Abstract: (18923 Views)
The vast and diverse rangelands of Iran require the selection of appropriate methods for grazing intensity measurement in the different vegetation types. Methods can be compared on the bases of time and budget as well as their accuracy. In this study nine methods of the utilization measurement were conducted on the E. ceratoides stands of Hanna exclosure Semirom, Isfahan province. The duncan multiple range test was used to compare mean utilization percentages obtained from the different methods, with paired cage method data was used as control group. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was also used to compare methods for accuracy, time and budget. The means from reference unite, twig length, production index, plant count and stem count methods had significant (p<0.05) differences compared with control group but were comparatively time consuming and more expensive than other methods. The height-weight method resulted in an estimate with no significant difference with the control group. This method was also fastest and least expensive among methods with the accurate results (p<0.05).
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2005/07/15