Abstract: (36558 Views)
Combining herbicides for controlling broadleaf weeds and grasses in wheat farms has not been studied under Isfahan environmental conditions. Thus, this experiment was conducted in 1995-96 at the Agricultural Research Station, Isfahan University of Technology, in order to investigate the issue. In this study, 2,4-D+MCPA (U46 Combi Fluid 6), bromoxynil, metribuzin, diclofop-methyl and tralkoxydim and their combinations in 11 treatments plus weed-free and weedy checks were evaluated using a randomized complete block design with 4 replications. Goldbachia laevigata and Avena fatua were the dominant weeds. Cirsium arvense and Convolvulus arvensis were of less importance. Efficacy of bromoxynil on annual broadleaf weeds was higher than 2,4-D+MCPA, while 2,4-D+MCPA was more effective on perennial broadleaf weeds. Diclofop-methyl and combination of bromoxynil with tralkoxydim were the most effective on A. fatua, while differences between treatments containing diclofop-methyl or tralkoxydim on decreasing A. fatua numbers were non-significant. The most and the least visual damages to wheat plants were caused by metribuzin and bromoxynil, respectively. Wheat yield was not significantly affected by treatments. However, the highest yield was obtained by tralkoxydim + bromoxynil treatment, which produced the lowest total dry weight of weeds at terminal spikelet and heading stages of wheat. The results obtained here indicate that combination of bromoxynil with tralkoxydim might be the best treatment for the control of all annual weeds under conditions similar to this experiment. But if perennial broadleaf weeds and wild oat are dominant in the field, combination of 2,4-D+MCPAwith diclofop-methyl might be preferred.
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 1999/10/15