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Showing 34 results for Isfahan

A. Ahmadi, A.m. Amini,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (1-2008)

  The purpose of this research was to study factors on farmer’s request to land consolidation projects and also consolidation’ adventages in utilization units. The data of this study was collected through completing questionnaires and interviewing 34 experts connected with administrating of land consolidation projects in agricultural offices and service centers in Kermanshah township and Lenjanat region in Isfahan. Data was also collected through visiting some performed and performing projects. The results showed that in Kermanshah land consolidation improves the technology, farm management and land more than other production factors. In Lenjanat it improves technology and farm management in comparison with other factors. In both regions the aplicant villages of the projects have a larger ownership and more fragmentaed parcels than other villages. Moreover they have younger exploiters, more educated and less in number. It is also notworthy that these regions obtain more extention education, are nearer to agricultural offices, and have closer relation with extention agents.

R. Dehghan, H. Shariatmadari, H. Khademi,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (1-2008)

  Studying soil phosphorus fractions is useful in understanding soil pedogenesis as well as soil fertility. In this reseach, 20 soil samples were taken from different depths of 0-30 and 30-60 cm of upper-slope, mid-slope and lower-slope positions of four toposequences in arid (Jei and Ziar in Isfahan) and semiarid (Farokhshahr and Shahrekord) regions. In each toposequence, the soil depth was relatively low at the upper-slope position and increased toward the lower-slope. The soils in upper-slope and mid-slope were under scarce native vegetation where the soil in lower-slope was under farming activities. Soil phosphorus (P) fractionation was carried out using sequential extraction. The total soil phosphorus was in the range of 302-1135 with an average of 715 mg/kg. About 65-89% of total phosphorus were inorganic, and 11-35% organic. The amount of inorganic and organic P in the soil samples was in the range of 204-897 with an average of 571, and 70-238 with an average of 114 mg/kg, respectively. The amount of total, inorganic and organic P increased from upper-slope toward the arable lands and decreased from topsoil to subsoil in all toposequences. In the studied soils, apatite ( Ca10-P ), aluminum phosphates(Al-P), octacalcium phosphates( Ca8-P ), iron phosphates (Fe-P), iron oxides occluded phosphates( OC-P ) and dicalcium phosphates( Ca2-P ) were the major constituents of the soil inorganic phosphates, respectively.

L. Yaghmaie, S. Soltani, M. Khodagholi,
Volume 12, Issue 44 (7-2008)

In order to determine the effect of climatic factors on distribution of Artemisia aucheri and Artemisia sieberi in Isfahan province, thirty nine most important climatic elements in ecological condition of these species were selected. Using a factor analysis method, the most important factors in distribution of these species were determined. These factors which cover 92.3% of the total variance of spatial variation of the species include rainfall, temperature and shining with 41.91, 40.18 and 10.23 percent, respectively. Four most important vegetative types of Artemisia aucheri and Artemisia sieberi in Isfahan province are as follows: 1-Artemisia aucheri and Astragalus,2- Artemisia sieberi,3-Artemisia sieberi as a dominant species, and 4-Artemisia sieberi as a subdominant species. Then the effects of climatic factors on distribution of these species and the average elevation of distribution of these species were determined. The effect of factor analysis on these types shows that rainfall and temperature are the most influential factors in spatial distribution of Artemisia aucheri and Artemisia sieberi in Isfahan province, respectively. In general, Artemisia sieberi has a higher extended tolerance range than Artemisia aucheri, and could be mentioned as a nearly universal species.
M. Yousofi,
Volume 12, Issue 45 (10-2008)

Freezing is one of the most important climatic factors affecting almond products in Isfahan province. Therefore, it is important to use a rapid method for assessing the resistant cultivars and wild species of these plants. Evaluation of electrolyte leakage (EL) from freezing damaged tissues of almond is an appropriate method for this purpose. In the present work, the effect of freezing on the rate of electrolyte leakage of 10 cultivated almonds (Amygdalus communis cultivars) and one wild species (A. scoparia) was evaluated in Isfahan province. The perfect and mature flowers of all samples were selected at random, and examined under natural (in nature) and artificial (in laboratory) freezing treatments in 3 replicates. All measurements were done using an Ec meter instrument and the mean of obtained data was analyzed statistically via ANOVA and Tukey's tests. In each treatment, increase in the rate of electrolyte leakage of treated samples in relation to the controls was taken as a criterion for comparison. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of the flowers of all samples were also measured, with an accuracy of 0.001, under natural freezing conditions. The mean of TDS was 390.8±33.5 mg/L among cultivated almonds (maximum in Safari cultivar with 439±29.3 mg/L and minimum in Kababi cultivar with 355±35.3 mg/L) and 362±55.8 mg/L in the wild almond (a little less than that of the cultivated ones). Linear regression test showed that there was no correlation between TDS and the rate of electrolyte leakage from freezing damaged tissues of the studied samples. Furthermore, the results showed that the cultivars of Tageri (with 7.47% increasing), Azar (with 19.2% increasing) and Rabie (with 22% increasing) are respectively more resistant than other cultivars under natural freezing, and the cultivars of Rabie (with 60.7% increasing), Tageri (with 67.6% increasing) and Hag Mirzaie (with 71% increasing) are more resistant than other cultivars under artificial treatment. These results are in agreement with the experimental observations in the studied area. The freezing tolerance of wild species (with 48.7% and 73% increasing, respectively) was moderate in both natural and artificial freezing treatments.
A Amini, M Shahsavan, A Zeinal Hamedani,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (1-2009)

Women as extension help-agents could play an important role in rural extension programs. This study was aimed at evaluating the success of women as extension help-agents, and factors affecting their success in Isfahan province, Iran. The data was randomly collected from 156 extension help-agents, using Cochran formula. The validity and reliability of constructed questioners were checked, using Cronbach Alfa and K.M.O. criteria. The results showed that 6.5 percent of the agents gained a success score of more than or equal to the average score, 50.3 percent equal to the average score, and 43.2 percent gained less than the average success score. The Effective factors are categorized as the degree of their familiarity with the problems of the population, the degree of their involvement in extension-educational programs, and factors such as their access to rural libraries, financial and occupational background and contribution to community and team work. According to the regression analysis results, participation activities of the villagers, financial status of the help-agents and educational programs provide most influential factors for successful extension programs.
A.m Amini, ,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (1-2009)

The main purpose of this research is to study the success of rural cooperative companies and evaluate different factors which may influence such a success. For this purpose, sample companies were randomly selected based on multistage and stratification sampling with proportional allocation method,. Finally, 18 rural co-operative companies were studied using questionnaires filled out by 328 ordinary members and 93 members of board of directors and managers of these rural co-operative companies. Inter-organization and intra-organization and structure variables which affected the companies performance and achievement were studied. The findings showed poor performance of these companies. According to the current research, some variables such as membership experience, co-operative structure, co-operative investment, enhancement of member share, education, participation and level of training, awareness (ability) of members have a direct influence on companies' success. The other factors involving function of rural co-operative organization, use of managers’ misuses and abuses in co-operatives have a direct, but negative influence. Share mean value of each member, management experience knowledge and age of people have also indirect positive effect on success and the size has indirect negative influence on co-operative companies .
S Falhakar, A Saffianian, S.j Khajeddin, H Ziaei,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (4-2009)

Remote sensing is the main technology for assessing expansion and rate of land cover changes. Knowing the different kinds of land cover changes and human activities in different parts of lands, as the base information for different planning is especially important. In this study, the land cover changes of Isfahan city that is consist of Isfahan and its` surrounded area was studied for the past 4 decades. For researching the study objectives, the aerial photos with scale of 1:50000 taken in 1955, MSS, TM and ETM+ images from Landsat satellite taken respectively in 1972, 1990 and 2001 and the topography maps of Isfahan city and its` surrounding were used. All of the aerial photos and satellite images with the nearest neighbor sampling were georegistered with the RMSe less than one pixel. For image processing, the best false colored composite image was first produced according to OIF index. Then land cover maps of the studied area were produced in 5 classes by using the combination of supervised and unsupervised classification and NDVI index. At the end, the produced maps compared with post-classification method. The results showed that the most urban area sprawl was occurred between 1972-1990 with the mean of 571 ha in a year and the least growth was come about between 1955-1972 with approximately 324 ha in a year. However, by declining the annual mean of green cover 1263 ha during 1955-1972, the most green cover demolition occurred in study area.
M Bakhshoodeh, E Vaseghi,
Volume 13, Issue 48 (7-2009)

In this study, marketing situation, problems and services of Dutch Roses was investigated in Isfahan province as a main rose producing region in Iran. In this context, marketing margin, share of marketing agents in marketing margin, marketing cost coefficients and marketing efficiency were calculated and marketing path and marketing services of roses flower including harvesting, transportation, packing, sorting and standardization in major path were investigated. The data used in this study were gathered through completing questionnaires from 38 producers, wholesalers (cut flowers distributors) and retailers (flower sellers) and by interviewing four consulting companies in Dutch Roses production and marketing. The results indicated that 56.5 percent of producers are only engaged with production activities and not exporting flowers to either foreign countries or the other provinces in the country. In the main path, average coefficient of technical efficiency (78.17%) was found to be higher than that of price efficiency (34.67%) and based on the marketing efficiency, 108 Rial value added can be achieved from each 100 Rial marketing services cost..
A Soffianian,
Volume 13, Issue 49 (10-2009)

Monitoring Land Use and Land Cover Changes have a significant role in environmental programming and management. Satellite data is an essential tool for detecting and analyzing environmental changes. Many change detection techniques have been developed which have advantages or disadvantages. Change Vector Analysis (CVA) technique is one such a method. This method is based on radiometric changes between two dates of satellite imagery. Main advantage of this method is that it provides direction and magnitude image of change. The aim of this study was to describe change vector analysis technique and it applies to detect land cover change in Isfahan area during an 11-year period. The data used for this study were two images Landsat: TM 05 June 1987 and 03 June 1998. Correction radiometric was not carried out because of the similar sensor and acquisition time of the remote sensing data. After geometric correction, the study area was selected from Landsat images. Change vector technique was applied to analyze magnitude and direction of change. The change map showed Kappa and overall accuracy coefficient of 63.19% and 74.4%, respectively. The results showed that the changed land cover was 3340 ha during this period. Overall, the results show that 1325 hectares (especially agricultural lands) have been converted into urban areas, agricultural areas were increased up to1385 hectares, and 435 hectares of agricultural areas were converted to other land use over the period of study. This study showed that CVA is a robust approach for detecting and characterizing radiometric change in multi-spectral remote sensing data sets.
Z. Khosravani, S. J. Khajeddin, A. Soffianian, M. Mohebbi, A. H. Parsamehr,
Volume 16, Issue 59 (4-2012)

LISS IV sensor's data from IRS-P6 satellite was used to produce land use map of eastern region of Isfahan, the studied part of which has an area of 22121 hectares. Its three band data, namely band 2 (Green), band 3 (Red) and band 4 (Near infra red) of LISS-IV sensor images with 5.8 m ground resolution were georeferenced by nearest neighbor method and first-order polynomial model to the DEM map of 1:25000, where the RMSE was equal to 0.3 pixel. To analyze the satellite data, various image processing methods such as supervised and unsupervised classification methods, principal component analysis, NDVI vegetation index and filtering were applied to the satellite data. Finally, the land use map was produced with hybrid method. The final map detected 6 land uses very clearly, which are: Agricultural lands, barren lands, disturbed lands, cultivated Haloxylon amodendron, roads, residential areas and industrial locations. The kappa of land use map is 0.89 and the overall precision is 0.92. The barren lands have a very poor natural vegetation and are considered as natural deserts. Disturbed lands have been formed because of brick kiln activities, and the vegetation cover of these areas has disappeared completely The LISS IV data has a high ability to detect the various studied land-uses especially to digitize the roads. They can be used to update the 1:25000 topographic maps, as well.
M. Pirzadeh, M. Afyuni, A. H. Khoshgoftarmanesh,
Volume 16, Issue 60 (7-2012)

This study was carried out to investigate zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) concentration in paddy soil and rice grain produced in central and southwest Iran in relation to soil and plant factors, and their intake in peoples diet was also assessed. Rice crops and associated surface soils (0-30 cm) were collected from 136 fields in Isfahan, Fars and Khuzestan provinces. The result, showed the DTPA-Zn concentration in more than 50% of paddy soils was less than its critical deficiency concentration (2 mg kg-1). The grain Zn concentration in more than 54% of the rice samples was less than 20 mg kg-1. The measured Cd concentrations in paddy soils and edible part of rice exceeded the world health organization (WHO) value in more than 12% of the samples. By considering the average daily rice consumption of 110 g per capita, the Zn intake from rice consumption was estimated about 10% needed for female and male adult. Diet intake analysis did not indicate any excessive dietary intake of Cd when Cd mean of concentrations in rice grain was 0.04 mg/kg, but based on the results of risk analysis, it is more than safely level for contaminated rice.
Z. Mahmoodi, H. Khademi ,
Volume 18, Issue 67 (6-2014)

Atmospheric dust is an important source of heavy metals, particularly in urban environments. Heavy metals can easily attach to dust particles and be distributed in large areas. The objective of this study was to evaluate the status of major heavy metals in the atmospheric dust of Isfahan and adjacent cities. A total of 144 dust samples were taken during a period from August to December 2010 from Isfahan, Khomeynishahr, Falavarjan, Mobarake and Zarinshahr cities. Dust samples were extracted with HNO3 65% and the total concentration of metals including Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr and Mn in the samples was measured by an atomic absorption spectrometer. The mean concentration of these metals was 223.5, 470.3, 3.5, 71.0, 82.0, 26.5, 24.4 and 426.3 mg kg-1, respectively. Results indicated that heavy metals concentration in any area was different depending on the source of pollution and it was much higher than the mean concentration of the corresponding heavy metal in soils. Besides, the highest deposition rate of all the heavy metals in this study was found in November-December period. This could be attributed to an increase in the use of heating systems and also to a temperature inversion event prevailed in the area. Atmospheric deposition seems to be an important pathway of heavy metals addition to soils. For example, it is responsible for 35-91% and 12-47% of Pb and Cd entering the soil in the area, respectively.
S. Ghaseminejad, S. Soltani, A. Soffianian,
Volume 18, Issue 68 (9-2014)

Drought is a one of the most important natural disasters that have high socio-economic and environmental impacts. However, drought is more than a physical phenomenon or natural event. Its impact results from the relation between a natural event and demands on the water supply, and it is often exacerbated by human activities. The traditional approach to drought management has been reactive, relying on crisis management. Due to the drawbacks of crisis management, employing proper risk management techniques has been suggested. In order to move from crisis management to risk management, in this study, risk of drought in Isfahan province was evaluated. Drought hazard index and vulnerability index are components of the drought risk management. Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was used as the index of drought hazard. For the calculation of SPI, the monthly rainfall data in 47 meteorological stations during the period of 1975-2007 were collected. The time series of rainfall data were prepared and for calculation of the standardized precipitation index in a 12 month timescale they were imported to SPI program. Percentage of drought occurrence in each severity was calculated and then the drought index map was obtained. Vulnerability index was calculated through socio-economic indicators (population density and percentage of people involved in agriculture), and physical indicators (available water capacity of soil and land use). Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) technique was applied for combination of vulnerability indicators. To assign weights to the criteria, an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used. After providing the maps, fuzzy membership functions for every criterion were used for their standardization. For the weighting of the criteria, a questionnaire was prepared and criteria comparison was done using the participatory approach by a group of experts. Finally, the drought risk index was calculated by multiplying the drought hazard index and vulnerability index. The results showed that hazard of very severe drought is mainly concentrated in the central part of province. The North and North East of Isfahan province could experience condition of severe drought. South West of Isfahan province is under moderate drought condition compared to the other parts of the province. Map of drought vulnerability index showed that the most vulnerability is in the West, South and North-East of province. Map of drought risk index showed that the Northern Province demonstrated high risk. To reduce the drought risk in Isfahan province, improving monitoring, early warning, increasing environmental awareness, and promoting water resource management practices should be considered.
M. Mollaei, H. Bashari, M. Basiri, M. R. Mosaddeghi,
Volume 18, Issue 70 (3-2015)

Soil aggregate stability is considered as a key indicator of soil quality and health assessments in rangelands. Many factors and properties such as soil texture, organic carbon, calcium carbonate, sodium adsorption ratio, and electrical conductivity might affect soil aggregate stability. The effects of these factors on aggregate stability of 71 soil samples collected from 4 rangeland sites (2 in semi-arid and 2 in arid lands) in Isfahan province were investigated. Aggregate stability was measured using the wet-sieving method. To optimize the trial conditions for the investigated soils, three shaking times (5, 10 and 15 minutes) were used to impose different hydromechanical stresses on the aggregates of ten soils selected out of the studied soils. The structural stability was assessed using mean weight diameter (MWD) and geometric mean diameter (GMD) of the water-stable aggregates. Significant differences of MWD were observed between the shaking times. The 10-min shaking was selected as best for structural stability assessment in the studied regions because it resulted in better differentiation of soils on the basis of structural stability. Among the intrinsic properties, soil organic carbon content had the most important role in aggregate stability in all zones. However, electrical conductivity (in addition to organic carbon content) had an important role in aggregate stability in the arid rangelands. Log-normal distribution and GMD could represent better the aggregate size distribution when compared with normal distribution and MWD in the studied regions. Overall, wet-sieving method with shaking time of 10 min is suggested to assess the soil structural stability in rangelands of Isfahan province. Therefore, soil aggregate stability and the factors affecting this vital indicator can be used efficiently for assessing and monitoring management effectiveness and rangeland functionality trend.

M. Fathi, R. Jafari, S. Soltani,
Volume 19, Issue 71 (6-2015)

Desertification is known as a major crisis in arid regions of Isfahan province. This study aimed to assess the performance of three main desertification models including MEDALUS, MICD and FAO-UNEP for mapping desertification severity in the hotspot of Jarghuyeh region, eastern Isfahan. Different desertification indicators and their related indices were chosen based on the characteristics of the region and fieldwork, and spatially mapped in 27 geomorphologic facies. The desertification severity maps were classified based on the classification scheme for each model in ArcGIS 10 environment, and then comparison of the models and selection of the best one were achieved using IDRISI Tiga 16.03 software. The results of all three models showed that more than 95% of the region can be classified as severe desertification but due to the differences in the number of desertification classes and also indicators and indices only 45% of desertification severity was observed to be similar across the models. Results indicated that the MEDALUS model due to its flexibility to accept new indicators and indices, GIS-based characteristics, and use of geometric mean of indicators in desertification mapping seems to be a suitable model for studying desertification severity in the region. According to this model, 85% and 15% of the area are classified as very severe and severe class of desertification, respectively, which indicates that the rate of desertification is very high and immediate management programs are needed to slow down the desertification process in the region.

Z. Khosravani, S. J. Khajeddin, M. Mohebbi, A. R. Soffianian, A. H. Parsamehr,
Volume 19, Issue 72 (8-2015)

Segzi, located in the east of Isfahan, is one of the most important centers of desertification crisis in Isfahan province. Human overtaking, land deformation and the presence of huge artificial topography in flat plain has created a very unpleasant landscape in the area. In this study, satellite images Cartosat-1 were used for mapping land degradation. By using DGPS, 9 points with appropriate distributions related to road junctions were selected. These points after Interior and exterior orientation determined as control points in Cartosat-1 pair images. To improve compliance, process of points development and production of 31 tie points was done. These points was coordinated in triangulation process and introduced as check points. Desirable RMSe, 0.3 pixel is obtained. Then DEM based on 40 points was prepared with 15×15m pixel size. The DEM, in GIS software was classified to 9 elavation classes by Natural Breaks method. The file of classified raster DEM convert to vector andcut and fill appeared as polygon that by encoding them, excavation map is produced in GIS with Kappa 0.95 and 0.97 overall accuracy. The Results of this study show that Cartosat-1 satellite images have ability for study of degraded lands and anthropogenic holes. The topographic changes caused the loss of natural vegetation and desertification in this area has developed.

M. Madanian, A. R. Soffianian, S. Soltani Koupai, S. Pourmanafi, M. Momeni,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (2-2020)

Land surface temperature (LST) is used as one of the key sources to study land surface processes such as evapotranspiration, development of indexes, air temperature modeling and climate change. Remote sensing data offer the possibility of estimating LST all over the world with high temporal and spatial resolution. Landsat-8, which has two thermal infrared channels, provides an opportunity for the retrieval of LST using the split- window method. The main objective of this research was to analyze the LST of land use/land cover types of the central part of Isfahan Province using the split- window algorithm. The obtained results demonstrated that the "other" class which had been mainly covered with bare lands exhibited the highest LST (50.9°C). Impervious surfaces including residential areas, roads and industries had the LST of 45°C. The lowest temperature was observed in the "water" class, which was followed by vegetation. Vegetation recorded a mean LST of 42.3°C. R2 was 0.63 when regression was carried out on LST and air temperature.

H. Ghorbani, A. Vali, H. Zarepour,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (2-2020)

Drought as a natural hazard is a gradual phenomenon, slowly affecting an area; it may last for many years and can have devastating effects on the natural environment and in human lives. Although drought forecasting plays an important role in the planning and management of water resource systems, the random nature of contributing factors contributing to the occurrence of and severity of droughts causes some difficulties in determination of the time when a drought begins or ends. The present research was planned to evaluate the capability of linear stochastic models, known as multiplicative Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) model, in the quantitative forecasting of drought in Isfahan province based on the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). To this end, the best SARIMA models were chosen for modelling the monthly rainfall data from 1990 to 2017 for every 10 synoptic stations in Isfahan province to forecast their monthly rainfall up to five years. The monthly time scale SPI values based on these predictions were used to assess the drought severity of different stations for the 2018- 2022 time period. The station results indicated a weak drought at the 2019- 2022 period for Isfahan, Kashan and Naeen, a severe drought in 2019 for Ardestan and Golpaygan, and a weak one in 2019 for the East of Isfahan, KabootarAbad and Shahreza stations. All other stations, except Golpayegan, Isfahan, Kashan and Naeen, faced a severe drought in 2018.

F. Khayamim, H. Khademi, S. Ayoubi,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (7-2020)

Understanding the abundance of clay minerals in soil and also, their spatial variability can provide more comprehensive information about soil properties, behavior and functions. The objectives of this research were: (i) to map the spatial distribution of  the dominant clay minerals in the soils of Isfahan Province and its relationship with climate and parent materials, and (ii) to determine the quantity of  the dominant clay minerals in different climatic classes of Isfahan Province. The amount of palygorskite, illite, expanded minerals and chlorite were semi-quantitatively determined for 100 soil samples collected from Isfahan Province. Maps of the dominant clay minerals were prepared by the Inverse Distance Weighting method. The results showed that palygorskite mostly occurred in the soils of dry areas with higher temperature throughout the province. This mineral was not present in the more humid areas of the province. Besides, palygoskite was found to be dominant in the soils derived from the Qom Formation, as well as Lower and Upper Red Formations belonging to Miocene and Pliocene. It seems, therefore, that the parent material plays a major role in entering palygoskite to the soil system, while the dry climate mostly guarantees the stability of this clay minerals and, to some extent, its limited neoformation in such soils. Both illite and chlorite occur in all soils throughout the province, regardless of their climate, following no particular trend. This may indicate that parent materials play a major role in the occurrence of these minerals. Both climate and parent material appear to have affected the distribution of expandable clays in the soils. In more humid areas of the province (west and southwest), climate plays a larger role in the distribution of this mineral. In other areas of the study region, especially in the eastern parts of the province with a much drier climate, the role of the parent material on the dominant soil clay minerals is more pronounced.

M. Khoshoei, H.r. Safavi, Abbas Kazemi,
Volume 27, Issue 1 (5-2023)

Drought is a continuous period of lack of rainfall that leads to damage to a variety of water consumers, especially in the agricultural sector and reduces their yield. Drought is considered one of the unpredictable disasters. Drought is different from other natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, storms, etc. Based on the type of meteorological, hydrological, or agricultural droughts, various indices are designed to assess droughts such as SPI, PDSI, and SWSI. The objective of this study is to evaluate an integrated index that includes the main causes of drought. The integrated index includes various drought factors such as meteorological, hydrological, agricultural, socio-economic, and environmental. Isfahan province has been selected as a case study due to successive droughts in recent decades. A combination of static and dynamic layers has been used for designing the integrated index. Static layers include land use, slope, and soil type of the basin. Dynamic layers include precipitation, average temperature, available surface water, available groundwater, groundwater quality, and cultivated area. The results showed that the highest water stress occurred in the 1386 and 1391 years in the province and the lowest water stress and wet season in different parts of the province in 1387 and 1390 years.

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