Abstract: (31663 Views)
The relation between high molecular weight glutenin subunit alleles and flour quality traits have been studied for 117 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived by single seed descend to F7 from a cross of Anza, a low quality cultivar, and Inia, a high quality cultivar, containing different alleles at 3 GLU-1 seed storage protein loci. RILs were classified by SDS-PAGE for the 8 possible combinations of the alleles. The allelic variation at the GLU-D1 locus accounted for most of the variation observed in SDS-sedimentation, mixing time and tolerance, and protein content. The GLU-D1 allele encoding the subunits 5+10 was superior to its allelic counterpart, encoding 2+ 12. All three loci had significant single locus additive effects for SDS-sedimentation volume and mixing tolerance. The additive effects of GLU-D1 locus on mixing time and protein content were also significant. The epistatic additive effects were mostly negative and with the exception of αAB and αAD for SDS-sedimentation volume were not significant.
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 1997/04/15