Volume 10, Issue 4 (winter 2007)                   jwss 2007, 10(4): 77-90 | Back to browse issues page

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M. Amini, M. Afyuni, H. Khademi. Modeling Cadmium and Lead Balances in Agricultural Lands of Isfahan Region, Central Iran. jwss 2007; 10 (4) :77-90
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-607-en.html
Abstract:   (28557 Views)
Heavy metals including cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) are entering agricultural soils from different routes and mainly due to human activities. Accumulated Cd and Pb in the soil would eventually enter the human and animal food chains and pose threat to their health. Therefore, evaluating heavy metal accumulation is necessary to prevent soil and environmental pollutions and should be considered by researchers as well as policy makers. This study was conducted to model the accumulation rates of Cd and Pb in the agro-ecosystems of Isfahan, Mobarakeh, Lenjan, Borkhar, Najafabad, Khomeinishahr and Felavarjan. Cadmium and lead accumulation rates in the agro-ecosystems were computed using a stochastic mass balance model which uses Latin Hypercube sampling in combination with Monte-Carlo simulation procedure. Agricultural information including crop types, crop area and yield, the type and the number of livestock, application rate of mineral fertilizers, compost and sewage sludge and also metal concentration in plant and amendments were used to quantify Cd and Pb accumulation rates. Modeling Cd and Pb accumulation rates indicated that the metals are accumulating in the agricultural lands in the studied townships. The largest Cd (18 g ha-1 yr-1) and Pb (260 g ha-1 yr-1) accumulation rates were found in the township of Isfahan but the minimum accumulation rates were found in township of Lenjan for Cd (3 g ha-1 yr-1) and Mobarakeh for Pb (10 g ha-1 yr-1). The major input route to agricultural soils is phosphate fertilizers for Cd but for Pb is manure on the regional scale. High application rates of sewage sludge and compost in agricultural lands in the township of Isfahan could result in considerable amounts of Cd and Pb entering the soils of this region.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2007/01/15

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