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Showing 7 results for Esmaeili

E. Vaseghi , A. Esmaeili,
Volume 12, Issue 45 (fall 2008)

This study used a Ricardian approach to measure the impact of climate change on Iranian wheat production and analyzed potential impacts of further climate changes. The study utilized time series data for the period 1984-2004 pooled over 17 provinces. Results showed that climate change has significant nonlinear impacts on net revenue per hectare of wheat in Iran. The results also showed that rise in temperature and reduction in rainfall by the year 2100 will cause the reduction in land value by 41 %, because of increased greenhouse gas emission.
A Esmaeili, F Nasrnia,
Volume 13, Issue 48 (7-2009)

Deforestation has been recognized as one of the biggest environmental problems in the world. It is also one of the main elements of land productivity changes and one of the biggest factors which threaten world's environmental diversity. In this study, based on environmental Kuznets theory, factors which may affect deforestation have been investigated. Results obtained from 71 studied countries show that environmental Kuznets curve was not true for them. Population growth helps the speed of deforestation while higher rate of GDP growth decreases its rate. Institutions which help with the improvement of democracy, individual assets, civil right and political liberty can decrease the pressure on natural recourses and deforestation.
A. Sheikhzeinoddin, A. K. Esmaeili1 , M. Noshadi,
Volume 19, Issue 74 (Winter 2016)

Chemical fertilizers have important role in modern agriculture, and in the other hand led to rigid environmental pollution. Urea fertilizer is one of the most widely used and least expensive nitrogen fertilizers in Iran. Since it is high solubility in water a significant of it, if irrigation or precipitation is heavy, easily washed and led to change to change the quality of groundwater, rivers or seas. Hence, in this study the effects of deficit irrigation and fertilization on pollution using SWAT for Tashk-Bakhtegan basin (land area between Dorudzan dam and Khan Bridge) were simulated. This model by comparing model outputs with actual observations of hydrological, crop yield (wheat, barely, corn and rice) and nitrate by using SUFI2 algorithm in SWAT_CUP software were calibrated and validated. Then the calibrated model used to evaluate different management strategies (e.g. irrigation and fertilizer amount). When the impacts of different levels of urea (0 to 70 percent reduction in urea application) were modeled, yield of these crops reduced between 1 to 27, 0.8 to 24, 0.42 to 21 and 0.47 to 9 percent for wheat, barely, corn and rice, respectively. However, these tends to decline nitrate leaching 16-81, 18-80, 15-85 and 12.5 to 83.6 percent, respectively for these crops.  Therefore, by comparing yield and nitrogen loss changes, this result can conclude that a significant reduction in nitrogen loss by minimum cost on yield can achieved by optimize fertilizer application. 

F. Jalilian, B. Behmanesh, M. Mohammad Esmaeili, P. Gholami,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (Summer 2017)

In this study, different indices of vegetation cover variations and different physicochemical properties of soil in three treatments of flood spreading, enclosure and grazing (control) were investigated and compared in in the region of Peshert in Mazandaran province. In order to measure different soil characteristics, 18 soil samples (six withdrawals at any treatment) from a depth of zero to 30 cm were taken from the desired treatments. In order to investigate different vegetation indices, a total of 90 plots (nine transects of 100 m) were run using systematic random sampling in the studied treatments and the necessary measurements were done (30 plots at any treatment). Then, in each of these plots, canopy coverage percentage was determined separately for each species and to evaluate and assess the diversity and richness in all three treatments, Shannon-Wiener and Simpson diversity indices and Menhink and Margalef richness indices were used. Finally, the data obtained from both sections of soil and vegetation in three studied treatments were compared and analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Duncan test. The results showed that floodwater spreading and enclosure significantly increased the percentage of sand and total Nitrogen, and significantly reduced the percentage of silt and potassium compared to control treatment. Also, percentage of clay and organic matter, soil pH levels, conductivity and soil phosphorus showed no significant differences in the treatments under study. The results of variance analysis of various indices of diversity, richness and species evenness showed that all indicators had significant responses in three treatments and the highest diversity and species richness were observed in flood spreading and enclosure treatments. Due to changes in soil properties and vegetation in flood spreading and enclosure treatments compared to the control treatment, it can be stated that operations of floodwater spreading and enclosure in the studied region has had positive effect on modification of soil texture, increasing the permeability of the soil and ultimately improvement of the vegetation.

P. Shojaei, M. Gheysari, H. Nouri, H. Esmaeili, S. Eslamian,
Volume 23, Issue 3 (Fall 2019)

Creation and conservation of urban parks is challenging in arid environments where daily thermal extremes, water scarcity, air pollution and shortage of natural green spaces are more conspicuous. Water scarcity in the arid regions of Iran is major challenge for water managers. Accurate estimation of urban landscape evapotranspiration is therefore critically important for cities located in naturally dry environments, to appropriately manage irrigation practices. This study investigated two factor-based approaches, Water Use Classifications of Landscape Species (WUCOLS) and Landscape Irrigation Management Program (LIMP), to measure the water demand in a botanic garden. The irrigation water volume applied was compared with the gross water demand for the period from 2011 to 2013. On average, WUCOLS estimated an average annual irrigation need of 1164 mm which is 15% less than the applied value of 1366 mm while the LIMP estimate of 1239 mm was 9% less than the applied value. Comparison of estimated and applied irrigation showed that a water saving of 9% can be made by the LIMP method. The outcomes of this research stressed the need to modify the irrigation requirements based on effective rainfall throughout the year, rather relying on long-term average data.

F. Esmaeili, M. Vafakhah, V. Moosavi,
Volume 27, Issue 1 (Spring 2023)

Digital elevation models (DEMs) are one of the most important data required in watershed modeling with hydrological models and their spatial resolution has a significant impact on the accuracy of simulating hydrological processes. In the present study, the effect of spatial resolution of five DEMs derived from the topographic map (TOPO) with a scale of 1:25000, ALOS PALSAR, ASTER, SRTM, and GTOPO with a spatial accuracy of 10, 12.5, 30, 90, and 1000 m, respectively, on the estimation of parameters of geomorphological and geomorphoclimatic unit hydrographs models has been evaluated in Amameh watershed. Thirty-four single flood events were used during the years 1970 to 2015. The results showed that in the GUH method, the application of the TOPO and ALOS PALSAR DEMs had the best results with root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.7 and 1.8 m3/s and Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) of 0.4 and 0.3, respectively. While the GTOPO DEM had the least efficiency with RMSE of 2.8 m3/s and NSE of -2. Similarly, the lowest and highest RMSE in the GCUH method belonged to TOPO and GTOPO DEMs with RMSE of 3.8 and 18 m3/s and NSE of 0.2 and -6, respectively. Generally, the GUH method had more favorable results than the GCUH method in all DEMs.

S. Najmi, M. Navabian, M. Esmaeili Varaki,
Volume 27, Issue 3 (Fall 2023)

The increasing need for water resources and controlling the discharge of wastewater into the environment shows the necessity of wastewater treatment. Green methods such as constructed wetlands and phytoremediation use biological processes in the environment for wastewater treatment. Considering the effect of cultivated constructed wetland performance from wastewater quality and climatic factors, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of hybrid and subsurface vertical and horizontal wetlands to improve the biological and chemical oxygen demand of the wastewater treatment plant in Rasht City. The effect of Phragmites australis and Typha latifolia plants on the treatment performance was investigated. Wastewater retention time in wetlands varies from monthly in winter and weekly in spring and summer. The results showed that the performance of wetlands in reducing biological oxygen demand (BOD) was more than chemical oxygen demand (COD). Plants improved the performance of the wetland by more than 50%, but no significant difference was observed between the performances of the two plants. The arrangement of the plant's cultivation was not effective in the amount of biological and chemical oxygen removal. The hybrid wetland was able to improve the wastewater quality twice as much as the vertical wetland. Comparing the concentration of the effluents from the wetlands with the standards showed that the effluents from the hybrid wetlands could only be used for agricultural consumption.

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