Volume 6, Issue 3 (fall 2002)                   jwss 2002, 6(3): 163-173 | Back to browse issues page

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A. A. Safari Sinejani, G. Emtiazi, H. Shariatmadari. Activity of Cellulolytic Enzymes Immobilized on Some Organic and Inorganic Matter of Soil. jwss 2002; 6 (3) :163-173
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-222-en.html
Abstract:   (62160 Views)
Soil organic matter and clay minerals adsorb and immobilize extracellular enzymes of microorganisms and increase soil enzymes stability. This study aims to clarify the relative importance of soil organic matter and clay minerals on the cellulolytic activities of soils. Fluca prepared cellulase was immobilized on some agricultural residues and clay minerals, avicel and a sample of soil. Immobilized exoglucanase and endoglucanase were assayed at different times. Activities of the immobilized enzymes were strikingly dependent on the kind of sorbent. After 20 days of storing in refrigerator at 4oC, the deactivation of immobilized enzymes on the organic substances (as avicel) was very low but deactivation of immobilized enzymes on the soil and clay minerals was relatively high. On the other hand, the activities of immobilized enzymes on the agricultural residues and avicel were significantly higher than the soil and clay minerals. So it may be concluded that a large part of cellulolytic activity of soil is related to immobilized enzymes on agricultural residues. Coating of the clay minerals, soil and avicel with 4 mmol of Al (OH) x per mg of them significantly increased their immobilization capacity and activities of immobilized enzymes. Activities of immobilized exoglucanase and endoglucanase on the Ca- homoionized soil and clay minerals were significantly higher than the K- homoionized soil and clay minerals. However, these effects may be related to the specific effects of cations on the method of enzyme assay or enzymes activities. These homoionizing-cations effects on the activity of immobilized enzymes on avicel were not significant.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2002/10/15

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