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Showing 46 results for Runoff

Sh. Mohammadi, E. Karimian,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (12-2019)

Nowadays, water supply for the sectors of household consumption, agriculture, green spaces and industry is currently one of the most important challenges for governments in many parts of the world, especially in arid and semi-arid climate regions such as Iran. The aim of this study was to simulate the amount of run-off from the daily precipitation for Sarpol-e Zahab city, for the purpose of estimating the required amount of water for the irrigation of the green spaces of the city. In this study. After providing information and using the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) map of city, all individual sub-basins of the basin were produced. All data related to creating and overlaying hydrologic, climatologic and physiographic layers were used according to the HEC-HMS hydrologic model. The run-off depth and flood volume of each sub-basin were obtained through the SCS method. Then the required amount of water for the green areas of Sarpol-e Zahab city was calculated. The efficient rainfall was estimated using four methods including SCS, 80 percentage, reliability, and USDA for each month, separately. Finally, the amount of needed water for the green area was obtained using these four mentioned methods. The results indicated that the role of curve number in the infiltration rate was more than other variants. Impermeability of urban basins and changes was created due to the growth and development of the city such as removal of vegetation, soil compaction, creation of the water collection and leading surface waters, decreasing the amount of water penetrating to soil significantly. The amount of surface water for sub-basins was estimated to be 266000 cubic meters. Besides, the results showed the amount of required water for 5 months of the year (from early May to September late) using four methods of SCS, 80percentage, reliability  and USDA was  equal to 243525, 238062, 267865 and 236458 cubic meters, respectively. The amount of the estimated runoff volume was 266,000 cubic meters. Regarding the area of green spaces in Sarpol-e Zahab city and its daily need of water, this volume of water could  supply the required amount of water to irrigate the green area of the city for five months (From May to September).

D. Ziaei, R. Zare Bidaki, A. A. Besalatpour, A. Malekian,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (12-2019)

To preserve soil as a productive resource, a balance between natural capability and utilization must be established to achieve through land suitability evaluation. The aim of this study was to compare the run-off and deposition of different land uses of Beheshtabad watershed in the current situation and in compliance with standardized land use fitted situation. For this purpose, land use map in its current state was provided using Landsat 7 images and land use suitability map was obtained by FAO (1979) instructions. SWAT model was then applied to simulate runoff and sediment yield by using these land use maps. To do this, the curve number method was used for calculating the runoff, the Muskingam was applied for channel routing, and Hrgrave-samani was employed for potansial evapotranspiration. The results confirmed that considering suitability in using lands in Beheshtabad watershed caused the reduction of the average runoff from 99.4 mm/yr to 82.8 mm/yr (17%) and sediment rate of 10.7 to 7.8 t/ha. yr (27%). Also, the reduction percentage in some land uses, such as dry, irrigated cropland and downstream ranges, was much more.

T. Yousefi Babadi, M. Lotfalianand, H. Akbari,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (12-2019)

Soil erosion and its consequences are important factors in forest road network management. Cutslopes are the most important source of making sediment among different parts of the forest roads structure. For this research, a new and bare road in district No. 2, series No. 5 of NekaChoob forest, was selected; then the study data was measured. The study design was a completely randomized design in 10 plots with the size of 2 m2 along 500 meters of road with the 8 natural rainfall events. The results of the Pearson correlation showed that among soil properties, the contents of the liquid limit at the 5% confidence level and the plastic limit at the 1% confidence level had positive correlations with runoff and soil loss. Also, organic matter at the 1% confidence level and the contents of the sand at the 5% confidence level had negative correlations with runoff and soil loss. With increasing the soil moisture and bulk density, runoff and soil loss were enhanced. The results of the multivariate model showed that soil loss could be estimated using the Plastic Limit and sand percentage variables with a the correlation coefficient of 0.948.

N. Sadeghian, A. Vaezi, A. Majnooni Heris,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (5-2020)

Few studies have been done regarding the role of the raindrop in the hydrodinamic mechanism of soil erosion. In this study, rainfall simulation experiments were conducted to evaluate the role of raindrop in runoff discharge, sediment concentration and hydraulic properties of flow under four slope gradients (5, 10, 15 and 20%) in a clay soil using a 90 mm.h-1 rainfall intensity to reach the steady state flow. Soil sample was packed into the erosion flume with 0.3m× 0.4m × 4 m in dimensions and tested under two soil surface conditions:  one with raindrop impact and one without raindrop impact. The results showed that runoff discharge, sediment concentration, flow depth, shear stress, stream power, Reynolds number and runoff velocity under without raindrop impact condition were significantly lower than those in the condition  with the raindrop impact with a factor of 0.62 to 3.54, 0.08 to 11.83, 0.91 to 0.96, 0.26 to 3.25, 0.52 to 4.45, and 0.36 to 3.27, 0.23 to 0.79 times, respectively; on the other hand, the Darcy Wysbach, Chezy and Manning coefficients were increased significantly under without raindrop impact (P<0.01). Flow velocity was the key hydraulic parameter strongly affecting the hydraulic properties. These findings indicated the importance of raindrop impact in the detachment rate of soil particles through the change of the hydraulic characteristics. This study also revealed the key role of raindrop impact on the runoff hydraulic characteristics, as well as particle detachments rate in rills. Information about the role of raindrop impact is a substantial step in modeling the rill erosion. Therefore, elimination of raindrops impact, especially in the steep slopes, with the conservation of natural vegetation cover can sufficiently prevent runoff production as well as the particle detachment rate.

Sh. Nasiri, N. Farrahi, A. N. Ziaei,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (7-2020)

One of the most important and complex processes in the watersheds is the identification and prediction of surface water changes. The main processes associated with surface water include precipitation, percolation, evapotranspiration and runoff. In this research, the semi-distributed model, SWAT, was used to simulate ground water and surface water in Semnan catchment in a monthly scale. A sensitivity analysis was perfomed to evaluate and demonstrate the influence of the model parameters on the four major components of water budget including surface runoff, lateral flow, groundwater and evapotranspiration. River discharge data from 2004 to 2014 were used for the calibration and those of 2014 to 2016 were applied for the validation. The results of sensitivity analysis showed that the most sensitive parameters were: SoL_K(Saturated hydraulic conductivity), CH_K2 (Effective hydraulic conductivity in main channel), RCHRG_DP(Deep aquifer percolation fraction and CN2 (Moisture condition II curve number). The simulation accuracy using Nash-Sutcliffe and coefficient of determination for Shahrmirzad, Darjazin, and Haji Abad hydrometric stations was about 0.60 to 0.80 and 0.80 to 0.90 for the calibration and validation period, respectively, showing a good performance in the simulation of river flow. According to the water balance results, about 87.6% of the total inflow into the watershed was actual evapotranspiration, 3% was surface run off, 3% was percolation, and the rest was related to the soil moisture storage.

A. Vaezi, E. Zarrinabadi, Y. Salehi,
Volume 25, Issue 3 (12-2021)

The effective use of rainwater is a key issue in agricultural development in arid and semi-arid regions. The tillage system as an important soil management measure can affect the rainwater retention, soil moisture content, and in consequence crop yield in rainfed lands. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of slope gradient and tillage direction on rainwater use efficiency (RWUE) in rainfed lands in Zanjan Province. The field experiment was performed in five slope gradients (12.6, 15.3, 17, 19.4, and 22%) and two tillage directions (along slope and on contour tillage) at two replications. Mass soil water content was determined at 5-day intervals and runoff was measured after rainfalls. Wheat grain yield was determined for each plot and RWUE was computed using the proportion of wheat grain yield and precipitation. Base on the results, runoff, soil moisture, wheat grain yield, and RWUE were affected by tillage directions, so that runoff in contour line tillage decreased about 6.4 times compared to along slope tillage and in consequence increased soil moisture, wheat grain yield, and RWUE about 8.7, 24.8, and 24.8%, respectively. Increasing runoff production in contour line tillage at steeper slopes was associated with a lower capacity of cultivated furrows that strongly declined soil water retention and negatively affected wheat grain yield and RWUE in the lands. This study revealed that the efficiency of the contour tillage in water retention and RWUE decreases in steeper slopes in rainfed lands.

H. Noori Khaje Balagh, F. Mousavi,
Volume 25, Issue 3 (12-2021)

In the present study, CanESM2 climate change model and stormwater management model (SWMM) were employed to investigate the climate change effects on the quantity and quality of urban runoff in a part of Karaj watershed, Alborz Province. The base period (1985-2005) and future period (2020-2040) are considered for this purpose. Based on the existing main and lateral drainage system and to be more accurate, the watershed was divided into 37 sub-watersheds by ArcGIS software. To simulate rainfall-runoff, the intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curve has been prepared for a 2-hour duration and 10-year return period, for the base period and RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 climate change scenarios based on the obtained precipitation data from Karaj synoptic station. Results showed that mean 24-hour precipitation values in RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 scenarios will increase by 21% and 11%, respectively, and maximum 24-hour precipitation values will decrease by 17% and 23%, respectively, as compared to the observed values in the base period. Also, based on the results of quantitative and qualitative runoff modeling in the study watershed, and according to the outflow hydrograph in the RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 scenarios, the outlet runoff discharge will decrease by 5.8% and 7.1%, respectively. Also, the flooded areas in the watershed will decrease by 13% and 15.28%, respectively. The concentration of pollutants in the RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 scenarios, compared to the base period, including total suspended solids (TSS), will increase by 7.48% and 9.24%, total nitrogen (TN) will increase by 6.93% and 8.48%, and lead (Pb) will increase by 7.32% and 8.91%, respectively.

S. Toghiani Khorasgani, S. Eslamian, M.j Zareian,
Volume 25, Issue 4 (3-2022)

In recent decades, water scarcity has become a global problem due to the growth of the world's population as well as the increase in per capita water consumption. Therefore, planning and managing water resources to prevent potential risks such as floods and drought in the future is one of the important measures of water resources management. One of the important measures to avoid potential risks and predict the future is rainfall-runoff modeling. The objective of this study was to investigate the efficiency of the WetSpa hydrological model in estimating surface runoff in the Eskandari watershed, which is one of the important sub-basins of the Zayandehrood watershed. In this study, Daran and Fereydunshahr synoptic stations have been used to collect meteorological information in the Eskandari watershed. Also, to study the flow of the Plasjan river, daily data of Eskandari hydrometric station, located at the outlet of the basin, have been used. Climatic data along with digital maps of altitude, soil texture, and land use were entered as input to the WetSpa model. Finally, the ability of the WetSpa model was evaluated in estimating river surface runoff. The observed flow at the basin outlet in the hydrometric station was used to evaluate and calibrate the model. The model was calibrated for the statistical period (1992-2000) and its validation was performed for the statistical period (2001-2004). In the calibration period, the trial and error method were used to calibrate the model parameters. The simulation results showed a good correlation between the simulated flow and the measured flow. In the present study, the Nash Sutcliffe coefficient in the calibration and validation stages was equal to 0.73 and 0.75, respectively which shows the good and acceptable ability of the model in estimating the surface runoff of the study basin.

S.a.r Esmaili, A. Mosaedi,
Volume 26, Issue 1 (5-2022)

In recent decades, population growth, urban sprawl, urban environmental changes, and related issues are one of the significant issues in proper planning to manage the urban environment. One of the issues in urban development is the occurrence of floods and flooding due to heavy rains. In this research, flood modeling was studied in Mashhad Zarkash watercourses. The amount of rainfall for the return period of 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 years were extracted by CumFreq software using the maximum 24-hour rainfall statistics of three rain gauge stations closer to the Zarkesh, Jagharq, Sar-e-Asyab, and Torqabeh watercourses basins during the statistical years 1364 to 1390. The peak discharge was calculated using the US Soil Protection Organization (SCS) rainfall-runoff method. Zarkesh watercourse is located on the outskirts of Mashhad. River and flood flow modeling was performed using Arc GIS, HEC-GEORAS, and HEC-RAS software in two conditions including structure (bridge) and no structure. Due to urban marginalization, urban development and land use change have greatly expanded in this region. The results of flood simulation showed that flood levels with a return period of 50 years increased by 50000 m2 equal to 22% in the presence of a structure compared to the state without a structure. The results of this research show that the construction of bridges on the river, the roughness coefficient by land use change, and the number of curves due to land permeability changes are effective in the flood zone.

T. Tahmasbi, Kh. Abdollahi, M. Pajouhesh,
Volume 26, Issue 2 (9-2022)

The runoff curve number method is widely used to predict runoff and exists in many popular software packs for modeling. The curve number is an empirical parameter important but depends largely on the characteristics of soil hydrologic groups. Therefore, efforts to reduce this effect and extract more accurate soil information are necessary. The present study was conducted to integrate fuzzy logic for extraction runoff curve numbers. A new distribution model called CNS2 has been developed. In the first part of this research, the formulation and programming of the CNS2 model were done using the Python programming language environment, then the model was implemented in the Beheshtabad watershed. This model simulates the amount of runoff production in a watershed in the monthly time step with the fuzzy curve number and takes into account the factor of rainy days, the coefficient of management of the RUSLE-3D equation, and the soils theta coefficient. The results indicated that the model with Nash-Sutcliff 0.6 and the R2 coefficient 0.63 in the calibration set and Nash index 0.53 and R2 coefficient 0.56 in the validation set had appropriate efficiency in runoff simulation. The advantage of the model is that distributive and allows for the identification of areas with higher runoff production.

F. Daechini, M. Vafakhah, V. Moosavi, M. Zabihi Silabi,
Volume 26, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Surface runoff is one of the most significant components of the water cycle, which increases soil erosion and sediment transportation in rivers and decreases the water quality of rivers. Therefore, accurate prediction of hydrological response of watersheds is one of the important steps in regional planning and management plans. In this regard, the rainfall-runoff modeling helps hydrological researchers, especially in water engineering sciences.  The present study was conducted to analyze the rainfall-runoff simulation in the Gorganrood watershed located in northeastern Iran using AWBM, Sacramento, SimHyd, SMAR, and Tank models. Daily rainfall, daily evapotranspiration, and daily runoff of seven hydrometric stations in the period of 1970-2010 and 2011-2015 were used for calibration and validation, respectively. The automated calibration process was performed using genetic evolutionary search algorithms and SCE-UA methods, using Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) and root mean of square error (RMSE) evaluation criteria. The results indicated that the SimHyd model with NSE of 0.66, TANK model using Genetic Algorithm and SCE-UA methods with NSE of 0.67 and 0.66, and Sacramento model using genetic algorithm and SCE-UA methods with NSE of 0.52 and 0.55 have the best performance in the validation period.

S. Dehghan Farsi, R. Jafari, A.r. Mousavi,
Volume 26, Issue 2 (9-2022)

The objective of the present study was to investigate the performance of some of the extracted information for mapping land degradation using remote sensing and field data in Fras province. Maps of vegetation cover, net primary production, land use, surface slope, water erosion, and surface runoff indicators were extracted from MOD13A3, MOD17A3, Landsat TM, SRTM, ICONA model, and SCS model, respectively. The rain use efficiency index was obtained from the net primary production and rainfall map, which was calculated from meteorological stations. The final land degradation map was prepared by integrating all the mentioned indicators using the weighted overlay method. According to the ICONA model, 5.1, 9, 47.21, 27.91, and 10.73 percent of the study area were classified as very low, low, moderate, severe, and very severe water erosion; respectively. Overlaying the ICONA map with other indicators showed that very high and high classes, moderate, and low and very low classes of land degradation covered 1.3, 18.7, 70, 0.9, and 9.1 percent of the study area, respectively. According to the results, integrating remote sensing with ICONA and SCS models increases the ability to identify land degradation.

H. Ghazvinian, H. Karami,
Volume 26, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Runoff is formed by spending some time after rain and significantly depends on rainfall intensity, soil moisture, and slope. One of the fundamental questions about runoff is the time that it starts to create. In this research, the runoff start time in sandy loam soil was evaluated experimentally under different conditions using a precipitation simulator machine. The rainfall intensity parameters of (60, 80, and 100 millimeters per hour) and the slope of (0 and 5 percent) were investigated. The rainfall was created in the three soil treatment types completely dry (Sdry), the dry soil that had been saturated 24 hours before the test (S24hrlag), and the dry soil that had been saturated 48 hours before the test (S48hrlag). Eighteen tests were conducted on this soil. At the end of each test, the soil moisture was measured. The experimental results were compared with the numerical model of Green-Ampt. According to the Kendall and Spearman correlation test results, as the rainfall be intense, the start time of the runoff is lower. Also, the runoff starts at a faster time in the slope of 5 percent for every three types of soil. Also, the results of starting time of the runoff in the soil with a delay of 48 hours in the rain compared to the soil with a delay of 24 hours in the rain are closer in all of the rainfall intensity and slopes compared to the case of dry soil. Therefore, in the experiments related to a delay of 24 hours, the time of the start of runoff decreases. While in tests with a delay of 48 hours, it was not much different from completely dry soil. Also, the Green-Ampt results are close to the experimental results (R2=0.9775), and the maximum difference between the two mentioned methods is 4.8 minutes. Therefore, it can be used with the Green-Ampt method to calculate the start time of runoff in sandy loam soil in different states of rainfall intensity and bed slope.

J. Abedi Koupai, A.r. Vahabi,
Volume 27, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Awareness of water resources status is essential for the proper management of resources and planning for the future due to the occurrence of climate change in most parts of the world and its impact on different parts of the water cycle. Hence, many studies have been carried out in different regions to analyze the effects of climate change on the hydrological process in the coming periods. The present study examined the effects of climate change on surface runoff using the Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Model (AOGCM) in Khomeini Shahr City. The maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation of the upcoming period (2020-2049) were simulated using a weighted average of three models for each of the minimum and maximum temperatures and precipitation parameters based on the scenario A2 and B1 (pessimistic and optimistic states, respectively) of the AOGCM-AR4 models. The LARS-WG model was also used to measure the downscaling. The HEC-HMS was used to predict runoff. The effects of climate change in the coming period (2020-2049) compared with the observation period (1971-2000), in the A2 scenario, the minimum and maximum temperatures would increase by 1.1 and 1.6 Degrees Celsius, respectively, and the precipitation would decrease 17.8 percent. In the B1 scenario, the minimum and maximum temperatures would increase by 1.1 and 1.4 degrees Celsius, respectively, and the precipitation would decrease by 13 percent. The results of runoff were different in the six scenarios in the way the most runoff reduction is related to the scenario of fixed land use and scenario A2 (22.2% reduction), and the most increase is related to the scenario of 45% urban growth and scenario B1 (5.8% increase). So, according to increase urban texture in the future and consequently enhance the volume of runoff, this volume of runoff can be used to feed groundwater, irrigate gardens, and green space in the city.

A. Mahdavi, S. Soltani Koopaei, R. Modares, M. Samiei,
Volume 27, Issue 4 (12-2023)

Land use changes are one of the main factors in the amount of surface runoff changes in watersheds. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate it to reduce the damages (human and financial) caused by floods and to modify watershed management. The watershed of Nahre Azam is located in the north of Shiraz city and a lot of loss of life and money to the residents of Shiraz due to floods has occurred in previous years. The present research was conducted to investigate the relationship between land use change and runoff in the Nahre Azam watershed in Shiraz using the SWAT model in the period of 2004-2020. The model was calibrated using data from 2004 to 2014 and validated for 2015 to 2020. These images were classified into 6 main land uses using the supervised classification method after performing necessary pre-processing, and a land use map was prepared for 2040 using the Markov chain method. Then, the effect of the land use change in 2003 and 2040 on the amount of simulated runoff was evaluated with the recalibrated model. The calibration results of Nahre Azam watershed for the values of statistical parameters in the calibration step for the coefficient of determination, P-Facor and R-Facor are 0.77, 0.72, and 2.43, respectively, and for the validation step we obtained 0.69, 0.65, and 2.3 respectively. The analysis of the land use map showed that the main land use change in the region related to the conversion of pastures to agricultural land and urban land, which caused a decrease in pastures. Also, the results of the model simulation using the land use maps of 2003 and 2040 indicated that the amount of runoff decreased. The results revealed that if all the uncertainties are minimized, the calibrated SWAT model can produce acceptable hydrological simulation results for the user, which is useful for water resource and environmental managers and politicians as well as city managers of Shiraz.

M.j. Aghasi, S.a.r. Mousavi, M. Tarkesh, S. Soltani,
Volume 28, Issue 3 (10-2024)

Astragalus is the vegetation of many mountains of Iran's plateau and plays a major role in providing ecosystem services due to its pillow shape and deep rooting system, they facilitate the control and penetration of precipitation into the soil. The correlation of Astragalus ecosystems with arid and semi-arid climates has made them vulnerable to climate change. In this study, a runoff yield map based on the Budyco curve under current and future conditions of climate change (2050) was prepared using climate and temperature data from the Chelsea site (CanESM2 GCM) in TerrSet software and by using maps of sub-watersheds, annual precipitation, annual potential evapotranspiration, soil depth, plant accessible water and the current and future "Land Cover - Land Use" map, with a combination of field methods and species distribution models at the local scale of the Shur River watershed of Dehaghan (Central Zagros). Finally, the excess runoff damage produced due to climate change was estimated using the replacement cost method. The results indicated an increase in the annual runoff volume of the watershed from 70 million cubic meters to 105 million cubic meters under climate change conditions for the RCP26 scenario in 2050. Taking into account the cost of 10 million Rials for controlling 530 cubic meters of runoff through various watershed management projects, preventing the damages of excess runoff produced requires a credit amounting to 660 billion Rials based on the present value. This study proved the ability of TerrSet software to predict and produce an ecosystem service map of runoff yield under climate changes or land use changes and with the purpose of valuation on a local scale. Also, the above valuation can be the basis for planning and providing credit for the study and implementation of watershed management projects to deal with the threats of climate change.

M.a. Abdullahi, J. Abedi Koupai, M.m Matinzadeh,
Volume 28, Issue 3 (10-2024)

Today, the problems related to floods and inundation have increased, particularly in urban areas due to climate change, global warming, and the change in precipitation from snow to rain. Therefore, there has also been an increasing focus on rainfall-runoff simulation models to manage, reduce, and solve these problems. This research utilized SewerGEMS software to explore different scenarios to evaluate the model's performance based on the number of sub-basins (2 and 8) and return periods (2 and 5 years). Additionally, four methods of calculating concentration time (SCSlag, Kirpich, Bransby Williams, and Carter) were compared to simulate flood hydrographs in Shahrekord city. The results indicated that increasing the return period from 2 to 5 years leads to an increase in peak discharge in all scenarios. Furthermore, based on the calculated continuity error, the Kirpich method is preferred to estimate the concentration-time in scenarios with more sub-basins and smaller areas. For the 2-year return period, a continuity error of 4% was calculated for the scenario with 2 sub-basins, while for the 5-year return period, the continuity error was 19%. On the other hand, the SCSlag method is preferred to estimate the concentration-time in scenarios with fewer sub-basins and larger areas. For the scenario with 8 sub-basins, a continuity error of 16% was calculated for the 2-year return period, and 11% for the 5-year return period.

A.r. Vaezi, F. Besharat, F. Azarifam,
Volume 28, Issue 4 (2-2025)

The temporal distribution pattern of rainfall can play a role in the production of runoff and soil loss during rainfall. This study investigated four rainfall patterns: uniform, advanced, intermediate, and delayed rainfall under field conditions. The rainfall height in all rainfall patterns was 20 mm. In the uniform rainfall pattern, a constant rainfall intensity (40 mm h-1) was used and in the non-uniform rainfall patterns, a maximum rainfall intensity of 40 mm h-1 was applied for a 15-minute duration. The experiments were carried out in 60 cm × 80 cm plots on a hillslope with a slope gradient of 9% at three replications. Rainfall patterns were set up on the plots in five events with an interval of one week. The results showed a significant difference between rainfall patterns in runoff and soil loss (p<0.01). This difference was due to the destruction of surface soil structure and the reduction of water infiltration rate, especially during peak time of rainfall intensity (40 mm h-1). The highest runoff occurred in the delayed rainfall (3.43 mm) while, the highest soil loss (61.47 g m-2) was observed in the intermediate rainfall, which was associated with the peak intensity of rainfall at the end of the rainfall and its role in the destruction of the soil structure on the one hand, and the loss of infiltration rate on the other hand. Variation of runoff and soil loss from one event to another indicated that soil loss is in line with runoff production in uniform rainfall, while soil loss did not follow runoff in other rainfalls. Soil loss in these rainfalls was affected by both runoff production and availability of erodible soil particles. These results revealed the necessity of studying the rainfall intensity distribution pattern for accurate prediction of soil erosion and determining soil loss variation event by event in the semi-arid region.

M. Ranjbari Hajiabadi, J. Abedi Koupai, M.m. Matinzadeh,
Volume 28, Issue 4 (2-2025)

Urban runoff is a serious issue due to urbanization and climate change. Therefore, paying attention to rainfall-runoff simulation models is important to manage and reduce adverse consequences. In this research, the performance of the SewerGEMS software was examined by studying different modes based on the number and area of sub-basins. Two modes, consisting of nine and seventeen sub-basins, were evaluated with varying durations of rainfall of 6 and 12 hours. Additionally, the performance of three methods for calculating concentration time (Kerpich, Brnsby-Williams, Carter) was compared to simulate flood hydrographs in Minab City. The results showed that the total volume of produced runoff in the nine sub-basins was 4% higher than in the seventeen sub-basins. The maximum runoff peak flow in the nine sub-basins was also 20% higher than in the seventeen sub-basins. Furthermore, the Brnsby-Williams method exhibited the least software continuity error among the three calculation methods for concentration time. On the other hand, the Carter method had the highest continuity error. The concentration time calculated by this method in some sub-basins exceeded the 6-hour duration of rain. A t-test was performed to compare the peak discharge data obtained from the Kerpich and Barnesby-Williams methods. The results indicated a significant difference between the data from the two methods at a 95% confidence level (p<0.05). Considering that the Kerpich method is suitable for calculating concentration time in small basins, it was used to compare the nine and seventeen sub-basins. Based on the findings, it was observed that merging the sub-basins and reducing their number from seventeen to nine resulted in an increase in the total volume of produced runoff from approximately 123,839 cubic meters to 128,446 cubic meters, as well as an increase in the maximum peak flow of runoff from about 2.400 m3/s to 2.884 m3/s. This demonstrates an increase in both the total volume and maximum peak discharge of the runoff.

Y. Sabzevari, S. Eslamian,
Volume 28, Issue 4 (2-2025)

This study aims to investigate the possibility of hydrological simulation of the Azna-Aligoudarz area, which is located in the upper reaches of Karoun Bozorg basin and in the east of Lorestan province. To carry out this research, the daily meteorological data related to the Aligoudarz synoptic station and the rainfall of Kamandan and Dareh Takht rain gauge stations in the period of 1991-2023, the observational discharge related to the Marbareh hydrometric station in the period of 1991-2021, soil map, land use and digital elevation map of Azna-Aligoudarz basin was used. The period of 1991 and 1992 was considered for warm up the model, the validation period from 1993 to 2016, and the validation period from 2017 to 2021. Based on the simulation done in this area, the model had weakness in simulation. After the initial simulation, the model was calibrated. After analyzing the sensitivity of different parameters, 22 effective parameters were selected and the model was calibrated. The evaluation results showed that the NSE value of 0.60 and 0.56 and the R2 coefficient value of 0.61 and 0.78 respectively were obtained for the calibration and validation stages. Based on the coefficients obtained in both calibration and validation stages, it was found that the model had a satisfactory accuracy in the hydrological simulation of Azna-Aligoudarz area.

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