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Showing 15 results for KHajeddin

Mohammad Reza Vahhabi, Mehdi Bassiri, Jamaleddin Khajeddin,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (summer 1997)

Short-term changes (5 years) in canopy cover, species composition and forage production were studied under protection from grazing and grazed condition in 19 range sites in Fereydan region, Isfahan province. In this study, density, canopy cover and forage production data were obtained from quadrates inside and outside exclosures in the spring of 1983. These parameters were studied again in 1988 and compared with the previous data. Results indicated that species diversity in these range sites was relatively high up to 212 plant species were identified. Sixteen, 8.5 and 75.5 percent of these species were classified into I, II and III palatability classes respectively. After five years, comparison of inside and outside exclosures indicated an increase in the density of species of I, II and III palatability classes by 138.8, 120.8 and 51.5 percent inside exclosures, respectively. Density of all species had increased by 62 percent as a result of 5-year protection from grazing. Species composition data as canopy cover were used to construct 3 dendrograms to investigate the similarity among range Sites. Assuming 32% similarity as the threshold level, 19 range sites were classified into 10 vegetation types in 1983. After 5 years, these vegetation types decreased to 8 and increased to 11 under protection from grazing and grazed conditions, respectively. The average forage production inside exclosures was almost twice as much as in grazed sites (600 Vs. 315 kg/h). Three groups of range sites were recognized according to the time requirement for rehabilitation by grazing protection. The first group was improved considerably by the end of the 5-year protection Period. The second group improved relatively within five years of grazing exclusion. The third group did not improve by 5-year grazing protection and needed much longer protection period or some other range rehabilitation practices.
S.j. Khajeddin,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (fall 2000)

Plant communities of the Kolah-Ghazi National Park have been studied. The park with a wide diversity of fauna and flora species is located 36 Km south of Isfahan. 214 plant species were collected for the purposes of this study. Plant communities of the park are of an aridland vegetation type. Minimal areas of the plant communities were determined using nested plots technique. After studying the Species/Area curves, a l00-square-meter quadrat was employed to collect the cover and density data for each species. The cover data were analysed to determine plant communities using the ordination method.

Crown cover of the vegetation was found to be poor and varied from zero to a maximum of five percent in the park. The following species form the major plant communities in the park: Artemisia sieberi, Anabasis aphylla, Acantholimon spp., Cousinia piptocephala, Ebenus stellata, Pteropyrum aucheri & Scariola orientalis. The combination of these species with others forms plant communities and subcommunities. The overlapping of habitats makes mosaics which cause the formation of ecotones, thus increasing the diversity of the subcommunities in the park. Mesophytic plant communities are narrowly scattered along streams. Most of the plant communities are controlled by the adaphic factor while the biological factor has only a limited control. A Ficus spp. specimen was also collected from the mountainous region in the park which could be a new species or variety and requires further study.

S.j. Khajeddin,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (winter 2001)

Astracantha adscendens is an endemic species in Iran growing on alpine and above alpine timberline habitats on the Zagross Mountain Range. These habitats are characterized by steep slopes, heavy snowfalls and long ice formation periods. The present study was carried out in Chelgerd, Bakhtiari, and Fereidan, Isfahan. Slopes, elevation above sea-level, and magnetic north azimuth were measured. The canopy cover was also measured along four radii in upward, downward, left and right directions. Regression analysis was performed for the measured values of plant and environmental factors.

The results revealed that the upward radius had a high negative correlation with slope changes while the downward radius showed no relationship with slope variations. The two left and right radii had a high and positive relationship with each other, both reducing in length as the slope steepness increased. Shrub volume decreases with increasing slope steepness. Plant shape was classified into seven groups using Sorenson similarity index and constructing the dendrogram. Snow pressure bends the stem toward the soil surface. Snow gliding pressure scratches stem and its base buds above the bent stem. Soil and debris move downward the slope as a result of snow gliding and rainfall runoff as well as wildlife and domestic animals. Snow gliding along with other natural factors have various effects on A. adscendens plant form which can be grouped under three categories: direct mechanical effect of snow, physiological effect of snow, and indirect effect of precipitation and wildlife. The environmental factors and plant physiological responses to them change the A. adscendens plant form from a funnel or ob-conical shape to a semi-funnel or semi ob-conical form.

S. A. Maybodi, A. R. Amini Hajiabadi, J. Khajeddin,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (summer 2002)

A number of halophytic species as Salicornia europea, Halocnemum strobilaceum, Aeluropus lagopoides, and Aeluropus littoralis were found to occupy a significant portion of the total vegetation of the surrounding area at the Zayande-Roud inlet to Gavkhoony wetland. However, their ecological demands and bioenvironmental factors by which vegetation community composition has been affected is not undestood. A compehensive knowledge of the establishment is essential for future improvements in using the above species on salanized regions. In this paper, using the ordination method. The establishment pattern of  these four species in a range of varied habitats is evaluated based on the recongition of the relative  significance of habitat soil chemical properties and vegetion crown cover to the establishment of the four species. For this purpose, 48 plants meansurements were taken along a transect, having more species variation in term of vegetation cover percentage. Furthermore, 48 soil samples were taken from the plot along the same transect in a one-year period in 1999. The soil samples were analysed for PH, EC, available Na, K, Ca and Mg as well as clay, and silt contents. The ground and field vegetation data were analysed using the Principlas Components Analysis (PCA), and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) to produce summary vectors (PCA axes) of both the soil chemistry and habitat vegetation structure datasets. The summary of ordination method quantified the degree to which soil variables and species cover were related to variability in ground vegetation composition. variation in community composition (type and percentage) was significantly related to gradient of the aforementioned soil factors. Generally, the vegatation community composition in this experiment could be considered as a key component to expand the growth and development patterns of these species to similar salinised regions. 

S. A. M. Mirmohammady Maibody, A. Amini, J. Khajeddin,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (summer 2003)

In this study, the potential use of halophyte grasses, Aleuropus littoralis and A. lagopoides, on soil desalinization and lowering soil salinity was investigated under glasshouse conditions. The seeds of two species were collected from Rodasht area in Isfahan and grown with four salinity treatments obtained from different types of collected soils and replicated three times. Electrical conductivities of the four soil treatments were 12.4, 29.5, 43, and 69 dS/m. The results of mean comparison showed that shoot and root dry weight, sodium contents of dry weight and Na/K ratio were significantly different in both salinized species. Both species effectively reduced soil electrical conductivity by 23 to 42.5%. This was mainly due to ion absorbtion, and consequently, from Na+, Cl-, Mg2+, Ca2+ ionic reduction. In general, considerable amounts of ionic absorbtion and total soluble salt secretion through their salt glands appeared to have the most pronounced effects on decreasing soil salinity. Regarding 50% salt excretion by these species, growing these grasses could be a possible way to decrease soil salinity by grazing or harvesting salt crusted foliage from the site.
N. Zahedifard, S. J. Khajeddin, A. Jalalian,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (summer 2004)

Satellite data use is finding global applications because they provide repeated cover, broad information, high electromagnetic spectral resolution, and software-hardware compatibilities. This study aims to evaluate of the Landsat TM data capabilities in land-use mapping of Bazoft River basin (Chahar Mahale Bakhtiary Province). Six spectral bands of the Landsate TM were employed to produce land-use map of the Region. The date of image acquisition was May 5th, 1998. Performance of the geometric correction completed with RMSE= 1.008 pixels. Various image enhacement methods (e.g. FCC, filtering and Vegetation Indices) were used to study the different land-covers. Field investigations were carried out using a GPS, 1:50000 scale topographic map and false color composites images. Heterogeneous land-use units were studied in 62 sample sites estimating percentage of vegetation cover. A regression analysis was performed between percentage vegetation covers and vegetation indices values of NDVI, RVI, SAVI, DVI, TSAVI1, NRVI and MSAVI2. Results show that NDVI, SAVI, TSAVI1, NRVI and MSAVI2 have high correlation coefficients. But RVI, DVI and PVI have low correlation coefficients. The resulting values of vegetation cover were density sliced to produce the land-cover map. After supervised classifications and density slicing of Vegetation Indices, classifacation accuracy was assessed and, finally, land-use map of the study area was produced with Hybrid classification method. Supervised classification with maximum likelihood method was the best technique for land-use mapping in the study area the total Kappa index was %87. In general, detection of some land-use classes through single date TM data is not feasible, these include: scattered forest trees with cultivated understory, annual grasses, and fallow lands. Also TM digital data are incapable of distinguishing small and separated rural constructions or soil-covered routes.
S. J. Khajeddin, S. Pourmanafi,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (spring 2007)

To detect the rice paddis areas in Isfahan region, the IRS-1D data from PAN, LISS III and WiFS time series were used. Geometric, atmospheric, radiometric and topographic corrections were applied to various images from 2003 to 2004. Necessary preprocessing and various analyses as well as time series composite image analyses were applied and field sampling was done for appropriate times in 2003 and 2004. Image classification was applied using suitable training sites in various images. The SWIR band capabilities were useful for NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) to detect the rice paddies. On PAN and LISS III images, urban areas, roads, agricultural lands, non cultivated farms, rocks and brackish soils are detectable. The error matrix was calculated to assess the produced map accuracy using the ground truth data. The total classification accuracy was %91 and the Kappa index value was %89. The rice paddy areas was about 19500 ha in 2003, detected through LISS III data, and 20450 ha through WiFS data. The paddies were 21670 in 2004 through WiFS data. The results of this study confirmed that one can use the LISS III data to detect and determine the rice paddys areas with high accuracy, and WiFS data to estimate the paddies areas with acceptable accuracy.
A.m. Mohammadi, S.j. Khajeddin, S.a. Khatoonabadi,
Volume 11, Issue 40 (summer 2007)

Northern watershed of Kouhrang River with the area of 68437 hectares is located in northwestern Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiary province within 49ْ 54ً to 50ْ 9ً E longitude and 32ْ 83ً to 32ْ 36ً N latitude.Making a balance and equilibrium between the number of ranchers, the rangeland production potential and appropriate flock size in each utilization unit is a necessary task. It is a matter of importance to determine suitable ranch size based on pastoral household but suitable household livelihood as well. The main goal of this study is to determine utilization unit size based on ecologic and socioeconomic factors for each household. Along with detecting the ranch allotments, the range capacity and its productivity potential were studied. Then, based on expenses and the revenues resulting from herdship,(on ranges), the suitable flock size for fulfillment of the household expenses regarding the range utilization periods, the suitable range size per household was determined. 10 vegetation types with 0.91 AUM per hectares grazing capacity were detected in studied area. There are 46 range allotments and some parts of other 6 range allotments in studied area with average area at 1510 hectares. Average pastoral household is 36.8 per unit range allotments. Pastoral households share at rangelands is 41 hectares now. The minimum and suitable ranch area for each pastoral household which can provide annual needs and costs is 520 hectares and 142 animal unit at a mix flock at 3 to 2 ratio of sheep to goat for a 100 – dayes grazing season. The result of this study showed that production potential at each range unit is influenced by flock size, household share on farming lands, and the household numbers on each ranch unit. Ranch unit and the livelihood level, have significant influence at 5% level on suitable ranch size per household.
B. Rayegani, S. J. Khajeddin, S. Soltani , S. Barati,
Volume 12, Issue 44 (summer 2008)

‏Snow is a huge water resource in most parts of the world. Snow water equivalent supplies 1/3 of the water requirement for farming and irrigation throughout the world. Water content estimation of a snow-cover or estimation of snowmelt runoff is necessary for Hydrologists. Several snowmelt-forecasting models have been suggested, most of which require continuous monitoring of snow-cover. Today monitoring snow-cover patches is done through satellites imagery and remote sensing methods. MODIS have smaller Spatial Resolution and more bands in comparison with Meteorology Satellite like NOAA. Therefore, in this research we used MODIS data for creating snow cover imagery. Existence of cloud in the study area is a major problem for snow cover monitoring. Therefore, in this research snow cover area changes were estimated without MODIS data period, but with DEM imagery and regressions between temperature, height and aspect. For this purpose, on 10 Esfand when the image was suitable we estimated the snow cover area. In comparison with real image, precision of the method was confirmed.
F. Amiri, J. Khajeddin, K. Mokhtari ,
Volume 12, Issue 44 (summer 2008)

Ordination is the part of statistical ecology which has developed and integrated in recent years. Finding environmental factors which important in ecological structure determination of plant species is the final purpose of ordination. Ordination method was used for finding the effect of important variables on Bromus tomentellus species quantitative and qualitative changes in Esfahan's Fereidan region. For this purpose, fifteen sites were studied. Density, Cover percentage and Soil factors containing EC, pH, % caco3 , % gravel and stone, % clay, % silt, % sand, Na+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, Cl-, SAR, C/N and % OC. In A (0-30 cm) and B (30-60 cm) horizons over a line transaction in each site, were measured. The matrix of environmental and species characteristics were prepared. The relationship between environmental and species characteristics were determined using of PC-ORD and CANOCO software's and Redundancy Detrended Analysis (RDA) method. The results show that there are meaningful correlation between Density and Cover percentage with soil factors. The results implicate that C/N factor in A horizon and SAR in B horizon have the most effect on Bromus tomentellus density and cover percentage. EC, pH and …. Factors don't have much effect on Bromus tomentellus species characteristics.
S Barati Ghahfarokhi, S Soltani, S.j Khajeddin, B Rayegani,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (4-2009)

To investigate land use changes, Qale Shahrokh basin (15098.1 ha area) was selected. Satellite images of Landsat sensors (MSS, TM and ETM+) were used. After improvement and different enhancement analysis of images such as FCC, PCA, the study area was checked using GPS and topographic maps (1:50000) and other information. Land use units were determined using classified random sampling method. Maps accuracy was assessed after performing different classifications. Final land use maps of 1354, 1369, 1381 years were produced using a hybrid method with fine accuracy. Trend of land use changes was investigated during the study periods. Results showed that during the first period (1354), most area of land use was rangeland with sparse vegetation cover (%41.6) and least area was irrigated farming (1.5%). Also, during the second period (1354-1369) most area of land use was rangeland with sparse vegetation cover (%43.4) and least area was irrigated farming (4.1%). During the third period (1369-1381), the maximum area of land use was dry farming (%35.6) and minimum of area was irrigated farming (7%). Maximum land use change was related to rangeland with medium vegetation cover. They were changed into dry farming and rangeland with sparse vegetation cover during 1354 to 1369. During 1369 to 1381, maximum land use changes occurred on poor rangeland with sparse vegetation cover and rangeland with medium vegetation cover was changed into irrigated and dry farming.
S Falhakar, A Saffianian, S.j Khajeddin, H Ziaei,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (4-2009)

Remote sensing is the main technology for assessing expansion and rate of land cover changes. Knowing the different kinds of land cover changes and human activities in different parts of lands, as the base information for different planning is especially important. In this study, the land cover changes of Isfahan city that is consist of Isfahan and its` surrounded area was studied for the past 4 decades. For researching the study objectives, the aerial photos with scale of 1:50000 taken in 1955, MSS, TM and ETM+ images from Landsat satellite taken respectively in 1972, 1990 and 2001 and the topography maps of Isfahan city and its` surrounding were used. All of the aerial photos and satellite images with the nearest neighbor sampling were georegistered with the RMSe less than one pixel. For image processing, the best false colored composite image was first produced according to OIF index. Then land cover maps of the studied area were produced in 5 classes by using the combination of supervised and unsupervised classification and NDVI index. At the end, the produced maps compared with post-classification method. The results showed that the most urban area sprawl was occurred between 1972-1990 with the mean of 571 ha in a year and the least growth was come about between 1955-1972 with approximately 324 ha in a year. However, by declining the annual mean of green cover 1263 ha during 1955-1972, the most green cover demolition occurred in study area.
Z. Khosravani, S. J. Khajeddin, A. Soffianian, M. Mohebbi, A. H. Parsamehr,
Volume 16, Issue 59 (spring 2012)

LISS IV sensor's data from IRS-P6 satellite was used to produce land use map of eastern region of Isfahan, the studied part of which has an area of 22121 hectares. Its three band data, namely band 2 (Green), band 3 (Red) and band 4 (Near infra red) of LISS-IV sensor images with 5.8 m ground resolution were georeferenced by nearest neighbor method and first-order polynomial model to the DEM map of 1:25000, where the RMSE was equal to 0.3 pixel. To analyze the satellite data, various image processing methods such as supervised and unsupervised classification methods, principal component analysis, NDVI vegetation index and filtering were applied to the satellite data. Finally, the land use map was produced with hybrid method. The final map detected 6 land uses very clearly, which are: Agricultural lands, barren lands, disturbed lands, cultivated Haloxylon amodendron, roads, residential areas and industrial locations. The kappa of land use map is 0.89 and the overall precision is 0.92. The barren lands have a very poor natural vegetation and are considered as natural deserts. Disturbed lands have been formed because of brick kiln activities, and the vegetation cover of these areas has disappeared completely The LISS IV data has a high ability to detect the various studied land-uses especially to digitize the roads. They can be used to update the 1:25000 topographic maps, as well.
Z. Khosravani, S. J. Khajeddin, M. Mohebbi, A. R. Soffianian, A. H. Parsamehr,
Volume 19, Issue 72 (summer 2015)

Segzi, located in the east of Isfahan, is one of the most important centers of desertification crisis in Isfahan province. Human overtaking, land deformation and the presence of huge artificial topography in flat plain has created a very unpleasant landscape in the area. In this study, satellite images Cartosat-1 were used for mapping land degradation. By using DGPS, 9 points with appropriate distributions related to road junctions were selected. These points after Interior and exterior orientation determined as control points in Cartosat-1 pair images. To improve compliance, process of points development and production of 31 tie points was done. These points was coordinated in triangulation process and introduced as check points. Desirable RMSe, 0.3 pixel is obtained. Then DEM based on 40 points was prepared with 15×15m pixel size. The DEM, in GIS software was classified to 9 elavation classes by Natural Breaks method. The file of classified raster DEM convert to vector andcut and fill appeared as polygon that by encoding them, excavation map is produced in GIS with Kappa 0.95 and 0.97 overall accuracy. The Results of this study show that Cartosat-1 satellite images have ability for study of degraded lands and anthropogenic holes. The topographic changes caused the loss of natural vegetation and desertification in this area has developed.

M. Rezashateri, S. J. Khajeddin, S. H. Matinkhah, M. M. Majidi,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (Summer 2017)

This research investigated the effects of super absorbentpolymers on root characteristics of Avena fatua under two soil textures and three irrigation regimes. The study was arranged according to a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with three replications. Hydrogel compositions included three types of super absorbents (Aquasorb, Boloorab A and Stockosorb) with two levels of 5 and 10 g/kg of soil, plus a control level. The studied traits were shoot height, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, ratio of root/shoot, root length, root perimeter and root volume of Avena fatua. ANOVA showed that the effect of soil texture was significant (p<0.01) for all studied traits. Mean comparison stated that 10g/kg of Aquasorb with 100% irrigation in sandy loam texture and 5g/kg of Stockosorb with 100% irrigation in loamy texture had the most significant and best results, compared with the control treatments. The results revealed that production of dense root network and root aggregation stimulated by super absorbent polymers, increased root contacts with moisture and led to significant increment in root traits like length, perimeter and volume by preparing water. In addition, selecting the type and concentration of super absorbent polymers depends on soil texture, considering the difference between the best results in two soil textures.

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