Volume 16, Issue 60 (Summer 2012)                   jwss 2012, 16(60): 227-237 | Back to browse issues page

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K. Nosrati, H. Ahmadi, F. Sharifi. Sediment Sources Fingerprinting: Relation between Enzyme Activities in Soil and Sediment. jwss 2012; 16 (60) :227-237
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-2323-en.html
, k_nosrati@sbu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (16851 Views)
Sediment sources fingerprinting is needed as an autonomous tool for erosion prediction, validation of soil erosion models, monitoring of sediment budget and consequently for selecting soil conservation practices and sediment control methods at the catchment scale. Apportioning of eroded-soil into multiple sources using natural tracers is an integrated approach in soil erosion and sediment studies. The objectives of this study, as a first work, are to assess spatial variations of biochemical tracers and theirs validation in discriminating sediment sources under different land uses and water erosions at catchment scale and to apply them as fingerprints to determine relative contributions of sediment sources in Zidasht catchment, Iran. In view of this, 4 enzyme activities as biochemical tracers were measured in 42 different sampling sites from four sediment sources and 14 sediment samples. The results of discriminant function analysis (DFA) provided an optimum composite of two tracers, i.e. urease and dehydrogenase that afforded more than 92% correct assignations in discriminating between the sediment sources in the study area. Sediment source fingerprinting model was used based on optimum composite of two tracers resulting from DFA to explore the contributions of sediment from the four sources. The results showed that the relative contributions from rangeland/surface erosion, crop field/surface erosion, stream bank and dry-land farming/surface erosion sources were 11.3±5.3, 8.1±3.8, 75±8.5 and 3.6±2.5, respectively. Therefore, we can conclude that fingerprinting using biochemical tracers may help develop sediment fingerprinting models and as a first step facilitate a more complete tool for fingerprinting approach in the future.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2012/09/15 | Published: 2012/07/15

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