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Showing 1 results for Kashi Zenouzi

L. Kashi Zenouzi, Sh. Banej Shafiee, A. A. Jafari,
Volume 20, Issue 76 (Summer 2016)

In this study the effect of temperature, evaporation or evapotranspiration, precipitation, hillside direction and altitudinal classes, texture and acidity of soil on organic carbon content in the depths of 15 and 45 cm were evaluated. Paired t-test results showed that there is a significant difference between measured parameters in two soil depths. After preparing required data and processing them, outlier's data were removed. Then, base maps for each of the information layers were prepared by Arc GIS9.3 software and all relatd information fit together by overlapping them. Pearson correlation between environmental factors and soil organic carbon values were calculated and it was found that in the depth of 15 cm, the correlation between soil organic carbon values and two environmental factors including temperature and altitude were significant at the level 0.01. As well the results of statistical analysis by using principal component analysis (PCA) method showed that the factors temperature, evaporation (1%), and silt and clay (5%) have had a significant effect on the amount of soil organic carbon. The first, second, and third axes with eigenvalues of 98/4, 78/3 and 92/1, respectively, explained the values 0.33, 0.25, and 0.13 % of correlation between organic carbon and environmental data.

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