Volume 6, Issue 1 (spring 2002)                   jwss 2002, 6(1): 131-147 | Back to browse issues page

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Ramazanpour H, Jalalian A. Soli Variability along a Chrono- Toposequence in Two Climatic Zones of Central Zagros. jwss 2002; 6 (1) :131-147
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-8-en.html
Abstract:   (31712 Views)
Soil development and variability of soil properties on different landforms of Central Zagros were investigated. The study area covers two climatic regions including Shahrekord and Chellgerd with mean annual precipitations of 314 and 1224 mm, respectively. In Shahrekord area, the amount of Feo (amorphous and organic-bound iron) was higher in surface horizons, whereas, the Fed (crystalline, amorphous and organic-bound iron) was higher in the surface soil of well-drained pedons and concentrated in subsoils with high ground water. Smectite increases as chlorite and palygorskite decrease. This might be an indication of Fe-chlorite transformation as a result of the local effects of organic acids, alternate oxidation reduction and hydrolysis intensity of a wetter past climate. Presence of an argillic as well as petrocalcic horizon with sparitic calcite and spherulitic fabric show intermittent and periodic leaching and deposition in Shahrekord area. Furthermore, reduction in sand and gravel content of the soils from mountain toward plains was attributed to the dissolution of carbonates and deposition of alluvium. Lower pH, lower carbonate content and higher pedogenic Fe in surface horizons were prominent in Chellgerd area. Consequently, interstratified chlorite-smectite, decrease of Fe-chlorite in fine clay, increase of smectite, high CEC and absence of petrocalcic horizon show that weathering intensity was higher in Chellgerd as compared to Shahrekord area. Also, papules with concentric fabric, higher Fed-Feo, and redder hues in buried horizon suggest polygenetic soils. There was some evidence of climatic change in two areas however, time seems to have played an important role in Shahrekord, whereas topography must have been more effective in Chellgerdarea due to higher tectonic activities and unstable landforms which may confirm the formation of the buried horizon and paleosols.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2002/04/15

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