Volume 9, Issue 2 (summer 2005)                   jwss 2005, 9(2): 119-127 | Back to browse issues page

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A. Aghaei, J. Pourreza, A. Pourreza, A. Samee. Replacement of Oats for Corn in Broiler Diet with and without Supplemental Enzyme. jwss 2005; 9 (2) :119-127
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-346-en.html
Abstract:   (21233 Views)
An experiment was conducted to study the effects of substitution of the different levels (0.0, 10, 20, 30 and 40%) of oat grains for the corn with and without enzyme supplementation (β -Glucanase. 0.0 and 1%) on the performance of the broiler chickens. Four hundred and eighty (480) Arian broiler chicks were employed in a randomized complete block design with 10 treatments and 3 replications (16 chickens for each replicate) from 1-56 days of age. The chicks fed with 10 percent of oats in the diets, supplemented with enzyme, had significantly higher BW than other treatments. While with 40 % oat in diet body weight were significantly decreased. The feed conversion increased with increasing of the oats levels and the enzyme supplementation resulted in lower feed conversion. With increasing oats in the diet, the percentage of carcass weight decreased, but the pancreas weight increased significantly. Conversely, the enzyme supplementation resulted an increase in carcass weight and reduction in the pancreas weight. The percentage of the tibial ash, calcium and phosphorus were unsignificaulty decreased with the increasing of the oat but enzyme lementation resulted an increase in tibial ash, calcium and phosphorus. In the areas where the corn production is limited, including 30 percent of the oats supplemented with enzyme in the diet of the broiler chicks can be beneficial.
Keywords: Oats, Enzyme, Broilers
Full-Text [PDF 1178 kb]   (3493 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2005/07/15

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