Abstract: (27183 Views)
This study utilized a descriptive-correlational surveying approach to examine some economic factors involved in the adoption of an integrated campaign to control rice stem borer (Chilo suppressalis) in Isfahan Province. The population consisted of farmers living in the vilages where Biological Control Plan was conducted (N=6000). The population frame was obtained from Isfahan Agricultural Organization. The sample was obtained using the cluster random sampling method (n=361). Questionnaire and interview were used for data collection in this study. Face and content validity of the instrument was established using a panel of experts consisting of senior faculty members in agricultural extension and education at Tarbiat Modaress University. Further, the agricultural officer of Isfahan Province validated the questionnaire. A reliability analysis was conducted and Cronbach alpha value was reported to be 83 percent. The results showed that the rate of adoption of Integrated Campaign to Control Rice Stem Borer among the farmers was moderate. Among the economic characteristics, there was a significant relationship between adoption of integrated campaign and area of land, amount of area under cultivation, degree of family cooperation in the agricultural activities, access to agricultural inputs, access to financial resources, and yield of rice per hectare.
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2003/01/15