Volume 17, Issue 66 (winter 2014)                   jwss 2014, 17(66): 109-120 | Back to browse issues page

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, adel_m23@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (17623 Views)
To study the effects of irrigation durations and land slopes on wetting pattern dimensions, some experiments were performed using an emitter with constant discharge of 4 liters per hour by 2, 4, and 6 hours irrigation durations. Experiments were conducted on lands with the slopes of 0, 5, 15 an 25 percent, with silty loam soil texture in 3 replications in Fathali region, Mogan plain, Iran. Results showed that increasing the land slope caused an increment in wetting pattern dimensions and bulk, in constant irrigation durations. When slope increased, the depth of infiltrated water along the emitter had a little decrease which wasn’t significant. The upstream and downstream components of wetting pattern were symmetrical on 0 percent slope but not on steep lands. So, optimizing the water use, which is saved in the soil, depends on the land slope and the crop should be planted 10 to 25 centimeters away from the dripper. The investigation of soil moisture distribution on wetting pattern in slope lands showed that contrary to the flat lands the main part of the moisture is accumulated in lower part of the emitter, and wetting pattern in these sloping lands was larger than in flat lands.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2012/02/6 | Accepted: 2012/12/2 | Published: 2014/02/10

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