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Showing 3 results for Shahsavan

A Amini, M Shahsavan, A Zeinal Hamedani,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (fall 2009)

Women as extension help-agents could play an important role in rural extension programs. This study was aimed at evaluating the success of women as extension help-agents, and factors affecting their success in Isfahan province, Iran. The data was randomly collected from 156 extension help-agents, using Cochran formula. The validity and reliability of constructed questioners were checked, using Cronbach Alfa and K.M.O. criteria. The results showed that 6.5 percent of the agents gained a success score of more than or equal to the average score, 50.3 percent equal to the average score, and 43.2 percent gained less than the average success score. The Effective factors are categorized as the degree of their familiarity with the problems of the population, the degree of their involvement in extension-educational programs, and factors such as their access to rural libraries, financial and occupational background and contribution to community and team work. According to the regression analysis results, participation activities of the villagers, financial status of the help-agents and educational programs provide most influential factors for successful extension programs.
S Falahati Por, H Shahsavand Hasani, A Baghizadeh, Gh Karimzadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 48 (7-2009)

The genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) has been used to identify euploidy and aneuploidy in segregation generations of various plants. In this study, the GISH with minor modifications including, slide preparation of putative secondary Tritipyrum (F2) root meristemic cells, labeled genomic DNA of Thinopyrum bessarabicum by fluorescein 12-dUTP nucleotide as probe, genomic DNA of Thinopyrum bessarabicum for in situ hybridization on root meristemic cells of F2 (2n=6x=42, AABBDEb) and unlabeled Chinese Spring cultivar in pre hybridization, was carried out for the first time in Iran. The results not only indicated the various Eb chromosomes in putative 6x secondary Tritipyrum plants, but also showed different numbers of A, B and D chromosomes. The range of aneuoploidy in F2 genotypes was from %30 to %66.7, which could be due to various numbers of Eb and D chromosomes in each genotype. The selfing or back crossing of F2 plants with bread wheat varieties could lead to chromosomal stability and aneoploidy reduction in secondary Tritipyrum genotypes.
M. Amouzegar, A. Abbaspour, Sh. Shahsavani, H. R. Asghari , M. Parsaeiyan,
Volume 19, Issue 74 (Winter 2016)

Soil contamination by Pb leads to a reduction in the quality and quantity of crop yield, because it is highly toxic in soluble ionic forms. The availability of this element for plant roots can reduce by the formation of compounds with low solubility and their sedimentation by phosphorous amendments.. Root symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi can also increase plant resistance against heavy metals. This study was carried out as a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design asa greenhouse experiment on sunflower plant at Shahrood University. Treatments included mycorrhizal fungi with two levels of inoculation, (with and without inoculation), organic and inorganic phosphorous fertilizers such as humic acid, diammonium phosphate, bone meal and bone meal+humic acid. The results showed that inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi resulted in a significant increase (P&ge0.05) in percentage of mycorrhizal colonization and an increase in soil EC,shootdry weight and phosphous uptake by the plant. Phosphorus fertilizers significantly increased the available phosphorus in soil, dry weight and uptake of phosphorus by the shoots. The interaction effects of mycorrhiza and phosphorus fertilizers on soil exchange able Pbwere significant. The application of diammonium phosphate and mycorrhiza had the greatest impacton the reduction of Pb (by 25.48percent) in the soil exchange. Mycorrhizal plants had a lower rate of lead concentrations in shoots, which was equal to 78/14%, and also the application of phosphorus fertilizers significantly reduced Pb in plant shoots.

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