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Showing 4 results for Apple

S. Dehghanian, M. Ghorbani,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (10-2003)

In this study, efficiency of apple producers in Khorasan Province was determined by a cross sectional data of 212 apple producers. Mean technical, allocative, and economic efficiencies were estimated to be around 31, 28, and 9 percent, respectively. A high potential was also detected for increasing these efficiencies. Apple producers’ age and education had positive effects and risk aversion had a negative effect on technical efficiency. Waste reduction, optimal use of inputs, introduction of technical-extension services, and apple insurance are suggested to increase efficiencies.
Sh. Dokhani, R. Beheshti,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (1-2004)

The changes of main sugars and organic acids of Red delicious and Golden delicious apples from Semirom region in Isfahan Province were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The apples were harvested, graded and packed in three kinds of wood, car-board and perforated polyethylene film packages and stored for eight months at 0±0.5oC and 90 to 95% relative humidity for further analysis. Sucarose, glucose and fructose, as well as citric and L-malic acids were detected and quantified in all packed samples. The obtained data were analyzed with factorial experiment in completely randomized design and mean were compared by Duncan,s muliple range test. The results showed that fructose was dominant in both cultivars in all packages compared to other sugars. Golden delicious apples contained more sucrose and less glucose than Red delicious. All sugars decreased in packed apple samples during the storage period. The dominant organic acid of both cultivars was L-malic. Citric acid increased to its maximum level in Red or Golden delicious after one or two months of storage, respectively, and then decreased gradually by the end of storage period. In general, apples kept in perforated polyethylene films exhibited the best physiochemical properties during eight months of cold storage.
Gh. Mesbahi, J. Jamalian,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (7-2006)

Iran is a major apple producing country. A number of industrial apple products can be made from apple. In some developed countries about 25% of apples are processed into apple sauce. Apple sauce hasn’t so far been produced by Iranian food industry, but if a formulation suitable for the taste of Iranian consumers is prepared, it can commercially succeed as a consumer product. At the first step of this study, six apple sauce formulations were made from Golden Delicious apples. Then the sensory properties of these apple sauces were evaluated by partially experienced panelists. The best formulation was chosen by a ranking test. Also, this selected apple sauce formulation was evaluated by ordinary consumers in some popular restaurants. The majority of these consumers accepted the taste and flavor of this apple sauce. The chemical, physical and microbial properties of the apple sauce formulations were determined and compared. In the final step, samples of the chosen apple sauce were stored at 4oC±1 or 25oC±2 for 10 months and their chemical, physical and microbial properties were determined bimonthly. The results indicated that the selected apple sauce could be stored at ambient temperature for over 10 months, without undesirable quality changes.
A Gharghni, A Talei, Z Zamani, M Fatahi Moghadam, H Haj Najari, S Gardiner,
Volume 13, Issue 48 (7-2009)

A population of offspring from a cross between ‘Golden Smoothee’ × ‘Shafi Abadi’ apple which was developed by two methods of controlled pollination (with and without covering after controlled pollination) was used to investigate the inheritance of microsatellite alleles and the necessity of covering in controlled pollination of apple. DNA was extracted from 60 seedlings (30 from each method) as well as corresponding parents and the probable source of unwanted pollen. Four microsatellite loci (CH03d12, CH03d07, CH04a12 and CH03c07) which were polymorphic among parents were selected and their florescent primers were prepared. DNA amplification was carried out using different colored florescent primers, and alleles size were determined using ABI377 automatic gene sequencer and Gene Scan Software version 2.0 according to internal standards. Results showed that all seedlings shared one allele at each locus with each parent indicating their hybrid and true to type nature. There were no differences between two methods of controlled pollination in terms of unwanted pollination and there were no off type seedling originating from unwanted pollen source. Allele distribution among the progenies showed their co-dominant mode of inheritance, and no significant difference with Mendelian co-dominant ratio (1:1:1:1) was observed using chi square (x2) test. These results showed that there was no need for covering after controlled pollination of apple at least for less sensitive cases such as cultivar breeding which takes lots of time and cost for controlled pollination of many flowers in a limited time span. Results also showed the importance and potential of microsatellite loci in detecting parent-offspring relationship prior to inheritance study of characters and alleles, bulk segregation analysis, gene and linkage map and historical reconstruction of fruit tree pedigree.

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