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Showing 75 results for Rice

H. Sabori, A. Rezai, S. A. M. Mirmohammady Maibody, M. Esfahani,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (4-2005)

An experiment was conducted at Rasht Rice Research Institute, in 2001 to study trait relationships and to determine the direct and indirect effects of different characteristics on grain yield of rice (Orgza sativa L.). A 9x2 factorial experiment in complete randomized block design with 3 replications was used. The two factors were 9 cultivars, namely: Hashemi, Ali Kazemi, Binam, Sepeedroud, Nemat, Khazar, Taichung, Chanto, and Usen, and 2 planting patterns (15x15 cm and 30x30 cm). Significant differences were detected among cultivars, between planting patterns, and their interaction effects. The direct effect of the number of panicles/m2 on grain yield was positive and significant in both planting patterns and their combined analysis. Heading date had a positive and significant direct effect on the number of panicles/m2 in both planting patterns and their combined analysis. Only in 30x30 cm planting pattern, a positive correlation was found between biomass at heading date and the number of panicles/m2. Grain weight per plant had a direct and positive effect on panicle weight in the 3 cases studied. Also, in all the cases studied, flag leaf area had positive direct effects on grain weight per plant. Grain filling rate and effective grain filling period increased in 30x30 cm planting pattern. Native cultivars demonstrated longer latent period. Grain filling rate and effective grain filling period showed positive direct effects on grain yield in both plantings. According to the results obtained, an increase in the number of panicles/m2, rate of grain filling, and effective grain filling period would enhance grain yield. Selection for heading date, grain yield per plant, and flag leaf area would also indirectly increase grain yield.
M. R. Safari Motlagh, F. Padasht, Gh. Hedjaroude,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (7-2005)

The brown spot disease is one of the seed-borne diseases of rice, found in the all stages of its growth from nursery to farm. It causes qualitative and quantitative damage on rice. Therefore, some studies carried out on the different aspects of this disease and the reaction of some cultivars of rice against the pathogenic fungous agent of the diseases. To do so, 120 isolates, isolated from plant samples were collected from the 91 paddy fields in Guilan. To isolate the pathogenic fungous agent of the disease, the collected samples were cultured on PDA and filter paper. According to the results, the present isolation related to Bipolaris with the 3 species : Bipolaris oryzae (Ito & Kurib.) Drechsler ex Dastur Bipolaris victoriae Nelson Bipolaris sp. The total isolataes were consisted of 15% Bipolaris oryzae, 75% Bipolaris -victoriae and 10% Bipolaris sp. The study of pathogenicity of isolation in these three species was applied to Khazar rice in desicator. The symptoms created by these three species were different from necrotic spots to leaf death. The results indicated that not only the symptoms but also the virulence in these three species were different. The virulence in B. oryzae was more than B. sp and this was more than B. victoriae. To study the reaction of some cultivars of rices to the pathogenic fungous agent, 8 cultivars of rice: “ Bejar, Khazar, Sepeedroud, Domsephid, Hassan saraee, Binam, Neda, Nemat” respectively were used in the two stages of the plant growth, to leaf in the seedling stage and heading. The results indicated that in seedling stage there was no significant difference between these cultivars with respect to the amount of infection. And in heading stage, according to “Dunken” test (5%) they divided into the 3 groups: “Neda, Sepeedrud, Khazar and Binam” with the lowest amount of infection were in the first group, “Bejar, Domsephid and Hassan saraee” classified in the second group and “Nemat” was in the third one. But there was no significant difference between them according to the variance analysis table.
R. Hajiboland, M. K. Khosrowpanah,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1-2006)

Manganese toxicity occurs in many agricultural and natural ecosystems under the various soil conditions such as the nature of substrate, acidity, flooding or vicinity to the mining areas. The objective of this work was to study the effects of excess Mn in the growth medium on three important crop species, namely rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. T. Hashemi), maize (Zea mays L. cv. SC.704) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. Mehr). Plants were cultured in the hydroponic medium under controlled environmental conditions and treated with 0 (control), 25 50, 75 and 100 µM Mn for 12 days. Dry mass production, the effect of supplemental Mg and Ca on the toxicity expression, root respiration and K+ leakage from shoot and root tissues were studied under the Mn treatments. In order to study the effect of light intensity on the expression of toxicity symptoms, plants were cultured under the different light conditions, thereafter their growth and metal uptake and transport were studied. Sunflower plants treated with the 50 µM Mn and higher, showed dark-brown spots associated with the trichomes on the leaves and petioles. Maize plants developed interveinal chlorosis and any visual leaf symptoms was observed in rice. In all of the studied species, a great portion of the absorbed Mn was translocated into shoot, the highest transport was observed in sunflower and the lowest in maize. No significant correlation was observed between the expression of Mn toxicity and the accumulation rate of Mn. Growing under the low light intensity, in addition to the lowering biomass production, increased or decreased the toxicity effect depending on species. Mn-toxicity-induced root respiration was not associated with the differential response of species to Mn toxicity. In contrast the change of K+ leakage from shoot and root tissues was well correlated with the toxicity response of tested plants.
H. Rahim Soroush, A. Moumeni,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2006)

To determine the genetic structure, general and specific combining ability of some important agronomic characters, eight rice cultivars including 5 lines and 3 testers were crossed in Rice Research Institute of Iran (RRII), at Rasht, in 2000. Parental lines and F1 were planted in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications in the year 2001. Eleven important agronomic traits including yield and its components were recorded. Analysis of variances based on line×tester method showed that the mean squares for all traits were significant at 1% level. General combining ability (GCA) was positive and significant for grain yield in Khazar and Salary. Kanto and Salari have showed a negative and significant GCA for fertile tillers, as one of the most important yield components. Lines 213, 229 and Domsiah had negative and significant GCA for days to 50% of flowering. The lines with positive GCA can inherit those characters to progenies positively. While the lines with negative GCA can negatively transfer those characters to progenies. Estimation of components of genetic variance indicated that the number of fill grain per panicle and days to 50% of flowering were controlled by additive gene effects. It indicated that these traits can be transferred into progenies. For traits such as grain yield, fertile tillers and length of flag dominant gene effects was predominant.
A. Abouzari Gazafrodi, R. Honarnegad, M. H. Fotokian, A. Alami,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (7-2006)

In order to investigate path analysis and study correlations among 16 agronomic traits, 49 Iranian and foreign rice entries were evaluated in a simple lattice square as experimental design with 2 replications at research farm of Tonekabon agricultural college in 2001. Analysis of variance showed significant difference among genotypes for all the studied traits (p<0.05). Phenotypic and genotypic correlation analysis showed positive and significant correlation between grain yield and the number of productive tiller, total tillers and number of grain per panicle. Based on path analysis of the traits, the number of productive tillers had the highest direct effect on the grain yield. Furthermore, the number of grain per panicle and 100-grain weight had a high direct effect on the yield. Overall, the results are suggestive of the direct selection for grain yield in these genotypes through above - mentioned traits.
M. Kavoosi, M. J. Malakouti,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2006)

Potassium is one of nutritional element that has an important effect on the quantity and quality of rice plant. Knowledge about the K critical level and plant response to different application rate of K, can effectively help with the proper use of this element. Therefore, in this study potassium (K) critical level for rice (Khazar variety) and prediction equation for grain yield were determined in 21 rice fields of Guilan provience during 2001-2002. After land preparation, 6 experimental plots (4×5m) were constructed in each selected field. Nitrogen and phosphorus were applied before transplanting, based on soil test from urea and triple superphosphate, respectively. Potassium was applied in different rates including 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 kg ha-1 of K2O as muriate potassium. Khazar variety was transplanted in a space of 25×25cm, just after fertilizing of plots. Plots were harvested in 5 m2 at the end of maturity stage from the first node above the ground, and grain and straw were measured separately. Statistic analysis was done on grain weight based on 14% moisture. The results showed, that effect of different K fertilizer application in 5% and the effect of soil type in 1% were statistically significant on the grain yield. The mean increase of grain yield in responsive fields to K application was 982 kg ha-1. The results also showed that the responses of rice fields with available K less than 100 mg kg-1, 100-160, and more than 160 mg kg-1 to KCl application were high, moderate and low, respectively. Potassium critical level based on 90% relative yield was determined as 110 mg kg-1 of soil . In final relative yield, prediction equation, available potassium, potassium content of irrigation water, and rate of KCl fertilizer application entered positively in the equation, while available phosphorus showed negative effect on relative yield.
Sh. Rafiee,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2006)

Rapid drying can increase brittleness of and induce internal cracks in the grain which predispose the product to breakage during subsequent activities. To fully understand the drying process requires an accurate description of the drying mechanism. Kernel equilibruim moisture content (EMC) is a property strongly related to agricultural products drying phenomena. Its accurate prediction can lead to optimisation of drying processes, especially in highly automated computer aided drying systems. In this study, a finite element formulation and solution of a set of coupled conductive heat and diffusive moisture transfer equations, to improve grain drying simulation of axisymmetric bodies are presented. Axisymmetric linear triangular elements with two degrees of freedom per node are used to discretize the rice grain in model for different equilibrium moisture content (from 7.5 to 0.12 d.b.%). For the purpose of this study, one medium grain, ‘Sepidrod CV.’, was used. During the thin layer drying, the drying air temperature of 69 °C and initial moisture content of 17.23 d.b.%, were adopted. A high relation has been observed when the output of model with 11.5 d.b.% EMC was compared to experimental data obtained by others. The least and most root mean square error analysis (RMSE) calculated for models at different EMC with experimental data were 0.0091 and 0.1025. The least and most mean relative deviation modulus were 1.394 and 5.129, respectively. Considering the mean errors of the models in relation to the obtained experimental data, the equilibrium moisture content for 11.5 d.b gave the best result.
M. Mojtabaie Zamani, M. Esfahany, R. Honarnejad, M. Alahgholipour,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2007)

Relationship between grain filling rate , grain filling duration, yield components and other physiological traits of rice was investigated in 93 genotypes of rice at Rice Research Institute of Iran (Rasht, Iran) during the growing season of 2001-2002. The experiment was performed without any statistical design. Panicles of main stem were tagged and taken at 3- day intervals during the grain filling period. A cubic polynomial model was used to fit the grain dry weight data (mean of R2= 0.98 for all genotypes) and the grain filling rate and duration estimated for the genotypes. Traits related to sink capacity such as grain weight, grain size and grain number per panicle correlated with grain filling rate but source -capacity- related traits except chlorophyll content of flag leaf and secondary leaf did not correlate with grain filling rate. Stepwise regression showed that final grain weight, grain filling duration and flag leaf angle contributed to grain filling rate, however, path analysis showed that only final grain weight and grain filling duration had the greatest effect on grain filling rate. The results of stepwise regression irrespective of final grain weight showed that chlorophyll content of flag leaf, grain width, grain filling duration and grain length contributed to grain filling rate. Path analysis results showed that the final grain weight had the greatest direct positive effect on grain filling rate, while grain filling duration had negative effect on grain filling rate.
H. R. Ali Abbasi, M. Esfahani, B. Rabiei, M. Kavousi,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2007)

Effect of nitrogen (N) fertilizer levels and its split applications on yield and yield components of rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cv. Khazar was investigated in a completely randomized block design with 3 replications in a paddy light soil at Guilan province, Iran, 2003. In this experiment, six treatments including: T1-control (no N fertilizer) T2- 40 kg/ha N (at transplanting time) T3- 80 kg/ha N (at transplanting, and tillering times) T4- 80 kg/ha N (at transplanting, tillering, and panicle initiation times) T5- 120 kg/ha N (at transplanting, and tillering times) and T6- 120 kg/ha N (at transplanting, tillering, and panicle initiation times) were compared. Results showed that the highest fertile tiller number was obtained in the fifth and sixth treatments with double and triple split applications of 120 kg/h N (236 and 248 m-2). The highest fertile filled spikelets percentage (84.8%), 1000-grain weight (26.1 g) and grain yield (4.83 t/ha) belonged to the sixth treatment, but grain yield and 1000-grain weight were not significantly differerent in the fourth and sixth treatments with three fertilizing times. This finding may have resulted from the third topdressing application of nitrogen fertilizer in panicle initiation and higher leaf area (44.8 and 45.5 Cm2), leaf greenness (39.4 and 39.9) and leaf nitrogen concentration (31.2 and 33.6 g/kg) during grain filling in the fourth and sixth treatments. Regression analysis also showed that flag leaf greenness (SPAD values at 5 days after flowering) and flag leaf area accounted for about 75% and 78% changes in yield, respectively. In conclusion, triple split application of 80 kgN/ha could be suggested for rice Cv. Khazar in these regions since the yield would be the same as the application of 120Kg/ha N.
M. R. Yazdani, M. Ghodsi, S. F. Mousavi,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Cultivation of a second crop in paddy fields of Guilan province is a strategy for optimum use of land, supporting family economy and increasing oil-seed production. However, this is impeded under high rainfall and waterlogging conditions. To enhance second-crop cultivation in paddy fields, surface drainage is inevitable. The surface drainage practices should be performed with minimum costs, least time span and least variations of the land. In the present research, longitudinal surface drains were constructed with a spacing of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 m (depth of 20 cm), with and without 1-m lateral drains (depth of 10 cm) in Rice Research Institute, Rasht, Iran. The experiment was conducted in a complete randomized block design with three replications. Canola (Brassica napa), variety PF, was cultivated as a second crop after rice. The results showed that the effects of drain spacing on seed yield, days to maturity, number of plants per m2, and also the effects of lateral drainage on seed yield, plant height, residual N, days to maturity, and number of plants per m2 are significant (P<0.01). Highest yield (2493 kg/ha) was obtained from longitudinal drains 4 m apart, with lateral drainage drain spacing of 6 and 2 m had acceptable yields, too (2241 and 1817 kg/ha, respectively). For treatments without lateral drainage, 2-m drain spacing had the highest yield (1324 kg/ha). Considering all the expenses for drainage construction, it was found that net benefit of longitudinal drain spacing of 4 and 6 m was twice the costs. Since the rainfall in Nov., Dec., and Jan., 2000, was higher than the 20-year average rainfall of the same months, it was concluded that the results of this experiment may be recommended in the years with a rainfall less than the year 2000.
M. Heidari Soltanabadi, A. Hemmat,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Studies show that excessive rotation of rice, when the grains revolve inside the milling chamber, increase the breakage. Ease of grain movement in the milling chamber could minimize this problem by utilizing screw conveyor at the first part of rotor. In this study the rotor of a conventional milling was equipped with a screw conveyor. The effects of two rotor types (modified and conventional rotors), three output rates (412, 654 and 915 kg/h) and three blade distances from the agitator (11, 12 and 13mm) were examined on indices of rice quality using a split-split plot design. In this experiment, the percentage of whole white rice and breakage, degree of milling and milling performance index were either measured or calculated. Results showed that only the effect of blade distance on percentage of breakage was significant whereas the effect of feed rate on all measured parameters was significant. In addition, the interaction effects of rotor type and blade distance, rotor type and feed rate on percentage of whole white rice and breakage were significant, respectively. The milling performance index showed that the best conditions for both rotors can be obtained at output rate of 412kg/hr and 11or 12mm blade distance from the agitator. For this adjustment, the average of percentage of breakage in the modified and conventional rotors were 20.5 and 23, respectively.
R. Hajiboland, S.y. Salehi, T. Aghajan-Zadeh, M. Abhari, E. Nazifi,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Zn deficiency is one of the most important nutritional disorders after macro-nutrients in rice. There are considerable genotypic differences among rice genotypes in response to Zn deficiency. Determination of such differences and introduction of efficient genotypes could lead to significant reduction of fertilizer use for rice production. In this research, some of the most frequently cultivated rice genotypes in Northern Iran, were compared for their tolerance to Zn deficiency in a field (11 cultivars) and hydroponic (16 cultivars) experiment. Four levels of Zn fertilizer were used in field experiment including 0 (control), 25, 50 and 100 kg ha-1 and three different activity of Zn in chelator-buffer experiment including 130 (control), 23 and 5 pM. Experiments were conducted using complete randomized block design and data was analyzed using two factorial analysis of variance including Zn level and genotypes. In addition to yield components in the field study and dry matter production in the hydroponic culture medium, concentration of Zn was also determined in shoot, root and seed. The comparison of all yield components showed that the cultivar Onda was the most Zn-inefficient (susceptible to Zn deficiency) and Khazar was the most Zn-efficient (tolerant to Zn deficiency) genotypes under field conditions. In hydroponic experiment, cultivars Fajr, Tarom Hashemi and Onda were determined as the most Zn-inefficient and Shafagh, Amol and Mianeh were recognized as the most Zn-efficient genotypes. The most significant response to Zn fertilizer, in terms of Zn accumulation in seeds, was observed in Nemat and Tarom Deilamani. In contrast, Cadoos accumulated Zn mostly in straw. Results of our experiments introduced not only the genotypes with the highest yield on soils low in available Zn, but also genotypes with the highest Zn accumulation in seeds in response to Zn fertilizers which are important for human nutrition.
B. Najafi, M. Zibaei, M. H. Sheikhi, M. H. Tarazkar,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (4-2007)

In this study wholesale prices of selected crops, namely, tomato, onion and potatoes in Fars province were predicted for various time horizons by using common methods of forecasting and artificial neural networks (ANN). Monthly data from September 1998 to June 2005 period were obtained from Ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture. For comparing different methods data selected from September 1998 to December 2004 were utilized, and latest six - month data were mainly used to monitor the power of prediction. The MAE, MSE and MAPE criteria were used for comparing the ability of different forecasting methods. Results of this study showed that ANN had the lowest error in prediction of prices for one - to three - month periods, but for six - month prediction, all forecasting methods were not statistically different.
S. J. Khajeddin, S. Pourmanafi,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (4-2007)

To detect the rice paddis areas in Isfahan region, the IRS-1D data from PAN, LISS III and WiFS time series were used. Geometric, atmospheric, radiometric and topographic corrections were applied to various images from 2003 to 2004. Necessary preprocessing and various analyses as well as time series composite image analyses were applied and field sampling was done for appropriate times in 2003 and 2004. Image classification was applied using suitable training sites in various images. The SWIR band capabilities were useful for NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) to detect the rice paddies. On PAN and LISS III images, urban areas, roads, agricultural lands, non cultivated farms, rocks and brackish soils are detectable. The error matrix was calculated to assess the produced map accuracy using the ground truth data. The total classification accuracy was %91 and the Kappa index value was %89. The rice paddy areas was about 19500 ha in 2003, detected through LISS III data, and 20450 ha through WiFS data. The paddies were 21670 in 2004 through WiFS data. The results of this study confirmed that one can use the LISS III data to detect and determine the rice paddys areas with high accuracy, and WiFS data to estimate the paddies areas with acceptable accuracy.
R. Honarnejad,
Volume 11, Issue 41 (10-2007)

Six Iranian rice cultivars (Binam, Domsiyah, Shahpasand, Sepidrud, Khazar and Valed 46) were crossed in 1989 in the Iranian Rice Research Institute in Rasht, Iran in a full-diallel design. The F1 progenies together with parents were transplanted in a CRBD in the 5 x 0.75 m plots at plant density of 25 x 25 cm (60 plantlets per plot) in 3 replications. Part of this research was published in 1994 as a half-diallel design and the data of full-diallel, using Griffing approach, is subject of this paper. The analysis of variance showed significant differences among genotypes. The mean of six parents, 15 crosses and 15 reciprocal crosses were analyzed using the four diallel crossing systems of the Griffing approach. The SS of genotypes were separated into GCA for each parent and SCA for each cross using corresponding formula. The additive variance (VA) and dominance variance (VD) values were estimated using the table of variance analysis. The heritability (h2ns) was also estimated from VA and VD variances. The simple variance analysis of “grain yield per plant” and other agronomic traits using each of the 4 diallel crossing methods of Griffing showed significant differences (P < 1%) among genotypes, indicating a sufficient genetic potential of the investigated genotypes. The GCA variance analysis of the lines was significant for all the characteristics, indicating the importance of additive variance (VA) by inheritance of these traits. Using Griffing’s diallel methods 1 and 3, SCA variances for all investigated traits showed significance, whereas in the methods 2 and 4, traits “1000 grain weight” and “tiller per plant” were not significant according to SCA. This also indicates the importance of dominant variance (VD) in most of the traits, except for “1000 grain weight” and “tiller per plant”. The differences among the reciprocal crosses in diallel methods 1 and 3 were also examined where for all the characteristics (except for “deaf grains per panicle” and “length to breadth ratio of brown rice grain”) significant differences were observed, suggesting the possibility of cytoplasmic effect of mother line on the reciprocal crosses. The heritability (h2ns), which indicates the ratio of additive variance (VA) to phenotypic variance (VP), was estimated to be equal to zero due to the absence of additive variance for grain per panicle and the number of days from transplanting to full maturity of grain. The heritability for other characteristics was estimated high or low according to additive variance. For example in all 4 diallel methods the heritability estimation for length to breadth ratio of brown rice grain was relatively high (65 – 71%) whereas for “panicle length” and “grain yield per plant” was relatively low (13 – 48%). The correlation among genetic parameters (VA, VD, D, h2ns ) were generally high and significant.
M. Fazlalipour, B. Rabiei, H. Samizadeh Lahiji, H. Rahim Soroush,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (1-2008)

  Application of selection index for screening desired plants based on complex quantitative traits can be more effective than direct selection. This study was conducted using an F2 rice population consisting of 87 plants derived from a cross between two cultivars Gharib and IR28. The purpose was to establish suitable selection indices for increasing yield and its related traits in research farm of Rice Research Institute of Iran (RRII), Rasht, in 2005. Studied traits included the days from sowing, germinated grain to maturity (MD), plant height (PH), panicle length (PL), flag leaf length (FL), flag leaf width (FW), number of panicles per plant (PP), number of grains per panicle (GP), number of spikelets per panicle (SP), 100-grain weight (GW), grain yield per plant (GY), biomass (BM), harvest index (HI), grain length (GL) and grain breadth (GB). Among the studied traits, 100-grain weight (GW), biomass (BM) and harvest index (HI) (0.99) and flag leaf width (FW) (0.35) showed the highest and lowest broad-sense heritability, respectively. Path coefficient analysis revealed that BM, HI, GP had positive direct effects on GY. Calculation of five different selection indices based on optimum and base indices indicated that selection for BM, HI and GP using genotypic path coefficients and their heritability as economic values would be a suitable selection criterion for improving population. Moreover, this study showed that both optimum and base indices show the same genetic progress for the studied traits. Since evaluation of base index, is much easier than the optimum index, it is highly recommended.

M. Modaraye Mashhoud, M. Esfahany, M. Nahvi,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (1-2008)

  In order to reduce the rainfall damages on rice yield at harvest stage, a field experiment was conducted at Rice Research Institute of Iran, Rasht, in 2004 by using Sodium Chlorate as a chemical desiccant. Five seed moisture contents of Dorfak rice cultivar were considered as experimantal treatments [24 - 28% (M1), 22 - 24% (M2), 20 -22% (M3). 18 - 20% (M4) and control (M5= conventional harvesting)]. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with three replications and the effects of treatments on grain yield, head rice yield,seed germination rate and percentage, kernel breakage, kernel cracking, amylose content, gelatinization temperature and gel consistency were evaluated. Results showed that the whole plant and grain moisture contents were significantly reduced in all experimental treatments compared with control. M2 and M3 both cosiderably reduced the plant moisture content in which harvesting occurred 12 and 8 days respectively sooner than the control. In M1, due to high grain moisture and non - simultaneous grain filling in different tillers, many of panicles desiccated prior to maturity lost their quality. In M4, the crop harvested was only 2 days earlier than the control. Analysis of variance showed that there were no significant effects of treatments on evaluated traits. It seems that rice plant could be reliably desiccated by Sodium Chlorat and harvested earlier without any adverse effects on its quality and quantity.

M. Amanzadeh, A. Moumeni, M. Okhovat, M.j. Javan. Nikkhah, V. Khosravi,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (1-2008)

  Blast, caused by Magnaprthe grisea, is often an important fungal disease in the production of rice in temperate and tropical areas including Iran. To determine reaction of rice cultivars against blast disease, 40 rice genotypes from Iran and other sources from Asia were selected. Four blast isolates from different races were used to test all rice genotypes in different greenhouse tests. In blast nursery, experiments were conducted in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. In different experiments inoculated plant materials were evaluated for Infected Neck Number(INN), Neck Lesion Size(NLS), Infection Type(IT), Diseased Leaf Area(DLA), Area Under the Disease Progress Curve(AUDPC), Lesion Number(LN), and Sporulating Region Diameter(SRD). Most of the Iranian traditional cultivars together with CO-39 and C104-PKT showed susceptible reaction for AUDPC, IT, INN and NLS. Performance of improved cultivars from Iran, IRRI and NILs (except C104-PKT) was resistant. Some cultivars including Fujiminori, Onda , Hassan saraii were moderatly susceptible to leaf blast in blast nursery. All components of resistance in both growing stages in greenhouse and nursery tests were significantly correlated. In some cases such as cultivar Haraz different reaction was observed in seedling and flowering stages, indicating that genetics of resistance in two stages could be different.

M. Rahimi, B. Rabiei, H. Samizadeh Lahiji, A. Kafi Ghasemi,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (4-2008)

Six rice cultivars were crossed in half diallel design to evaluate their GCA and SCA in 2005. In the following year, parents and their progenies were grown in a randomized complete block design with three replications, and 10 traits were measured. The analysis of variance showed significant differences (p≤0.01) between cultivars. Furthermore, general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) for parents and hybrids were significant. Therefore, additive and non-additive gene effects on controlling traits were demonstrated. According to the analysis based on the second and fourth Griffing methods, additive gene effects were more than non-additive gene effects on controlling growth period, plant height, panicle length, number of panicles/plant and brown rice length, while other studied traits were more controlled by non-additive gene effects. Comparison of the second and fourth Griffing methods showed that the proportions of additive and non-additive variances in two methods were different. Moreover, GCA and SCA resulting from the two methods for several traits such as vegetative and productive growth period, plant height, number of filled grains/panicle and grain yield were significant. Therefore, it could be concluded that using parental generations in the second Griffing method may cause biased estimate of the GCA and SCA variances. Thus, using the fourth Griffing method is more suitable than the other methods in providing time, cost and facilities, and is recommended as an applicable method.
S.s. Hosseini, M. Ghorbani, M. Khaledi, E. Hassanpour,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (4-2008)

This paper analyzed the effect of transaction costs on supply response of rice producers in Iran. Some of these producers participate in market as sellers or buyers and others remain self-sufficient. Farmers have different responses based on fixed and proportional transaction costs. The data used in this research consisted of information about 260 rice producers in Mazandaran province in 2004. The results indicated that lowering transactions costs would increase output by both increasing market participation and increasing production for market participants. Given that transaction costs affect market participation, aggregate supply will respond to changes in the transaction cost structure through its effect on market participation. It is recommended that policies reducing transaction costs be applied as a complementary policy to price policies to affect supply response.

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