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Spring 2025
Assessing water resource planning policies in the Sefidroud irrigation and drainage network using the water-land-food nexus approach
Sajad Ashkevari, Somaye Janatrostami*, Afshin Ashrafzadeh
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Assessing the amount of grain production exposed to aridity caused by climate change over Iran
Hadi Ramezani Etedali*, Sakine Koohi
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The effect of nanoparticles and silver ions on the concentration of protein and amino acids in soil columns
Shirin Amiry, Banafshe Khalili*
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Evaluation of the impact of different irrigation deficit treatments on the yield, yield components, and Water Use Productivity of autumn wheat (case study: Shahrekord)
Bahman Naderi-Samani, Mahdi Ghobadinia, Bijan Haghighati Sayyed Mohammadreza Hosseini-Vardanjani, Abdulreza Ahmadpour- Samani
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Digital mapping of soil equivalent calcium carbonate using Landsat 8 satellite images and environmental data by machine learning models in Badr watershed, Kurdistan province
Moslem zarinibahador
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Investigating the Role of Periphyton in Nitrification in Paddy Fields
Hamidreza Zare Guildehi, Hossein Ali Alikhani*, Hassan Etesami, Mohaddeseh Shirinzadeh, Zahra Karami and Mehran Gholami
Estimating soil erodibility using USLE model and determination of effective factors (case study: Dorahan watershed - Borujen city)
Jafar Karimi Shiasi, Farzaneh Fotouhi Firoozabad*, Ali Fathzadeh, Mehdi Hayatzadeh, Mostafa Shirmardi
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Investigating the Hydraulic Efficiency of the Labyrinth Weir Using the Flow3D Numerical Method
R. Daneshfaraz, M. Majedi Asl*, T. OmidPourAlavian, F. Sohrabi
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Optimizing the cropping pattern of Fars province irrigated lands with the aim of adaptation to water scarcity
Abdolrahman Mirzaei, Afshin Soltani*, Fariborz Abbasi, Ebrahim Zeinali, Shahrzad Mirkarimi
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Physical Soil Quality Evaluation of a Part of Beheshtabad Subbasin in Charmahal va Bakhtiari Province
M. Naderi Khorasgani*, R. Amiri, A. Karimi, J. Mohammadi
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Fabrication of microscale adsorbent with cyanobacterial origin by hydrothermal method for preconcentration of cadmium from water
Tahereh Mohammadi Arian, Ghasem Rahimi, Reza Khavari Farid
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