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Showing 2 results for Chitsaz

P. Mohit-Isfahanii, V. Chitsaz,
Volume 27, Issue 1 (Spring 2023)

Introducing reliable regional models to predict the maximum discharge of floods using characteristics of sub-basins has special importance in terms of flood management and designing hydraulic structures in basins that have no hydrometric station. The present study has tried to provide appropriate regional flood models using generalized linear models (GLMs) to estimate 2-, 10-, 50-, and 100-year maximum daily discharges of 62 sub-basins in Great-Karoon and Karkhe basins. According to the results, the sub-basins were categorized into four sub-regions based on some physiographic and climatic characteristics of the study sub-basins. The results showed that regional flood modeling was successful in all sub-regions except sub-region II, which includes very large basins (A̅≈17300 km2). The adjusted R2 of the best models in sub-regions I, III, and IV were estimated at around 82.4, 91.3, and 90.6 percent, and these models have a relative error (RRMSE) of around 9.5, 9.23, and 6.7 percent, respectively. Also, it was found that more frequent floods with 2- and 10-year return periods are influenced by properties such as basin’s length, perimeter, and area, while rare floods with 50- and 100-year return periods are mostly influenced by the river systems characteristics such as the main river length, total lengths of the river system, and slope of the main river. According to the research, it can be stated that the behavior of maximum daily discharges in the study area is extremely influenced by the different climatic and physiographic characteristics of the watersheds. Therefore, the maximum daily discharges can be estimated accurately at ungauged sites by appropriate modeling in gauged catchments.

S. Gholizadeh Tehrani, S. Soltani Koupai, R. Modarres, V. Chitsaz,
Volume 27, Issue 3 (Fall 2023)

Drought is one of the most destructive and important climate phenomena, whose effect is usually more important on a regional scale. The importance of this phenomenon is more evident in the Karkheh basin due to its size and important role in providing the country's water resources. We aim to monitor hydrologic drought using the accurate calculation of standardizes streamflow index (SSI) in one month time scale based on fitting frequency distribution to monthly data and goodness of fit test for each station in Karkheh basin for 30 years (1986-2016). The findings of this research showed that the generalized Pareto distribution was selected as the most appropriate distribution in most months, unlike the previous research that fitted and used only the Gama distribution on the data. The time series of the standard flow index indicated the occurrence of super-drought in 2008 to 2015 years. Also, the significant impact of the construction of hydraulic structures upstream of the basin on the average flow rate was observed in some stations. The results of direct and annual monitoring of the drought situation showed that the Karkheh basin has experienced hydrological drought in recent years, and the drought trend is increasing.

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