Volume 5, Issue 3 (fall 2001)                   jwss 2001, 5(3): 9-16 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (26999 Views)

In the Islamic Republic of Iran, the occurrence of chilling and freezing stresses have frequently caused great damages to crops and horticultural products. In southern Fars Province (south Iran) the cultivation of citrus orchards is popular and the economic losses due to injury from chilling and freezing stresses may exceed billions of Rials annually. The drop of ambient air temperature (above zero) reduces the ordinary metabolism activity of plants and causes chilling stress. If the temperature drops below zero and remains there for a considerable time, intercellular freezing may occur. This process always kills the cells and provokes tissue injury. In the present study, the possibility of predicting daily minimum temperature using the dew point of a previous day measured at 18:30 was examined.

 It was found that the prediction of minimum temperature is possible if the dew points are modified on the basis of the air relative humidity. For the episodes that relative humidity varies from 45% to 55%, minimum temperature at day i+1 was found to be almost equal to the dew point on the previous day (day i). For the periods that relative humidity is above (below) this range, the minimum temperature on day i+1 was observed to be greater (lower) than the estimated dew point on day i.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2001/10/15

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