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Showing 2 results for A. Ghanbari Bonjar

H. R. Fanaei, M. Galavi, M. Kafi, A. Ghanbari Bonjar, A. H.shirani-Rad,
Volume 15, Issue 57 (fall 2011)

In order to assess the effect of drought stress and various levels of potassium on solutes accumulation and chlorophyll of canola and Indian mustard, a field experiment was conducted in a factorial design based on randomized complete block design with three replications including three irrigation regimes (I1=irrigation after 50% depletion of soil water(control),I2 =irrigation after 70% water depletion and I3 =irrigation after 90% water depletion), two species (Hyola 401 hybrid of canola and landrace cultivar of mustard) and three levels of potassium fertilizer (K1=0 ,K2=150 and K3= 250 kg.ha-1 K2SO4 ) at Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Sistan in 2008-2009 cropping season. Water stress increased proline and soluble carbohydrate accumulation in the leaves of Brassica sp. In non stressed condition (control) in different growth stages, proline was lower than water-stressed plants and Leaf proline content decreased significantly after irrigation. Mustard landrace showed higher capability for accumulating assimilates such as proline, soluble carbohydrates and potassium than hybrid Hyola 401. Water stress decreased the amount of chlorophyll a, b and total leaf chlorophyll, but Potassium application caused an increase in the mentioned parameters. The highest content of chlorophyll pigments was observed at flowering stage. Potassium application caused a decrease in proline and an increase in soluble carbohydrates concentration in the leaf under water stress condition. There was a negative correlation between grain yield and proline content and soluble carbohydrates, but grain yield was positively correlated with chlorophyll, a, b. It was concluded that osmotic adjustment can be an important mechanism for Brassica species under water stress conditions and that organic and inorganic compounds such as proline, soluble carbohydrates and potassium play key roles in this regard.
M. R. Asgharipour, A. Ghanbari Bonjar, H. Azizmoghadam, A. R. Sirousmehr, M. Heidari,
Volume 16, Issue 62 (Winte - 2013 2013)

In this study the effects of irrigation with raw or diluted municipal effluents along with foliar micro-nutrients fertilizer spray were examined on the growth, yield and mineral nutrient in foxtail millet plants. The experimental design was a split-plot with three irrigation sources (namely raw sewage, 50% diluted sewage and well water) as main-treatment and four combinations of Mn and Zn foliar spraying as sub-treatments, which were applied with three replications. The experiment was conducted at the Zabol University research farm during 2009. The applied municipal effluents contained higher levels of macro and micro-nutrients than the well water. The experimental results indicated that irrigation of plants by raw or diluted sewage improved the measured growth parameters and productivity of foxtail millet plants. In addition macro and micro-nutrients concentrations were improved. These improvements were attributed to the presence of high levels of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic matters in wastewater. Manganese and Zn supplied through sewage water alone were not able to raise the productivity of millet to the level obtained through fertilizers at the recommended level, which indicated that additional nutrients through fertilizers are required to obtain higher productivity of millet under sewage farming. Despite the differences in nutrients concentration among different irrigation water sources, the micro-nutrients foliar spray did not affect concentration of macro and micro-nutrients in foxtail millet plant. Overall, the results suggest that municipal sewage could be efficiently utilized as an important source of water and nutrients in growing foxtail millet Sewage water irrigation did not have any appreciable harmful effect on crop productivity.

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