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Showing 1 results for Climatic Variables

L. Yaghmaie, S. Soltani, M. Khodagholi,
Volume 12, Issue 44 (7-2008)

In order to determine the effect of climatic factors on distribution of Artemisia aucheri and Artemisia sieberi in Isfahan province, thirty nine most important climatic elements in ecological condition of these species were selected. Using a factor analysis method, the most important factors in distribution of these species were determined. These factors which cover 92.3% of the total variance of spatial variation of the species include rainfall, temperature and shining with 41.91, 40.18 and 10.23 percent, respectively. Four most important vegetative types of Artemisia aucheri and Artemisia sieberi in Isfahan province are as follows: 1-Artemisia aucheri and Astragalus,2- Artemisia sieberi,3-Artemisia sieberi as a dominant species, and 4-Artemisia sieberi as a subdominant species. Then the effects of climatic factors on distribution of these species and the average elevation of distribution of these species were determined. The effect of factor analysis on these types shows that rainfall and temperature are the most influential factors in spatial distribution of Artemisia aucheri and Artemisia sieberi in Isfahan province, respectively. In general, Artemisia sieberi has a higher extended tolerance range than Artemisia aucheri, and could be mentioned as a nearly universal species.

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