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Showing 75 results for Rice

H Amirnejad, H Rafiee,
Volume 13, Issue 48 (7-2009)

Land and its size are important as the most basic factors of production in agriculture .Fragmentation is one of the main problems that rice producers of Mazandaran province are confronted with. Non-efficiency in farm management, inability in effective using of agriculture technology and machinery, and low range productivity of production are all related to land fragmentation. In order to overcome the problems and consequences originating from land fragmentation, specialists recommend the logical solution of land consolidation process, which is a basic strategy for changing the farm size. The purpose of this research was to identify and determine effective factors in land consolidation adoption by rice producers in Mazandaran province by using Logit Regression model. In this study, 150 rice producers from 5 villages have been investigated since 2007. Results show that variables of education, land quality, fragment distance and extension effort (learning programs) are the most important factors in land consolidation adoption by rice producers in this province (Sig=1%) . Also, number of the household and credit support are the next factors affecting in land consolidation adoption (Sig= 5%). I t must be noted that other variable such as age, farmer’s income, children education, experience of rice producers, cultivation area, membership in cooperatives, land situation, number of pieces and technical supports were not significantly involved.
M Kopahi, H Sadat Barikani, M Kavoosi Kelashomi, M Sasoli,
Volume 13, Issue 48 (7-2009)

Risk and uncertainty have an important role in determining farmers' goals and their decision making. Risk affects optimal use of inputs and production efficiency. Using production inputs especially new inputs is one of the effective factors in production risk hence, it is necessary to obtain information about inputs use risk in order to find solution to risk management. For investigating effect of inputs use on production risk of rice crop in Gilan province, a quadratic form of production function was applied. Mean production function indicates constant return to scale. Also, risk production function shows increasing acreage and use of fertilizer cause increase in production risk of rice crop. Therefore, consolidating program of rice acreages and policy of paying subsidies to fertilizer input should be managed by considering producers' conditions.
S Safae Chaykar, H Samie Zade, M Esfahani, B Rabiei,
Volume 13, Issue 48 (7-2009)

In order to study the correlation of agronomic, morphologic and physiologic traits and their effects on grain yield of rice genotypes in two environments (favorable irrigation and water stress), 49 genotypes were evaluated using a completely randomized block design with 3 replications in two experimental conditions. All practices and conditions were the same for the two experiments with the exception of irrigation, where under stress conditions no irrigation was applied at tillering stage. Comparison of means showed significant differences between genotypes in each environment. Also, differences between yield and yield components of each genotype under two conditions were significant. The results of phenotypic correlations showed that the highest positive and significant correlation with grain yield belonged to number of panicle per plant (0.95) in irrigation conditions and to number of filled grains per panicle (0.92) in water stress conditions. Stepwise regression analysis for grain yield introduced number of panicle per plant, relative water content (RWC), flag leaf length and number of spikelet per panicle, respectively, as effective traits in grain yield in irrigation conditions, however, in stress conditions, number of filled grain per panicle, number of panicle per plant and relative water content were effective traits in yield. The results of path analysis showed that the number of panicle per plant had the highest positive and direct effect on grain yield in the two environments. Factor analysis introduced four factors in the two conditions named yield and crop production, phenologic, harvest index and plant shape and appearance quality of grains factors. Therefore, to select high yield and drought tolerant genotypes, we need to consider number of filled grain per panicle, number of panicle per plant and relative water content. In addition, traits such as panicle length, number of spikelet per panicle, flag leaf length and width that showed significant correlations with grain yield in stress conditions should also be considered important and second to the above mentioned traits.
J Torkamani, H Dehghanpor,
Volume 13, Issue 48 (7-2009)

The objective of this study was to investigate the demand of food and nonfood commodities among urban and rural households. To this aim, an appropriate functional form and approximation index were established. Then, Deaton and Mulbaer Iterative (DMI) approach as a linear approximation of Almost Ideal Demand System was used. The study horizon was also 1362-1383(1983-2004). The findings revealed that for urban households housing, fuel, power and furniture, household operations and entertainment, education and food, beverages, tobacco are considered necessary. While clothing, footwear and medical care and transport, communication and other goods are consumed as superior commodities. For urban households, a weak complementary and substitution relation among selected commodities was recognized. In the case of rural households clothing, footwear and food, beverages, tobacco were revealed to be necessary, while housing, fuel, power and medical care and entertainment, education were found superior. For the rural households only furniture and house operation was found elastic. The compensated and uncompensated self price elasticizes were similar regarding the sign and magnitude coefficients for rural and urban households.
M. Zolfi Bavariani , M. Maftoon ,
Volume 14, Issue 54 (1-2011)

Due to low availability of zinc and copper in calcareous soils and the antagonism of these nutrients with each other, the study of their effects on growth and chemical composition of rice seems to have great importance. Also, the relations among different chemical forms of Zn and Cu and plant responses are very important, which can be used in investigation of antagonisms of these nutrients as well. Therefore, by application of different levels of Zn and Cu, their effects on plant growth and nutrient concentration in the plant were studied and different forms of these nutrients in soil were determined. Results showed that zinc application increased plant growth, Zn concentration and total uptake, but decreased Cu concentration in the plant. However, copper application showed no significant effects on the plant growth, but increased Cu concentration and total uptake and decreased Zn concentration in the plant. Also, the results showed an increase in carbonatic, adsorbed and exchangeable Zn forms and exchangeable Cu form by Zn application. Carbonatic form of zinc has maximum effects on concentration and total uptake of this element in the plant. Copper application increased carbonatic and organic forms of this nutrient in soil, and there was maximum correlation between organic form of Cu and its concentration and uptake in the plant
H. Zare Abyaneh, H.noori, A.m.liaghat, V.karimi, H.noori,
Volume 15, Issue 57 (10-2011)

Fertilizers in agriculture are potential sources of environmental pollution, especially in ground water quality and soil resources. Studying factors effective in water and nutrient transport through soil profile is helpful for nutrient management to minimize adverse impacts on environment and nitrate leaching below the root zone. In this study, the ground water level and nitrate leaching transportation below the root zone were measured in a paddy rice field and the data were simulated with the DRAINMOD-N model. For evaluating DRAINMOD-N software in a paddy rice field under surface drainage in Mazandaran, the ground water level and nitrate transportation were measured during four months (June, July, August and September) in 2008. The DRAINMOD-N model was calibrated by adjusting nitrification and denitrification rate constants to reach the best fit between measured and predicted data. Results indicate that predicted ground water level and nitrate concentration by model were significant at one percent level. The statistical comparison was done by model efficiency (EF) 0.84 for estimation of ground water level and 0.97 for estimation of nitrate concentration, respectively. The DRAINMOD-N model can be used as a tool to manage environmental pollution of nitrate in paddy rice fields.
S. M. Mousavi, A. Hoshmand, S. Bromandnasab, M. Yazdani,
Volume 16, Issue 60 (7-2012)

The common method of irrigating rice in paddy fields of Iran, like most countries, is flooded irrigation. The water required in this method is too much. However, because of water shortage in recent years, and malfunctioning of irrigation systems, it is needed to use water in a reasonable way and increase water use efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to know water loss amounts at the paddy fields. The deep percolation (DP) was measured by closed- and open-bottom rings in 4 locations, and 7 sites at each location, of paddy fields in Somae-Sara city, Guilan province. These locations were selected on the base of different physiographic units. The average DP of these locations was also monitored during plant growth season. The measurements were performed twice a week. Results showed that the rate of DP varied during the season, and could take a positive or negative value. The most important factors of these variations were the lateral seepage (from surrounding rice fields) and the high perched groundwater table in paddy fields.
M. Pirzadeh, M. Afyuni, A. H. Khoshgoftarmanesh,
Volume 16, Issue 60 (7-2012)

This study was carried out to investigate zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) concentration in paddy soil and rice grain produced in central and southwest Iran in relation to soil and plant factors, and their intake in peoples diet was also assessed. Rice crops and associated surface soils (0-30 cm) were collected from 136 fields in Isfahan, Fars and Khuzestan provinces. The result, showed the DTPA-Zn concentration in more than 50% of paddy soils was less than its critical deficiency concentration (2 mg kg-1). The grain Zn concentration in more than 54% of the rice samples was less than 20 mg kg-1. The measured Cd concentrations in paddy soils and edible part of rice exceeded the world health organization (WHO) value in more than 12% of the samples. By considering the average daily rice consumption of 110 g per capita, the Zn intake from rice consumption was estimated about 10% needed for female and male adult. Diet intake analysis did not indicate any excessive dietary intake of Cd when Cd mean of concentrations in rice grain was 0.04 mg/kg, but based on the results of risk analysis, it is more than safely level for contaminated rice.
Zahra Saadati, Nader Pirmoradian, Mojtaba Rezaei,
Volume 17, Issue 64 (9-2013)

The modeling of yield response to water is expected to play an increasingly important role in the optimization of crop water productivity (WP) in agriculture. In this study, the CropSyst model was used to simulate two local rice varieties yield response under five irrigation treatments consisting of continuous flooding irrigation and irrigation at 0, 3, 6 and 9 days after the disappearance of water from the soil surface. The experiment was conducted at Rasht region during two growing seasons of 2003 and 2004. The model was calibrated using the first year data and validation of that was done using the second year data set. The result of F test shows that there was not a significant difference between the measured and simulated yield at confidence level of 99%. The relative errors of yield estimation were obtained between -0.81 to 12.58% and -2.4 to 19.42% for Binam and Hasani cultivars in 2003, respectively. These values were 0.83 to 16.4% and -2.82 to 21.27% in 2004, respectively. The results showed that due to the CropSyst model ability in simulating yield of rice under different irrigation regimes, this model can be used to explore management optimum options to improve rice water productivity
H. Modabberi, M. Mirlatifi, M. A. Gholami,
Volume 18, Issue 67 (6-2014)

Since more than 75% of the rice fields in Iran are located in the Northern provinces i.e. Mazandaran, Guilan, and Golestan identifying the crop water requirement of rice fields is essential for water resources planning in the Northern provinces. The objective of this research was to ascertain the crop water requirement of two rice cultivars namely Hashemi and Khazar in Guilan province during 1389 growing season. Four iron barrels with diameter of 56 cm were used as lysimeters to grow the cultivars mentioned. According to a simple volume balance approach the crop water use of the four lysimeters were determined during the growing season. The elements of volume balance approach such as the depths of drainage, precipitation, and irrigation were recorded daily and the average of 5-day and 10-day periods were reported. The daily rice crop water use during the growing season was found to range from 2.4 to 6.3 mm/day with a seasonal crop water use ranging from 430 to 470 mm for Hashemi and Khazar cultivars, respectively. Daily reference evapotranspiration was computed by the FAO-Penman-Montith equation and accordingly rice crop coefficients were computed. The crop coefficient of Hashemi variety was found to be 1.1, 1.3, and 1.1 during the initial, mid, and end growth stages, respectively. In addition, the aforementioned parameters for Khazar variety were 1.2, 1.3, and 1.1.
A. Mohammadi, M. A. Bahmanyar,
Volume 18, Issue 68 (9-2014)

In order to investigate the cumulative effect of three-year application of municipal solid waste compost (C) and the compost accompanied with chemical fertilizer (CF) on the concentrations of some heavy metals in various organs of rice plant, a field experiment with completely randomized design in three replications was performed in 2009. Treatments were as follows: Control (without C and CF), CF (100 kg urea, 100 kg super phosphate and 100 kg potassium sulphate per ha), 15, 30 and 45 tons of C without CF, 15, 30 and 45 tons of C with 25%, 50% and 75% CF. Results showed that application of compost in three years would increase the amounts of Ni, Pb, Cd and Cr in different organs of rice plant. Also, application of C accompanied with CF increased the amount of Ni, Pb, Cd and Cr in various organs of rice compared to C. The highest concentration of nickel and lead (9.1 and 7.8 respectively) were obtained in grains in 45 ton C + 50% CF per ha treatment. Meanwhile, the maximum content of cadmium in grain (1.6 in 30 ton C + 75% CF ha-1treatment, and the highest amount of chromium in grain (1.8 ) resulted from 30 ton + 25% CF ha-1treatment.
M. Navabian, M. Aghajani, M. Rezaei,
Volume 18, Issue 70 (3-2015)

Water Uptake by the root under salinity and water Stress in unsaturated soils was investigated through mathematical equations in three Groups of additive, multiplicative and non-consumptive. This study was an effort to assess six water uptake functions of van Genuchten (additive and multiplicative), Dirksen et al., Van Dam et al, Skaggs et al, and Homaee, for Rasht Hashemi rice under salinity and water stress conditions. Based on field observations of Hashemi Rasht rice in 1386 and 1389, crop growth simulation model of SWAP was calibrated and validated with a correlation coefficient of 0.97 and 0.95, respectively. Water Uptake Reduction Models' parameters were determined by the simulated data using SAS statistical software. Results showed that for the anticipated reduction of Water Uptake in rice water and salinity stress conditions for Rasht Hashemi rice, Homaee model is best.

M. Rezvani, M. Shafiezadeh,
Volume 19, Issue 71 (6-2015)

Nowadays, due to the effective role of nitrogen fertilizer in growth, yield and crop quality, farmers apply large amount of chemical fertilizers. High application of nitrogen fertilizers has caused soil and water pollution and environmental dangers, higher nitrate accumulation in plant, and different disease risks in human and livestock. In order to investigate the effects of nitrogen and cycocel application effects on soil nitrate pollution and agronomic traits of rice, an experiment was arranged in split plot based on a completely randomized block design with three replicates at Sari region (north of Iran) in 2010. The main factor was nitrogen in four levels and cycocel was considered as a sub factor in three levels. Results showed that maximum and minimum plant height and fourth internodes bending moment were obtained in 0 and 150 kg N ha-1, respectively. Higher filled spikelet percentage per panicle, grain yield and harvest index were obtained in 100 kg N ha-1 application. Application of N up to 150 kg N ha-1 increased soil nitrate by 44.7 percent. As cycocel application decreased, the plant height and panicle length were reduced, but tiller number per plant, filled spikelet percentage per panicle, and grain yield were increased.

J. Saleh, N. Najafi, S. Oustan,
Volume 19, Issue 72 (8-2015)

The present study was conducted in order to investigate the effects of silicon and salinity on growth, chemical composition and physiological properties of rice var. Hashemi, in the greenhouse of agricultural college of University of Tabriz during 2011. It was arranged as factorial based on a completely randomized design with three factors consisting of silicon at four levels (control, 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg soil), salinity at four levels (control, 2, 4 and 8 dS/m) and source of salinity at two levels (NaCl and combination of different salts) with three replications. The results showed that increasing soil salinity resulted in a decrease in shoot dry weight, catalase activity and concentrations of phosphorus, potassium and reducing sugars, and an increase in glycine betaine content in the plants. The comparison between two sources of salinity also revealed that plants treated with a combination of salts experienced less vigorous decrease in dry weight and potassium, and reducing sugars' concentrations. Meanwhile, the enhancement in glycine betaine content appeared to be less intense in these plants. Hence, it could be concluded that the salinity resulting from a combination of different salts caused less damage to plants than NaCl salinity. Silicon supplementation resulted in increasing of shoot dry weight, catalase activity and concentrations of reducing sugars, glycine betaine, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, silicon nutrition alleviated suppression effects resulting from the presence of soil salts, which means, enhanced the salt tolerance of rice.

S. Vaseghi, M. Valinejad, M. Afyuni,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (11-2017)

Nitrogen use efficiency is relatively low in irrigated rice fields because of rapid N losses from ammonia volatilization, the nitrification, surface runoff, and leaching in the soil-flood water system. Since the plant N represents the total N supply of all sources, plant N status will be a good indicator of N availability to crops at any given time. Leaf colour chart (LCC) is a simple portable diagnostic tool, to determine the timing of N top dressing. LCC was developed to increase the N use efficiency at irrigated rice fields. A field experiment was carried out to compare the effect of N split application and LCC on the grain yield and agronomic and recovery efficiency of Fajr variety in 2009. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with 12 treatments in 3 replications on Fajr cultivar. Twelve treatments included control treatments (without nitrogen fertilizer) and 45, 90, 135 kg N ha-1 for three times each and two treatments included LCC treatments 4 and 5. As a result, all treatments showed significant (p=0.05) grain yield increase in comparison to control. Increased yield was observed up to 135 kgN/ha (55.2%). Grain yield of LCC treatments was higher than split treatments. LCC treatment 5 had higher AE, RE, PE, PFP and IE than LCC 4 and fixed – 135 at the less N rate in all fields. Therefore, the results of different fertilizer treatments showed that the LCC treatment 5 with maximum grain yield, agronomic, physiological, internal and relative efficiency factors can be considered as the best management method for using nitrogen fertilizer and preventing from excess use of nitrogen fertilizer in Fajr cultivar. 

B. Moumeni, M. Masoudian, M. A. Gholami Sefidkohi, A. Emadi,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (11-2018)

Over the years, since the beginning of the national and infrastructural project of Development and Renovation of Paddy Fields of Iranian Northern provinces, it has been essential to evaluate water distribution and delivery Performance of the project to get its feedback in the pursuit of the desired goals. However, the results of the evaluation of a system can reliable when they are based on quantitative indicators, not on personal opinions and empirical judgment. So, in this study, Total Error (TE) of performance of water delivery system, a statistical indicator, and its component including adequacy, water management capability and equity errors were calculated and compared for two concrete and earthen irrigation canals. This analysis was done based on calculating water demand and measuring the volume of delivered water between outlets during the irrigation season in the paddy fields of Esmaelkola of Joybar city, in 2015. According to the results, although the concrete channel (0.28) had less error than the earthen channel (0.43) and in the concrete channel, as compared to the earthen channel, the share of the components of adequacy and water management capability from the total error was dropped from 47% to less than 10%, but the error in the water delivery of the concrete channel was still high due to the error in the equity of distribution, whose value was 0.25 (90% of the total error). Therefore, in order to reduce the performance error, after channel lining, it would be necessary to make fundamental changes in the intake and flow control structure in addition to the training of irrigators regarding water delivery based on water demand.

E. Chavoshi, Sh. Arabi,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (3-2019)

The objectives of this study were to estimate the concentration of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in agricultural products and the health risks of them on the human healths around the Irankooh Mine in Isfahan Province. The soil samples (0-20 cm of surface layer) and crop samples (rice and wheat) were collected using the composite and random sampling method. The total concentrations of Pb and Cd in soil were found to be 71.18 and 1.57 mg kg-1. The mean Pb concentrations in rice and wheat were 7.81 and 2.31 mg kg-1, respectively. These values for Cd were 0.15 and 0.124 mg kg-1, respectively. The mean daily intake of Pb through the consumption of cereals was more than the dietary reference intake (3.6 μg kg−1 day−1), but the daily intake of Cd was less than the dietary reference intake. The hazard index (HI) mean value for Pb and Cd for children and adults was 4.60 and 4.64, respectively. It showed that the consumption of the entire foodstuff could lead to potential health risks for consumers. There is also the cancer risk associated with exposure to lead.

A. Ebrahimi, M. Shayannejad, M. Reza Mosaddeghi,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (2-2020)

Wetting pattern in a trickle irrigation system is one of the most important characteristics that should be taken into consideration for designing the irrigation systems. Improving the dimensions of the wetting pattern will increase the water use efficiency and irrigation systems. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of rice husk and its biochar application on the wetting pattern in a silty clay soil under surface trickle irrigation. A box with the length of 200, the width of 50 and the height of 100 cm was used. To easily fill and empty the model, it was filled up to a height of 50 cm. The rice husk and its biochar were added to the soil at the rates of 0, 1 and 2 mass percentages based on a factorial arrangement of the treatments in a completely randomized design with three replications. Biochar was prepared in a special furnace at 500°C without oxygen. The experiments were done with a flow rate of 4 liters per hour with the irrigation time of 3 hours. The results of the analysis of variance showed that the organic treatments increased the soil water content in the range of field capacity to a permanent wilting point; the highest increase was observed for the biochar 2% treated soil. Also, the addition of rice husk and biochar in the silty clay soil reduced the horizontal advance and increased the vertical advance wetting pattern.

H. Fazlolahi, R. Fatahi, K. Ebrahimi,
Volume 25, Issue 1 (5-2021)

Water is the most crucial factor for agricultural development. Therefore, the economic evaluation of water resources is critical. The purpose of this paper was to determine the economic value of water resources, to evaluate the financial efficiency and to decide on the price of agricultural water in Arak plain. For this purpose, the economic value of water resources for wheat, barley, alfalfa and corn was identified in 2015- 2016, using the mathematical model developed in this research. The results showed that the financial efficiency was calculated for three alternatives: free-cost water, water cost equal to the 10% of the calculated price and water cost equal to the exact calculated price.  The irrigation efficiency of 40% financial efficiency was 2.38%, 1.68% and 0.47% , respectively, for the  aformentioned methods, and  the irrigation efficiency of 70% financial efficiency was 2.07, 1.92 and 0.71, respectively. Also, the sensitivity analysis of the financial efficiency was performed, with 10% change in the farmers income and costs. The results also revealed that irrigation efficiency and financial efficiency were not aligned when farmers had free water; however, they were aligned when the farmer paid 10% of the calculated price. Financial efficiency was more sensitive to changes in the farmers income when compared to the changes in costs.

I. Hasanpour, M. Shirvani, M.a. Hajabbasi, M.m. Majidi,
Volume 26, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Low organic matter content and alkaline pH of calcareous soils in arid and semi-arid regions are the main reasons for the low nutrient availabilities for plants in these soils. One way to improve the chemical properties and fertility of calcareous soils is the application of organic substances such as biochar produced from pyrolysis of organic wastes. However, biochars have an almost predominant alkaline pH, which exacerbates plant nutrient deficiencies in calcareous soils when used for a long time. Pyrolysis of some organic wastes under controlled temperature conditions can lead to the production of acidic biochar. The effect of acidic biochars on several chemical properties of two calcareous soils in Isfahan province was investigated in the present study. Treatments included two types of biochar (pine cone and rice husk), three levels of biochar addition (one, three, and six percent), two types of soil (a sandy loam (Tiran) and a clay loam (Lavark)), and two incubation periods (one and six months). The results showed that applying biochar could slightly decrease soil pH but raised soil electrical conductivity. In addition, the amount of organic carbon, total nitrogen, and available concentration of manganese in all treatments and the concentrations of available phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, and copper in the most of treatments showed a significant increase compared to the control. Amending soil with biochar at a 6% rate caused the most significant changes in the measured parameters in both soil types. In general, the results of this study indicated that acidic biochar produced from pine cones and rice husk can be used as a suitable conditioner to improve the chemical properties and fertility of calcareous soils.

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