Volume 16, Issue 62 (Winte - 2013 2013)                   jwss 2013, 16(62): 245-257 | Back to browse issues page

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N. Abbasi, M. Mahdieh, M. H. Davoudi. Application of Lime and Pozzolan for Stabilization of Silty Sand Soils in Irrigation and Drainage Networks. jwss 2013; 16 (62) :245-257
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-2508-en.html
, nader_iaeri@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (21132 Views)
Stabilization of the silty sand soils which cover large areas of Iran and world is inevitable as their geotechnical properties are weak. In this research, the effects of different contents of lime and pozzolan admixtures on compressive strength of silty sand soil were investigated. To do this, different treatments were prepared by adding five levels of lime including 0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 percent by weight of silty sand soil, and four levels of pozzolan including 0, 5, 10, and 15 percent. Then, different specimens with 3 replications were remolded and cured for 7, 14 and 28 days and tested for determination of their unconfined compressive strength. Statistical analysis was made using SPSS software and the results showed that addition of lime and pozzolan increases optimum moisture content and decreases maximum dry density of the soil. Moreover, it was found that the addition of lime and pozzolan to the soil increases compressive strength considerably Compared with when applied individually. In this way, the compressive strength of the samples can be increased up to 16 times more than the natural soil strength. Based on the overall results of laboratory tests and statistical analysis, the combination of 3 percent lime and 15 percent pozzolan was determined as the optimum mixture for stabilization of silty sand soils
Full-Text [PDF 486 kb]   (3644 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2013/03/13 | Published: 2013/03/15

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