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Showing 3 results for Shahsavari

Mohammad Reza Shahsavari, Gholam Hossain Shiresmaiely,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (fall 1998)

Knowledge of the vegetative and reproductive characteristics of soybean cultivars with different growth habits and maturity groups is essential for the selection of a suitable variety as well as for providing optimum conditions for their growth. In 1994 in a field located in Kholenjan of Isfahan, Iran, nine indeterminate type cultivars belonging to different maturity groups, namely Williams, Wood Worth, Hack, Zane, Black Hawk, Bonus, Steel, S.R.F. and Harcor and one determinate cultivar belonging to maturity group III namely Hobbit, in a complete block design with four replications were evaluated. Indeterminate cultivars and higher maturity group cultivars produced more dry matter. On the whole, indeterminate cultivars with later maturity had longer main stem with more nodes, pods and grains. The determinate cultivar had more lateral branches, and more pods and grains in them but these traits did not show any specific trend in different maturity groups. Height of the first pod from ground surface in indeterminate cultivars was more than that of determinate cultivars. Number of pods per each node of main stem, number of grains per each pod of lateral branch and number of nodes per lateral branch showed no significant difference among cultivars. Classification of these cultivars based on the above characteristics showed that cultivars with different growth habits had basic differences and also that some cultivars showed some similarity to maturity groups which did not exist in the present study.
M. Shahsavari Gugharغ, A. Rezaei Estakhroieh, M. Irandost, A. Neshat,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (Spring 2018)

With the increase of population, the optimal use of water resources is necessary. This study was carried out to evaluate the impact of different levels of irrigation on the yield, yield components and water productivity of corn using single and double row drip irrigation systems (Tubes type). . The experiment was conducted in a split plot design based on the randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications in 2012 in Hajiabad, Hormozgan Province. The treatments were comprised of three levels of irrigation as the main plot (100, 80 and 60% water requirement) and two patterns of irrigating water pipe installation (normal and every other row) as a sub-plot of the design. The results showed that irrigating with the 80 percent water requirement, in comparison with full irrigation, increased the total yield by 1.4%, the seed weight by 1.8%, the number of seeds per row by 8.7%, and the number of seed row per maize by 13%. In spite of yield superiority in the pattern of normally irrigating water pipe installation (10055.56 kg ha-1), against every other row installation (9366.67 kg ha-1), water productivity was more in every other row installation (1.089 kg m-3). Therefore, partial root-zone drying   was recommended by the irrigation of    the 80% plant water requirement for the maize in the region.

S. Ghobadi Alamdari, A. Asghari Moghaddam, A. Shahsavari,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (Special Issue of Flood and Soil Erosion, Winter 2019)

Lack of the proper conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources causes large water stresses in one of these resources. Conjunctive use of surface and groundwater, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, is a scientific and practical solution for sustainable water resources management. The aim of this research was to prepare some mathematical modeling to apply the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater in the Dehloran plain aquifer. In this study, the mathematical model of the Dehloran plain aquifer was developed using GMS 9.1 and the river data were entered. For the steady state condition, the time series data in the average year 2010-2011 were utilized. In the next step, the time series data from October, 2010, to September, 2011, were used for the unsteady state analysis. In the unsteady state, four stress periods were taken; then the model calibration was carried out in three steps for each stress period; after the optimization of the hydrogeological parameters of the model, its verification was done for the period of 2011-2012 period. After the calibration of the model in the unsteady state, the values of the mean error (ME), the mean absolute error (MAE) and the root mean squared (RMS) errors measured in piezometers were obtained to be -0.24, 0.46 and 0.65, respectively. The results of verification confirmed the ability of the model in simulating the natural conditions of the aquifer. Finally, applying different scenarios to the model showed that the proper conjunctive use of surface and groundwater could increase the volume of water at a rate of 2.23 million cubic meters per year.

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