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Showing 2 results for Abdollahi Ezzatabadi

M. Abdollahi Ezzatabadi, G.r. Soltani, A. Nejati,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (winter 2002)

In this paper, a simple farm management information system is introduced. This system was administered through cooperation between farmers and an information agency. The results showed that the farmers were willing enough to accept the system. Nevertheless, having an accounting system is the first step toward the establishment of an information system, which is used by only %42 of the sampled farmers. The main reason for this is the lack of knowledge about the benefits of such systems. In other words, if farmers were aware of the benefits of accounting systems, they would accept them easily. The results also showed that the farmers who use accounting systems are more successful in their production activities.
J. Torkamani, M. Abdollahi Ezzatabadi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (fall 2005)

This study shows how multiobjective programming, compromise programming and filtering techniques could be used to manage scarce resources. Data were collected from a sample of 109 Rafsanjan pistachio producers. The aim of the program was to make a compromise between the objectives of profit maximization, the maximization of the area under pistachio gardens and also maximization of the groundwater use. The multiobjective programming approach and filtering techniques were used to find the efficient set among these objectives. A compromise between the objectives was established by the compromise programming method. Although none of the above three objectives achieved completely in the compromise solution, it became nearer to the ideal point on the assumption that the importance of three objectives was the same. By omitting this assumption and considering the objective weights based on decision maker preferences, the compromise solution might become nearer to the ideal point.

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