Mousavi S F, Nekoei-Meher M, Mahdavi M. Study and Test of Fitting Natural and Synthetic Unit Hydrographs in Zayandehrud-dam Watershed (Pelasjan Sub-basin). jwss 1998; 2 (2) :93-107
Abstract: (44457 Views)
As unit hydrograph is an important item in flood estimation of the rivers and since flood hydrograph and simultaneous rainfall hyetograph is needed to derive a unit hydrograph, hydrologists recommend synthetic unit hydrographs for areas lacking these hydrometeorological data. A research was conducted in the Zayandehrud-dam watershed (Pelasjan sub-basin) to test the efficiency of synthetic unit hydrographs (Snyder, SCS, and Triangular methods) in hydrological evaluations. For the purposes of this study, natural and synthetic unit hydrographs were determined and compared, using all morphologic, hydrometric and rainfall data. The results showed that Triangular and SCS methods fit natural unit hydrographs better than Snyder method does, but peak instantaneous flow is estimated to be higher than the observed flow. So, the constant 2.083 in peak flow equation is recommended to be changed to 1.74 in this watershed. The Snyder method predicts good peak flows, compared with the other two methods. Generally, it is concluded that Triangular, SCS, and Snyder methods are ranked 1 to 3 for determination of synthetic unit hydrographs in this watershed.
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 1998/07/15