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Showing 1 results for GH. Omidi Ardali

Gh. Omidi Ardali , M. J. Bahrani,
Volume 15, Issue 55 (spring 2011)

The optimum levels of soil moisture and nitrogen are important to obtain higher yields. To investigate the effects of water stress, nitrogen levels and application times on yield and yield components of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), the cultivar Euroflor at different growth stages, a two year study (2006-007) was conducted at Research Fields of College of Agriculture, Shiraz University (Badjgah) using a split factorial design with four replications. Treatments were water stress at three levels, (non-stress and stress at flowering and seed formation) as main plot and three N levels (0, 70, 140 kg ha-1) and N application times (split application at planting and stem elongation, planting and heading, and stem elongation and heading) as subplot. Number of seed per head, 1000-seed weight, seed yield, Oil yield and HI were measured. Results showed that the effects of water stress and N rates on yield and yield components were significant, but the effects of N application times and interaction between water stress, nitrogen rates and application times were insignificant. Overall, the crop showed more sensitivity to drought stress at flowering time, and 70 kg N ha-1 is recommended for the region.

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