Abstract: (21365 Views)
Lots of investigation has been done in order to increase wheat yield per acre in Iran, but there is not enough study about quality of produced wheat. Bread quality in Iran has been deteriorated in recent years, mostly due to employing wheat flours of low quality. Thus the present study was conducted to find the chemical and rheological properties of four bread wheat cultivars (Omid, Rosshan, Golestani and “Kal”) produced in Sabzavar region. The results indicated that the quantity and quality of “Kal” wheat gluten are more desirable in comparison to the other varieties. The rheological experiment results indicated that the Omid wheat flour is the best regarding the dough resistance coefficient and alfa amylase activity. The alfa amylase activity of all flours was low. Appropriate time for fermentation of bread dough for all flours was 75 to 90 minutes. Mixture of one to ten ratio of Roshan and Omid flour produced bread with better quality. The results also indicated that the rheological properties of “Kal” flour dough such as mixing resistance, breaking point resistance and valorimeter value are acceptable. The bakery properties of “Kal” flour is better than Rosham flour. The “Kal” variety of wheat is the same as Roshan variety and the only difference between them is the region of production and farming conditions. It shows that farming condition is one of the important factors affecting bread wheat quality.
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2007/07/15