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Showing 2 results for Central Zagros.

M. Sheklabadi, H. Khademi, M. Karimian Eghbal, F. Nourbaksh,
Volume 11, Issue 41 (10-2007)

The effect of overgrazing on vegetation changes in central Zagros has been studied by a few scientists, but there is no detailed information on the impact of such practices on soil properties. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of climate and grazing management on selected soil biochemical properties. Fourteen experimental range sites protected against grazing as well as their adjacent overgrazed sites in Chadegan, Pishkuh and Poshtkuh were selected. In each site, samples were collected from the depths 0-5 and 5-15 cm. Soil organic C (OC), microbial biomass C (MBC), total nitrogen (TN), organic C to total N ratio (C/N), microbial biomass C to organic C ratio (Cmic/Coc) and metabolic quotient (qCO2) were measured and/or calculated. The results showed that the lowest SOC, MBC, TN and Cmic/Coc occur in Chadegan due to low fresh materials input. The above parameters in Pishkuh and Poshtkuh regions are 2.5 to 3 times greater than those in Chadegan area. Grazing intensity in Pishkuh is less than that in Poshtkuh region and there is no significant difference between grazed and protected sites in Pishkuh. But, there is a significant difference between grazed and protected plots in Poshtkuh due to a higher grazing intensity. Higher Cmic/Coc and lower qCO2 suggest that the quality of organic matter is better in Poshtkuh and Pishkuh. In conclusion, highly degraded rangelands in Pishkuh and Poshtkuh seem to be able to recover very quickly with proper management, while Chadegan region needs a much longer period of time to restore.
N. Ghorbani Ghahfarokhi, Z. Kiani Salmi, F. Raiesi, Sh. Ghorbani Dashtaki,
Volume 17, Issue 63 (6-2013)

Free and uncontrolled pasture grazing by animals may decrease soil aggregate stability through reductions in plant cover and subsequent soil organic C, and trampling. This could expose the soil surface layer to degradation and erosion. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of pasture management (free grazing, controlled grazing and long-term non-grazing regimes) on aggregate-size distribution and aggregation parameters by wet and dry sieving methods in two native pastures, protected areas in Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari province. The studied pastures were 1) SabzKouh pastures protected from grazing for 20 years, and 2) Boroujen pastures protected from grazing for 25 years. Soil samples were collected from 0-15 cm depth during the grazing season in summer 2008. Samples (finer than 2 mm) were analyzed for aggregate-size distribution and aggregation parameters by wet and dry sieving methods. Results showed that pasture management had a significant influence on aggregate-size distribution and aggregation parameters in the two areas. The two methods indicated that macro-aggregates in non-grazing and controlled grazing regimes were higher than those in free grazing regime, whereas in free grazing management micro-aggregates showed an opposite trend, and were greater compared with the other grazing regimes. Similarly, soil aggregate stability indices (i.e. mean weight diameter, aggregate geometric and ratio mean diameter) were all improved by non-grazing regimes, suggesting that animal grazing and trampling break down large soil aggregates due largely to compaction and reduced plant coverage. However, the extent to which grazing affects soil aggregation depends in large part on grazing intensity and duration, and the area involved.

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