Volume 7, Issue 3 (fall 2003)                   jwss 2003, 7(3): 185-197 | Back to browse issues page

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S. Cheraghi Dehdezi, Sh. Dokhani, M. Shahedi. Study of Canned Sausage Production and its Physicochemical Changes During Processing and Storage. jwss 2003; 7 (3) :185-197
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-454-en.html
Abstract:   (26370 Views)
Canning of sausage is one of the methods to extend the shelf life of sausage with lower percentage of additives such as nitrite. This method reduces transport and storgae costs, too. The present stduy was carried out in two stages. The first stage consists of preparing sausages with four different formulations in Isfahan Senobar Factory and producing canned sausage. In the second stage, physicochemical and organoleptic experiments were carried out. Canned (214409) and bottled (No. 10-67) sausages were produced and sterilized in autoclave (absolute pressure=2 atm) to give F value = 4 min. Cans and jars were filled with skinless sausage of 22 calibre and brine (2% and 25oC) at a sausage/brine ratio of 1:1. Chemical composition such as moisture, fat and protein were measured according to the standard and AOAC methods. Physical experimets including measurement of texture shear strength were performed in sausage and canned sausage over the 3-month storage period. Factorial experiments in completely randomized design was used to investigate and analyze statistical data in this study. The Duncan’s multiple range test was used to compare data averages. Moisture content increased and sausgae texture shear strength decreased in all formulations as a result of sterilization. Moisture content increased in four canned sausage formulations while protein and fat decreased (by the end of the second month of storage). Also, sausage texture shear strength was observed at this time to decrease. In organoleptic evaluations, four canned sausage formulations were not significantly different in flavor, texture, and color (P<0.01).
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2003/10/15

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