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Showing 3 results for Lotfalian

M Lotfalian, B Majnonian, M Rezvanfar, A Parsakho,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (fall 2009)

In this research, the logging and wood extraction damages caused by wood and paper companies was investigated. The average volume per hectare of compartments 17 and 28 of Waston watershed and Compartment 7 of Alandan watershed was more than 150 cubic meters. So, these compartments were selected as the suitable research sites. The systematic randomized sampling method with 1000 m2 circular plots was used to assess the damages to residual stands and 100 m2 circular plots was used to assess the damages to regeneration. Sampling in skid trail was done with one hundred percent inventory method with a width of 12 meter. Results of this study indicated that 3.2 percent of regeneration was damaged in felling and bucking operations and 4.8 percent of regeneration was also damaged after winching and skidding operations. Most of these damages occurred for thicket stage. The felling and bucking operations damaged 13.6 percent of the residual stand. The amount of damage to the stand after skidding including the whole logging damages equals 15.5 percent. Unnecessary damages to stand and regeneration could have been avoided by selecting the best harvesting method, skidding practices, adequate incentives/disincentives and appropriate supervision.
A Parsakho, S.a Hosseini, M Lotfalian, H Jalilvand,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (4-2009)

Forest roads must be constructed according to technical standards and guidelines which have been published by the scientific and operational organizations. Recently, hydraulic excavators have been used beside the bulldozer for excavating the forest roads. Thus, it is necessary that their ability in construct of standard cross sections be compared. This study was conducted in Lattalar forest which is located south of Sari city (Mazandaran Province). 60 cross section samples were randomly selected for each machine in slope classes of 30-40, 40-50, 50-60 and 60-70%. Then, cross sections were taken by niveau and clinometer. The results in different slope classes showed that the hydraulic excavator and bulldozer had no significant effect on cut and fill slopes length and gradient. Roadbed width in bulldozer construction area was more than the hydraulic excavator at probability level of 1%. Also, there was a significant difference between the hydraulic excavator and bulldozer earthworking width in slope classes of 30-40 and 40-50% at probability level of 5 and 1%, respectively, whereas this difference was not significant in other slope classes. Finally, the average standard cross sections for hydraulic excavator and bulldozer were 89.96 and 84.81%, respectively.
T. Yousefi Babadi, M. Lotfalianand, H. Akbari,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (Special Issue of Flood and Soil Erosion, Winter 2019)

Soil erosion and its consequences are important factors in forest road network management. Cutslopes are the most important source of making sediment among different parts of the forest roads structure. For this research, a new and bare road in district No. 2, series No. 5 of NekaChoob forest, was selected; then the study data was measured. The study design was a completely randomized design in 10 plots with the size of 2 m2 along 500 meters of road with the 8 natural rainfall events. The results of the Pearson correlation showed that among soil properties, the contents of the liquid limit at the 5% confidence level and the plastic limit at the 1% confidence level had positive correlations with runoff and soil loss. Also, organic matter at the 1% confidence level and the contents of the sand at the 5% confidence level had negative correlations with runoff and soil loss. With increasing the soil moisture and bulk density, runoff and soil loss were enhanced. The results of the multivariate model showed that soil loss could be estimated using the Plastic Limit and sand percentage variables with a the correlation coefficient of 0.948.

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