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Showing 2 results for Canonical Correspondence Analysis

S. A. Maybodi, A. R. Amini Hajiabadi, J. Khajeddin,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (7-2002)

A number of halophytic species as Salicornia europea, Halocnemum strobilaceum, Aeluropus lagopoides, and Aeluropus littoralis were found to occupy a significant portion of the total vegetation of the surrounding area at the Zayande-Roud inlet to Gavkhoony wetland. However, their ecological demands and bioenvironmental factors by which vegetation community composition has been affected is not undestood. A compehensive knowledge of the establishment is essential for future improvements in using the above species on salanized regions. In this paper, using the ordination method. The establishment pattern of  these four species in a range of varied habitats is evaluated based on the recongition of the relative  significance of habitat soil chemical properties and vegetion crown cover to the establishment of the four species. For this purpose, 48 plants meansurements were taken along a transect, having more species variation in term of vegetation cover percentage. Furthermore, 48 soil samples were taken from the plot along the same transect in a one-year period in 1999. The soil samples were analysed for PH, EC, available Na, K, Ca and Mg as well as clay, and silt contents. The ground and field vegetation data were analysed using the Principlas Components Analysis (PCA), and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) to produce summary vectors (PCA axes) of both the soil chemistry and habitat vegetation structure datasets. The summary of ordination method quantified the degree to which soil variables and species cover were related to variability in ground vegetation composition. variation in community composition (type and percentage) was significantly related to gradient of the aforementioned soil factors. Generally, the vegatation community composition in this experiment could be considered as a key component to expand the growth and development patterns of these species to similar salinised regions. 

M. Kazemi, H. Karimzadeh, M. Tarkesh Esfahani, H. Bashari,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Evaluating the possible relationships between vegetation and environmental characteristics can assist managers to identify effective factors influencing plants establishment and to characterize various vegetation communities. This study was aimed to evaluate the effects of long term grazing exclusion ( more than 33 years) and the controlled grazing system (resting – rotation grazing system) on the vegetation distribution and some soil properties in the Hamzavi research station in Hanna area-Semirom, Isfahan. Six transects (three parallel transects and three transects perpendicular to the general slope of the area) were established in each area and 10 square plots with the size of 2m2 were placed along each transect; then, the cover percentage, production and list of all plant species were recorded. In each area, eighteen plots were collected randomly and in each plot, five soil samples were collected from 0-30 cm of the soil and then the samples were mixed and one sample of the compound was selected as an evidence plot. Soil properties such as pH, EC, CaCO3, organic carbon, absorbable phosphor, total nitrogen, K, Ca, Mg, soil saturated percentage, cation exchange capacity, soil clay, silt, sand and fine sand contents were measured in the soil laboratory. The independent t test was used to compare the vegetation characteristics in two areas. Cation exchange capacity, CaCO3, gravel percentage, soil phosphor content and grazing management were identified as the most discriminative factors in separating vegetation communities based on Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and cluster analysis. Controlled grazing management significantly modified some soil characteristics and increased the production (352 versus 184.2 kg/ha) and vegetation cover percentage (25.46 versus 18.37), as compared to the exclusion area (α= 5%). The vegetation density was increased significantly in the exclusion rather than controlled grazing area (3.03 versus 2.02 plant/m2). This study, therefore, revealed that controlled grazing management was more effective on improving some soil quality and vegetation characteristics rather than p long term grazing exclusion in the semi-arid ecosystems. So, avoiding long term grazing exclusion in semi-arid rangelands is suggested.

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