Abstract: (49901 Views)
Due to the need for new fumigants to control insects that attack food commodities, the toxicity of acetone was determined on some species of stored pest insects in Urmia University in the year 2000. In empty space tests, the LC50 values of acetone for Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.), Callosobruchus maculatus (F.), Tribolium confusum (Duv.) and Sitophilus granarius (L.) were 15.40, 15.51, 17.55 and 18.26 μl/liter, respectively. The experiments of acetone penetration to wheat mass revealed that the application of acetone in headspace led to the penetration of acetone vapours into the wheat mass and killing the S. granarius and T. confusum had been concealed in interkernel space. The comparison of LC50 values of empty space tests with LC50 values of penetration experiments revealed that the increase in penetration toxicity was 8.63 fold for S. granarius. A similar trend was observed for T. confusum adults. In hidden infestation tests, the application of acetone to the headspace resulted in destroying the developmental stages of S. granarius concealed in wheat and achieved 75% mortality at a dose of 160 μl/liter during seven weeks. Acetone showed no deleterious effects on the germination and vigor of wheat seeds.
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2002/10/15