Showing 13 results for modarres
M. Modarresi, M. T. Assad, M. Kheradnam,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (winter 2004)
Yield is a quantitative trait and improving grain yield through direct selection is time-consuming. Indirect selection consisting of selection indices is more promising. A field experiment was conducted during 1999-2000 growing season in two experimental locations (Kooshkak and Badjgah) of College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz. Thirteen corn hybrids were used in a randomized complete block design with three replications in each location. Thirty-five traits were measured in five developmental stages (stem elongation, tasseling, blister, hard dough and physiological maturity) and combined analysis of variance and covariance were conducted. Finally, 12 traits were selected for constructing selection indices via path analysis. Two optimum selection indices were used in this experiment. In both selection indices, different combinations of traits applied as linear function (multivariate linear model) and coefficients of traits in combinations were calculated. The coefficient of indices were obtained from: b=P-1Ga, where b is the vector of index coefficients, P-1 is the inverse of phenotypical variance and covariance matrix, G is the matrix of genotypical variance and covariance and a is the column vector of traits heritability. In the first index, heritability of traits with the same sign was used as economic values. Selection index including grain yield and net assimilation rate in the second stage (NAR2) was the best. In the second index, the sign of genotypic correlation with yield was given to economic values. Finally, selection index including grain yield and NAR2 was the best, too. In both selection indices, correlation of selection indices with genotypic value was equal to 1. This was 14% higher than the first index including yield alone. In both selection indices, physiological indices including net assimilation, crop growth, and relative growth rates were the most important traits comprising the best selection indices.
S. S. Modarres Najafabadi, H. Akbari Moghaddam, G. Gholamian,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (winter 2005)
Four different species of aphids belonging to the Aphididae family in four genera were collected and identified in Rape-seed fields in Sistan region during 2000-2001. Among them, Brevicoryne brassicae (Cabbage aphid) was the dominant species with an abundance of about 89% in area. The population fluctuation of Brevicoryne brassicae was studied simultaneously on fields in Sistan region (Zahak research station and her around fields). The research was conducted on a half hectare of each farm. Thirty leaves from each field at week intervals were randomly picked up and the aphids were collected and identified at the species level. The Brevicoryne brassicae had a peak of activity in early mid March to April at temperature and R.H. ranging between 22-28ºC and 45-65 R.H., respectively. Controlled conditions indicated that the Brevicoryne brassicae has a life cycle of 6-7 days and adult female longevity is 20-31 days (25±2 ºC and 75±5 R.H.). Rearing study also revealed that this species has the ability to reproduce up to 18-98 nymphs under laboratory conditions and an apterous female gives birth to 22-93 nymphs in her life time. Samplings for recognition of predators and parasitoids were also taken at 3-day intervals. Natural enemies in fields during the two years were identified to be 5 coccinellid (Col:Coccinellidae), 4 syrphid(Dip:Syrphidae) and 2 chrysopid species (Neu:Chrysopidae). Also in Hymenoptera, 2 parasitoids (Hym: Aphidiidae & Pteromalidae) were determined.
S. S. Modarres Najafabadi, Gh. Gholamian,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (winter 2007)
Seven species of aphids belonging to the family Aphididae in six genera were collected and identified in wheat and barely fields in Sistan region (Miankangi, Shahraki-Narooi, Shibab and Markazi) during1999-2000. Among them, Schizaphis graminum (Wheat green aphid) was the dominant species with an abundance of about 85.4% in the area. The seasonal population changes of Schizaphis graminum were studied simultaneously in the fields of Sistan region (Zahak research station and its surrounding fields). The research was conducted in half a hectar of each farm. Thirty leaves from each field at weekly interval were randomly picked up and the aphids were collected and identified at the species level. The Schizaphis graminum had a peak of activity in the second half of March to April at the temperature and R.H. ranges of between 22-28ºC and %45-65R.H. respectively. The control conditions study (Incubator with 25±2ºC and %75±5R.H.) indicated that the Schizaphis graminum had a life cycle of 5-7 days and adult female longevity was 20-31 days. Rearing study also revealed that this species had ability to reproduce up to 18-98 nymphs in the laboratory condition (Cultural room with 20-25 ºC and 55±5R.H.) and an apterous female gave birth to 22-93 nymphs in her life. Samplings for recognition of predators and parasitoids were also done at 3-day intervals. Natural enemies in the fields during the two years were identified as consisting of six coccinellid (Col:Coccinellidae), ten syrphid (Dip:Syrphidae) and two chrysopid species (Neu: Chrysopidae). Also in Hymenoptera, five parasitoids (Hym:Aphidiidae) were determined.
M. Amini Dehaghi, S.a.m. Modarres Sanavy, F. Fattahi Neisiani,
Volume 12, Issue 45 (fall 2008)
In order to study the effect of planting dates and genistein on nitrogen content and nodulation of three annual Medicago species (Medicago polymorpha cv. Santiago M. rigidula cv. Ragidula, and M. radiata cv. Radiata), an experimental study was conducted during 2004-2005 on the Research Farm of Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran (35°43′N and 51°8′E). The factors were arranged as split-split plot in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Planting dates (February 20, March 1 and 11) were randomized to main plots and three annual medics were located in sub-plots, and genistein (0 and 20 μM) was randomized to sub-sub-plot units. Plant nitrogen contnt, nodulation and other traits were significantly different in species and M. polymorpha was better than other species in view of dry nodule weight, nodule number, nodule number in each cluster, nodule cluster number and nodule diameter. Medicago rigidula had more resistance to cold than other varieties, and its forage yield and nitrogen percentage were better than M. polymorpha. Therefore, M. rigidula may be better suited for cold zones. Twenty μmol genistein had remarkable effect on nodulation and nitrogen percentage of annual medics in comparison with control. The result showed that genistein modified negative effect of low temperature environment on nodulation and nitrogen percentage of annual medics. Nodulation and nitrogen percentage increased in all varieties at the first planting date. This finding emphasizes that genistein has a considerable effect on cold resistance establishment in varieties for improving nodulation and increasing plant nitrogen percentage in farm condition.
H. R. Balouchi, S. A. M. Modarres Sanavy, Y. Emam, M. Barzegar,
Volume 12, Issue 45 (fall 2008)
Water deficit, ultraviolet radiation and CO2 concentration enhancement are three environmental stresses that affect nutrition of human in future. This research was conducted in the Research Greenhouse of Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University in 2006, in order to study leaf qualitative traits of durum wheat under different levels of carbon dioxide (400 and 900 ppm), ultraviolet radiation (UV A, B and C) and water deficit (up to %60 of field capacity). Ultraviolet radiation enhancement increased anthocyanin, flavenoids and carotenoids of durum wheat leaf. There was no significant interaction effect between carbon dioxide and water deficit on anthocyanin and carbohydrates. Also, the interaction effects among the three factors were not significant on anthocyanin, carotenoids, chlorophyll a and a+b. Water deficit decreased leaf proteins. Increasing intensity of ultraviolet radiation and carbon dioxide enrichment decreased soluble leaf protein in durum wheat under water deficit conditions. The results showed that three main environmental stresses which reduce leaf pigment and plant protection due to negative effects of these stresses along with soluble leaf protein reduction decrease qualitative and quantitative yield of the wheat variety.
P. Almasi, S. Soltani, M. Goodarzi, R. Modarres,
Volume 20, Issue 78 (Winter 2017)
With regard to the confirmation of climate change in most regions of the world and its effects on different parts of the water cycle, knowledge of the status of water resources is necessary for proper management of resources and planning for the future. Hence many studies have been done in different areas with the aim of analyzing the impact of climate change on hydrological processes in the upcoming periods. In present research, the effect of climate change on surface runoff in Bazoft watershed has been studied. Bazoft watershed, located in North-West of Chahar Mahal & Bakhtiari province, has significant contribution in the production of water resources of the region due to its special topographical and geographical status. In this study, climatic model – HadCM3- and A2 and B2 emission scenarios have been used to assess uncertainty in forecasting climate change. For this purpose, a statistical model –SDSM- has been applied to downscale large- scale precipitation and temperature data and hydrological model –WetSpa- has been used to simulate runoff. After calibration of the hydrological model, downscaled precipitation and temperature data in near future (2020-2050) and far future (2070-2100) periods were introduced to WetSpa model and runoff was simulated for mentioned periods. Results of this study represent suitable performance of SDSM model in downscaling climatic data, especially minimum and maximum temperature. Also, performance evaluation of Wetspa model shows proper performance of this model for runoff simulation in Bazoft watershed, so that Nash- Sutcliffe efficiency during calibration and validation was 0.63 and 0.65, respectively. Moreover, assessing the amount of predicted runoff for future periods indicates an increase in annual runoff in the Bazoft watershed under both A2 and B2 scenarios.
F. Farsadnia, B. Ghahreman, R. Modarres, A. Moghaddam Nia,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (Fall 2018)
In recent years, the joint distribution properties of drought including severity and duration have been widely evaluated using copula. Few studies, however, have worked on drought modeling based on stream flow, especially in semi-arid regions such as the southern regions of Iran. This study followed two purposes. The first purpose was to find the appropriate marginal distribution function for hydrologic drought duration and severity, and the other one was to find appropriate copulas. First, the severity and duration of hydrological droughts in the hydrometery stations in the Karkhe basin were extracted by the run’s theorem, and the absence of trends was tested using the modified Mann-Kendall trend test. Appropriate marginal distribution functions for duration and severity drought were derived by using the linear moment's method. In addition, copula’s parameters for Frank, Clyton and Gumbel families were calculated by both direct and indirect methods. The best copulas were selected by the goodness of fit tests. Finally, the joint and conditional return periods for duration and severity drought were derived for each station. The results showed that drought severity and duration for all hydrometery stations in Karkhe basin followed both the generalized extreme value marginal distribution function and Gumbel copulas family, which could be used for regional copulas modeling.
Z. Dehghan, S. S. Eslamian, R. Modarres,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (Winter 2019)
Regionalization is one of the useful tools for carrying out effective analyses in regions lacking data or with having only incomplete data. One of the regionalization methods widely used in the hydrological studies is the clustering approach. Moreover, another effective factor on clustering is the degree of importance and participation level for each of these attributes. In this study, it was tried to use a broad range of attributes to compare their performance in regionalization. Then, according to the importance and role of each attribute in regionalization, the appropriate weight for each of the attributes in each category was determined using the principal component analysis (PCA) method, and the effect of this weighting in forming the homogenous regions was investigated by the Ward's clustering method. In this regard, the maximum 24-hour rainfall data of 63 meteorological stations located in Urmia Lake Basin (ULB) was used in this study during a time period of 30 years (1979-2008). Furthermore, seven categories of attributes were defined in order to regionalize the rainfall. The results showed that by considering different attributes and combining them with each other, a different clustering is obtained in each category in terms of the number of clusters and stations. Among seven categories of attributes, it was found that the geographical and climatic-geographical categories of attributes showed a more appropriate clustering over the ULB. Additionally, the weighting of attributes could have more effect on improving homogeneity and forming the independent clusters in most cases in terms of the scattering of station and how to locate over the basin.
P. Mohit Esfahani, S. Soltani, R. Modarres, S. Pourmanafi,
Volume 24, Issue 3 (Fall 2020)
Drought, as one of the most complicated natural events, causes many direct and indirect damages each year. Hence, single variable identification and monitoring of drought may not be appropriate enough for decision-making and management. In this study, in order to monitor the meteorological-agricultural drought in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, Multivariate Standardized Drought Index (MSDI) was calculated using precipitation and soil moisture variables. In addition, to evaluate the performance of MSDI in drought identification and monitoring, Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Standardized Soil Moisture Index (SSI) were used for meteorological and agricultural drought monitoring, respectively. MSDI was calculated based on the soil moisture and precipitation joint probabilities. We used the Gringorten probability as an empirical method and Archimedean copulas as the parametric method to calculate the joint probability between soil moisture and precipitation time series. The results indicated that MSDI was twice more capable of detecting drought as SSI and SPI. Furthermore, the MSDI-based drought monitoring results showed Charmahal and Bakhtiari province had experienced severe meteorological-agricultural drought in 2000, 2008, 2011 and 2014.
F. Saniesales, S. Soltani, R. Modarres,
Volume 25, Issue 2 (Summer 2021)
Several indices are used for drought identification and quantification. In this paper, the new Standardized Palmer Drought index (SPDI) was introduced and then the drought condition of Chaharmahal-Va-Bakhtiari Province was studied using this index. For this study, 11 synoptic, climatology, and evaporation meteorology stations were selected. Essential information in this investigation includes monthly temperature, monthly precipitation, and soil moisture measurement. To estimate SPDI, moisture departure, was first calculated on a monthly time scale. Then, converted to cumulative moisture departure values in different time scales including 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24 months. The best statistical distribution (GEV) was then fitted to cumulative departure. These values were then standardized to have the SPDI. The results showed that, as soil moisture affects SPDI estimation, it will be more valid for analyzing and monitoring drought conditions, especially for agricultural drought. Also, the results showed that 2000, 2001, and 2008 years were the driest time in this Province from 1988 to 2012. Moreover, drought frequency was found out in the western half of the Province more than in the other parts.
M. Motavallizadeh Naeini, R. Modarres,
Volume 25, Issue 4 (Winiter 2022)
Dust storms in arid and semi-arid regions have harmful impacts on the environment, the economy, and the health of local and global communities. In this study, the frequency of annual dust events in twenty-five stations and five climatic variables including rainfall, maximum annual wind speed, average annual wind speed, maximum annual temperature, and average annual temperature in arid regions of Iran up to 2014 were used to show the effects of climatic change on dust storms. Annual correlation coefficient time series between climatic variables and dust storms were first calculated based on monthly observations. Then, the trend in climatic variables, dust storm frequency, and their correlation were assessed using the Mann-Kendal method. Results indicated that the correlation coefficients had fluctuations in time and are both significant and insignificant in different years that reach from 0.6 to 0.9 for wind speed and temperature and -0.2 to -0.6 for precipitation. This trend in correlation has the same direction with climatic variables and shows co-movement between climatic change and dust storm fluctuations in central Iran. Results also showed that wind speed and temperature have a high impact on dust storm fluctuations and rainfall reduction has an increasing effect on dust storms.
S. Gholizadeh Tehrani, S. Soltani Koupai, R. Modarres, V. Chitsaz,
Volume 27, Issue 3 (Fall 2023)
Drought is one of the most destructive and important climate phenomena, whose effect is usually more important on a regional scale. The importance of this phenomenon is more evident in the Karkheh basin due to its size and important role in providing the country's water resources. We aim to monitor hydrologic drought using the accurate calculation of standardizes streamflow index (SSI) in one month time scale based on fitting frequency distribution to monthly data and goodness of fit test for each station in Karkheh basin for 30 years (1986-2016). The findings of this research showed that the generalized Pareto distribution was selected as the most appropriate distribution in most months, unlike the previous research that fitted and used only the Gama distribution on the data. The time series of the standard flow index indicated the occurrence of super-drought in 2008 to 2015 years. Also, the significant impact of the construction of hydraulic structures upstream of the basin on the average flow rate was observed in some stations. The results of direct and annual monitoring of the drought situation showed that the Karkheh basin has experienced hydrological drought in recent years, and the drought trend is increasing.
A. Keshavarz, R. Modarres, S.a.r. Gohari,
Volume 28, Issue 4 (Winter 2025)
This study was conducted to present rangeland bioclimatic zoning for Iran based on the changes in the power spectrum of the average monthly Net Primary Production (NPP) of the rangelands of Iran. Fluctuations of the mean monthly power spectrum of the NPP signal of rangelands of Iran from 2000 to 2022 were analyzed using the Power Spectrum Density (PSD) method in the frequency band between 0-100 Hz. In 24 bioclimatic subzones, there are four common periods in all sites at frequencies of 0 (no change is repeated), 8.34 (3.59 days), 16.66 (1.80 days), and 25 (1.2 days) Hz observed, which shows that the major data changes occur in those periods and that the NPP changes of Iranian rangeland are more influenced by global and regional effects than local effects. The maximum power of these spectra is concentrated in high time scales. Therefore, cycles with lower frequency (higher time scale) are more important than cycles with higher frequency (shorter time scale) and show that the changes of NPP in Iranian rangelands have long-duration cycles under climate fluctuations. In the present research, Iran was classified into 5+1 rangeland bioclimatic zones using the results of the monthly mean power spectrum of the NPP signal of rangelands, the Wards clustering method, and the Euclidean square distance. It seems that this method provides a proper match between biological boundaries and climate. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to investigate the coherence of rangeland bioclimatic regions within each homogeneous group. Correlation results showed a significant spectral density similarity within groups at the significance level of 0.01% between rangeland bioclimatic regions, especially in the second and fifth clusters.