2-isopentenyl)adenine NAA-Naphthalene acetic Acid BAP-6-Benzylaminopurine MS-Murashige and skoog (1962).
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2010/06/6 | Published: 2009/01/15