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Showing 4 results for Zolfi Bavariani

Zolfi Bavariani, Nouruzi,
Volume 14, Issue 52 (sumer 2010)

Most part of the applied phosphorus is fixed in the calcareous soil. Some part of residual phosphorus can be recovered by the plants of the following years. It is reported that organic matter is one of most important factors in phsphorus recovering. This expriment was designed in permanent plot to evaluate the effect of organic matter on residual phosphorus recovering in a calcareous soil. The expriment was conducted on randomized complete block design in a factorial manner with three replications in four years. Treatments were consisted of farm yard manure(FYM) in three levels ( 0, 15, and 30 ton ha-1) and three levels of phosphrus ( 0, 90 and 180 kg ha-1 as P2O5 from triple super phosphate (TSP). Phosphorus fertilizer was applied only in the first year of expriment, but FYM was used in all of the years. Onion, canola, bean and spinage were planted in the four years of experiment, respectively. Results showed that maximum yield, P concentratin in plant and soil phosphorus availability were followed by application of FYM and P(residual) together in all of the years. This increase was mainly by direct effect of P in the first year of expriment, but recovered phosphrus by FYM had maximum role in the later years. More than 53% of increase in phosphrus availability in soil and 21% of increase in yield resulted from recovered phosphprus by FYM in the treatment of 30 ton.ha-1 FYM and 180 kg.ha-1 P2O5 together in the last year.
M. Zolfi Bavariani , M. Maftoon ,
Volume 14, Issue 54 (winter 2011)

Due to low availability of zinc and copper in calcareous soils and the antagonism of these nutrients with each other, the study of their effects on growth and chemical composition of rice seems to have great importance. Also, the relations among different chemical forms of Zn and Cu and plant responses are very important, which can be used in investigation of antagonisms of these nutrients as well. Therefore, by application of different levels of Zn and Cu, their effects on plant growth and nutrient concentration in the plant were studied and different forms of these nutrients in soil were determined. Results showed that zinc application increased plant growth, Zn concentration and total uptake, but decreased Cu concentration in the plant. However, copper application showed no significant effects on the plant growth, but increased Cu concentration and total uptake and decreased Zn concentration in the plant. Also, the results showed an increase in carbonatic, adsorbed and exchangeable Zn forms and exchangeable Cu form by Zn application. Carbonatic form of zinc has maximum effects on concentration and total uptake of this element in the plant. Copper application increased carbonatic and organic forms of this nutrient in soil, and there was maximum correlation between organic form of Cu and its concentration and uptake in the plant
M. Zolfi Bavariani, A. Ronaghi, N. Karimian, R. Ghasemi, J. Yasrebi,
Volume 20, Issue 75 (Spring 2016)

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of poultry manure (PM) and its derived biochars on chemical properties of a sample calcareous soil. Poultry manure and its derived biochars at 200(B200), 300(B300) and 400(B400)°C were incorporated with 400 g of soil at 2% level (w/w) and incubated for 150 days. Some chemical properties of soil and bio-availability of some nutritional ingredients such as phosphorous, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc and copper were determined at different times of incubation. Soil nutrients availability, organic carbon (OC), electrical conductivity (EC) and cation exchange capacity (CEC) increased by addition of all these organic substances. Biochars prepared at higher temperatures were more effective in increasing soil OC and its durability. Addition of PM and B200 decreased soil pH, whereas B400 increased it. Although highest soil EC was observed in B300 and B400 treated samples in the early stages of incubation, the rate of increasing in soil EC was higher at PM and B200 treated samples. In general, it was concluded that biochar prepared at 300°C had the highest effect on availability of nutrients and their durability in the soil. 

M Zolfi Bavariani, A. Ronaghi, N. Karimian, J. Yasrebi, Reza Ghasemi,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (Spring 2017)

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of poultry manure (PM) and derived biochars on phosphorous (P) availability and apparent recovery in a calcareous soil. Treatments consisted of four rates of P (0, 30, 60 and 90 µgg-1) and five organic substances (blank, poultry manure and derived biochars at 200, 300 and 400°C). organic substances were incorporated with 400 g of soil at 2% level (w/w). All soil treated samples plus control were incubated for 150 days. Soil P availbility determined at 8 different stage of incubation time period. Phosphorous availability was less in untreated soil samples with organic substances and also decreased with time. Although P recovery from inorganic P fertilizer was high in the early stages of incubation time compared to treated soil samples but decreased with time, if not treated with organic substances. Phosphorus availability and recovery increased with time in PM and biochares treated soil samples. Simultanous application of inorganic P and organic substances decreased apparent P recovery. Negative interaction obsorved between organic substances and high rates of inorganic P fertilizer on P availability. It was concluded that PM biochar prepared at 300°C had the highest effect on adjusting P availability in calcareous soil.

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