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Showing 2 results for M. Hamedi

D. Ataii, M. A. Sahari, M. Hamedi,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (fall 2003)

In this study, some physico-chemical characteristics of Iranian tea-seed oil (Lahijan variety) were compared with those of the oils from sunflower seed (Fars variety) and olive (Gilezeytoon variety) in terms of fatty acid contents, peroxide value, iodine value, saponification value, and oil shelf-life. Also the shelf-life of sunflower and olive oils containing 5% and 10% tea-seed oil were compared against control sample shelf-life. Tea-seed oil was found to be suitable and stable in nutritional properties. At a temeprature of 63oC, tea-seed and olive oils were found to have identical shelf-life values, which was higher than that of sunflower oil. Furthermore, the shelf-life of sunflower oil increased when mixed with tea-seed oil.
M. R.edalatian, S. A. Mortazavi, M. Hamedi, M. Mazaheri,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (winter 2006)

Production and consumption of whole tomato and/or its products(tomato paste, tomato juice, ketchup, etc) is incearsed all over the world. Annual production of tomato in Iran is about 3.4 million tons (MT), part of that is processed in the tomato paste factorise, which are mostly located in khorasan province. Since tomato variety has a determinant effect on the physico-chemical and organo leptical properties/quality of tomato and its products, an investigation was performed to evaluate the impact of variety and storage time of four tomato varieties, Cal.j.n.3, Early Urbana Y, Early Urbana 111and Peto early C.H which were selected according to a national project and were monitored according to their brix, pH, Acidity, Sugar and Salt contents, total and non soluble solids. Results indicated that Early Urbana 111 and Peto early C.H contained the highest amounts of soluble solids along with the highest pH. Also it was evidenced that these varieties were the most stable varieties as the least compositional changes was seen in them.

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