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Showing 3 results for SHahriari

Kh. Malekzadeh, F. Shahriari, M. Farsi , E. Mohsenifard,
Volume 12, Issue 45 (fall 2008)

Kernel hardness is one of the most important characterizations on end-use quality of bread wheat and also used for their marketing classification. Kernel texture, mainly controlled by one major locus (Ha) located on the short arm of chromosome 5D. Two tightly linked genes as puroindolin a , and b covered by this major locus and designed as Pina and Pinb respectively. When both puroindolines are in their ‘functional’ wild state, grain texture is soft. When either of the puroindoline alleles is absent or alter by mutation, then the result is hard texture. In this study, 61 Iranian commercial cultivars and 92 landraces were investigated for their kernel hardness and puroindoline alleles using SKCS and, PCR and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) techniques respectively. Specific primers were used to amplify Pina and Pinb. The results indicated that frequency of hard, mixed and soft genotypes were 65.6, 19.6 and 14.8% respectively, in commercial cultivars and 58.7, 13 and 28.3% in landraces varieties. Among hard type of commercial cultivars, 18 and 5, genotypes have identified as Pina-D1b and Pinb-D1b respectively. Kavir was only cultivar with Pinb-D1e allele. Pinb-D1b allele was identified in two hard types of landrace varieties. Surprisingly, Pinb-D1c was not found in any varieties. Influence of the above proindoline alleles on kernel hardness showed that the SKCS hardness index of Pina-D1b was significantly higher than that of Pinb-D1b. Our knowledge about the genetic basis of kernel hardness could provide useful information in breeding programs of bread wheat.
A Masoumi, A Shahriari,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (4-2009)

To reduce storage space and transportation cost for alfalfa and straw bales, recompressing of the bales is recommended. In order to design different units and elements of double compressing device, some physical and rheological properties of desired products were determined. A factorial experiment with a randomized complete block design with three replications was used during the tests. Confined compression tests for three levels of axial strain (25, 35 and 45% of initial length) on alfalfa and straw bales were performed. In this study, the influence of the materials and strain on pressure, modulus of elasticity and required energy were investigated. The results showed that the effect of materials type and strain levels on the determined parameters were highly significant (P<0.01). The highest value of the measured parameter was obtained for straw bales at 45% strain. The Fabroad’s model (expressing the relationship between pressure and density) and two other models, namely, Sitki and Osbof which were used to describe the relationship between modulus of elasticity and density were fitted to the measured values, and then constants were determined for each model individually. The coefficients of friction for alfalfa and straw bales on steel and galvanized surfaces at three levels of perpendicular loads were determined. Effect of bales and surface types on frictional coefficient were not significant (P< 0.05), however, the effect of perpendicular load was highly significant (P<0.01). Tensile strength of hemp and nylon ropes, which are usually used to knot compressed bales, was measured. The results indicated that hemp ropes had more strength than nylon.
M. Ali-Soufi, A. Shahriari, E. Shir Mohammadi, B. Fazeli-Nasab,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (Spring 2019)

Many studies have been done on various properties of dust and one of the most important characteristics of dust is the ability to carry different microorganisms from the source points. The aim of this study was to investigate the bacterial and fungal community of dust and to identify its dominance species in a single event of intense dust storm, in the northern regions of Sistan and Blauchestan Province (Sistan plain). Dust samples were accordingly collected by Siphon dust samplers after one of the most intense dust storms in 28-31 August, 2015, from 5 cities in the northern regions of Sistan and Blauchestan Province; after that, the microbial community of dust was determined by culturing in petri dish and its dominant bacterial and fungal species were identified. The results showed maximum aerobic and anaerobic bacteria population was observed in the Hirmand city dust (1875000 CFU/g and 156667 CFU/gr, respectively). The maximum aerobic fungi population was observed in the Zabol city (833 CFU/g) and the maximum anaerobic fungus population was observed in Zahak city (2167 CFU/g). The most frequent type of bacteria was Bacillus sp, which was followed by Streptomyces pactum. The most frequent type of fungi in this research was Penicillium sp and the second one was Aspergillus. The results showed the high and variated microbial community, especially pathogenic fungi associated with dust in this region.

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