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Showing 2 results for K. Soleimani

S. Z. Mosavi Khatir, A. Kavian, A. K. Soleimani,
Volume 14, Issue 53 (fall 2010)

In this research, logistic regression analysis was used to create a landslide hazard map for Sajaroud basin. At first, an inventory map of 95 landslides was used to preduce a dependent variable, which takes a value of 0 for absence and 1 for presence of landslides. Ten factors affecting landslide occurence such as elevation , slope gradient, slope aspect, slope curvature, rainfall, distance from fault, distance from drainage, distance from road , land use and geology were taken as independent parameters. The effect of each parameter on landslide occurrence was determined from the corresponding coefficient that appears in the logistic regression function. The interpretation of the coefficients showed that road network plays the most important role in determining landslide occurrence. Elevation, curvature, rainfall and distance from fault were excluded from the final analysis because these variables did not significantly add to the predictive power of the logistic regression. After transferring final probability function into Arc/view 3.2 software, landslide susceptibility map was prepared. The results of accuracy assessment showed that overall accuracy of produced map is 85.3 percent. Therefore, 53% of the area was located in very low hazard, 18.3% in low hazard, 21% in moderate hazard and 7.7 % residual area is located in high hazard regions. Model and then susceptibility map verity was assessed using -2LL, Cox and Snell R2, Nagelkerk R2, and was validated.
Sh. Yousofvand, M. Habibnejad, K. Soleimani, M. Rezaie Pasha,
Volume 17, Issue 65 (fall 2013)

Soil erodibility and gully erosion and their expansion occur under geological formation and soil characteristics. This study aims to find the rate of soil and formation effects on gully erosion in Seifabad watershed. To that end, aerial and field work were used together to determine the rate & expansion of 17 gullies in 12 years' period from 1997 to 2009. The soils were sampled for each gully in 50% interval distance with 0-30 cm horizontal surfaces and >30 cm depth. Some factors were estimated from the soil such as EC, PH, Silt, Clay, Sand & limeston percentages. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS 14 through non-parametric tests such as Kruskal-Wallis & Mann-Whitney. Spearman coefficient was used to investigate the relation between volume of gully & litological factors. The results showed a positive correlation at 1% level for the PH with the gully erodibility in surface soil, but for the depth of soil this relation belonged to the silt percentage, and sand showed a negative relation at 5%level with the volume of the gully sediments. Finally, there was no statistical relationship between geological formation and the sediment yield in gullies.

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