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Showing 3 results for Broilers

J. Poureza, M. Mohammad Alipour,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (1-2004)

This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of whey via drinking water on broiler chicken performance. In a completely randomized design, whey at levels of zero, 10, 20, 40, 80, and 100% of drinking water was used for 47 days. 720 day-old broilers (Ross) were divided into 24 groups, 30 chicks per group and each experimental treatment was given to four replicates from 7-54 days of age. The whey was supplied freshly. The chicks had free access to feed and water during the experimental period. All chicks were fed with starter, grower, and finisher diets. Chicks in all pens were weighed and their feed consumption was calculated at 21, 42 and, 54 days of age. At the end of the experiment, two males and two females from each pen were selected, killed and their carcass, abdominal fat, pancreas, liver and ileum were weighed. Ileal contents of each pen were collected and pooled and kept at -20oC for bacterial count. The litter moisture content of each pen was determined at days 21 and 42. Body weight, daily body weight gain, feed conversion, and litter moisture were significantly (P<0.01) affected by whey levels. These indices decreased as a result of consuming whey by more than 40% feed conversion, however, increased. Percentage of carcass decreased significantly (P<0.01) due to consumption of 80 and 100% whey. Percentages of abdominal fat, liver, and pancrease were not significantly affected by the amount of whey. Percentage of ileum increased and showed significant (P<0.05) difference with control group. The regression equations for body weight and daily body weight gain, feed conversion and litter moisture in all ages, were significant (P<0.05) and polynomial. This indicated that consumption of whey by more than 40% caused reduction in broiler performance. No significant differences were observed in ileal contents of Lactobacillus and Entrobacteria due to different levels of whey, but total bacteria in ileum contents increased significantly (P<0.01) as whey content in drinking water increased.
A. Aghaei, J. Pourreza, A. Pourreza, A. Samee,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (7-2005)

An experiment was conducted to study the effects of substitution of the different levels (0.0, 10, 20, 30 and 40%) of oat grains for the corn with and without enzyme supplementation (β -Glucanase. 0.0 and 1%) on the performance of the broiler chickens. Four hundred and eighty (480) Arian broiler chicks were employed in a randomized complete block design with 10 treatments and 3 replications (16 chickens for each replicate) from 1-56 days of age. The chicks fed with 10 percent of oats in the diets, supplemented with enzyme, had significantly higher BW than other treatments. While with 40 % oat in diet body weight were significantly decreased. The feed conversion increased with increasing of the oats levels and the enzyme supplementation resulted in lower feed conversion. With increasing oats in the diet, the percentage of carcass weight decreased, but the pancreas weight increased significantly. Conversely, the enzyme supplementation resulted an increase in carcass weight and reduction in the pancreas weight. The percentage of the tibial ash, calcium and phosphorus were unsignificaulty decreased with the increasing of the oat but enzyme lementation resulted an increase in tibial ash, calcium and phosphorus. In the areas where the corn production is limited, including 30 percent of the oats supplemented with enzyme in the diet of the broiler chicks can be beneficial.
R. Hashemi, B. Dastar, S. Hassani, Y. Jafari Ahangari,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (4-2007)

The effect of dietary protein level and feed restriction on performance, body temperature and hematological values was evaluated, using Ross 308 broiler chicks under heat stress. For this purpose, three dietary treatments were fed to broilers during 21 to 42 days of age. Two treatments consisted of diets with protein levels recommended by NRC, 1994 and 85% of NRC recommendation and were fed ad-lib during the experiment. The third treatment was a feed restriction group that was fed diet with protein level recommended by NRC, but chicks were deprived of feed for 6 hours during heat stress challenge. Birds had free access to water. Results indicated that lowering protein content or feed restriction had no significant effect on body weight gain (P>0.05). Feed restriction resulted in significantly decreased feed intake, improved feed conversion and energy efficiency ratio, and decreased body temperature after heat stress challenge at 24 and 32 days (P<0.05). Lowering protein of diet and feed restriction resulted in significantly decreased protein intake, improved protein efficiency ratio and increased hematocrit and blood uric acid (P<0.05). Sex had no significant effect on body temperature and hematological values (P>0.05). Heat stress significantly increased body temperature, hematocrit and glucose and uric acid values.

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